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Applying Flax dropout (flax.linen.Dropout)

Author: @8bitmp3 for google/flax docs

This guide provides an overview of how to apply dropout using flax.linen.Dropout.

Dropout is a stochastic regularization technique that randomly removes hidden and visible units in a network.

import flax.linen as nn
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax import optax

Split the PRNG key

Since dropout is a random operation, it requires a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) state. Flax uses JAX's (splittable) PRNG keys, which have a number of desirable properties for neutral networks. To learn more, refer to the Pseudorandom numbers in JAX tutorial.

Note: Recall that JAX has an explicit way of giving you PRNG keys: you can fork the main PRNG state (such as key = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed=0)) into multiple new PRNG keys with key, subkey = jax.random.split(key). You can refresh your memory in 🔪 JAX - The Sharp Bits 🔪 Randomness and PRNG keys.

Begin by splitting the PRNG key using jax.random.split() into three keys, including one for Flax Linen Dropout.

root_key = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed=0)
main_key, params_key, dropout_key = jax.random.split(key=root_key, num=3)

Note: In Flax, you provide PRNG streams with names, so that you can use them later in your flax.linen.Module{.interpreted-text role="meth"}. For example, you pass the stream 'params' for initializing parameters, and 'dropout' for applying flax.linen.Dropout.

Define your model with Dropout

To create a model with dropout:

  • Subclass flax.linen.Module, and then use flax.linen.Dropout to add a dropout layer. Recall that flax.linen.Moduleis the base class for all neural network Modules, and all layers and models are subclassed from it.
  • In flax.linen.Dropout, the deterministic argument is required to be passed as a keyword argument, either:
    • When constructing the flax.linen.Module; or
    • When calling flax.linen.init() or flax.linen.apply() on a constructed Module. (Refer to flax.linen.module.merge_param for more details.)
  • Because deterministic is a boolean:
    • If it's set to False, the inputs are masked (that is, set to zero) with a probability set by rate. And the remaining inputs are scaled by 1 / (1 - rate), which ensures that the means of the inputs are preserved.
    • If it's set to True, no mask is applied (the dropout is turned off), and the inputs are returned as-is.

A common pattern is to accept a training (or train) argument (a boolean) in the parent Flax Module, and use it to enable or disable dropout (as demonstrated in later sections of this guide). In other machine learning frameworks, like PyTorch or TensorFlow (Keras), this is specified via a mutable state or a call flag (for example, in torch.nn.Module.eval or tf.keras.Model by setting the training flag).

Note: Flax provides an implicit way of handling PRNG key streams via Flax flax.linen.Module's flax.linen.Module.make_rng method. This allows you to split off a fresh PRNG key inside Flax Modules (or their sub-Modules) from the PRNG stream. The make_rng method guarantees to provide a unique key each time you call it. Internally, flax.linen.Dropout makes use of flax.linen.Module.make_rng to create a key for dropout. You can check out the source code. In short, flax.linen.Module.make_rng guarantees full reproducibility.

class MyModel(nn.Module):
  num_neurons: int

  def __call__(self, x, training: bool):
    x = nn.Dense(self.num_neurons)(x)
    # Set the dropout layer with a `rate` of 50%.
    # When the `deterministic` flag is `True`, dropout is turned off.
    x = nn.Dropout(rate=0.5, deterministic=not training)(x)
    return x

Initialize the model

After creating your model:

  • Instantiate the model.
  • Then, in the flax.linen.init() call, set training=False.
  • Finally, extract the params from the variable dictionary.

Here, the main difference between the code without Flax Dropout and with Dropout is that the training (or train) argument must be provided if you need dropout enabled.

my_model = MyModel(num_neurons=3)
x = jnp.empty((3, 4, 4))
# Dropout is disabled with `training=False` (that is, `deterministic=True`).
variables = my_model.init(params_key, x, training=False)
params = variables['params']

Perform the forward pass during training

When using flax.linen.apply() to run your model:

  • Pass training=True to flax.linen.apply().
  • Then, to draw PRNG keys during the forward pass (with dropout), provide a PRNG key to seed the 'dropout' stream when you call flax.linen.apply().
# Dropout is enabled with `training=True` (that is, `deterministic=False`).
y = my_model.apply({'params': params}, x, training=True, rngs={'dropout': dropout_key})

Here, the main difference between the code without Flax Dropout and with Dropout is that the training (or train) and rngs arguments must be provided if you need dropout enabled.

During evaluation, use the above code with no dropout enabled (this means you do not have to pass a RNG either).

TrainState and the training step

This section explains how to amend your code inside the training step function if you have dropout enabled.

Note: Recall that Flax has a common pattern where you create a dataclass that represents the whole training state, including parameters and the optimizer state. Then, you can pass a single parameter, state: TrainState, to the training step function. Refer to the API docs to learn more.

  • First, add a key field to a custom{.interpreted-text role="meth"} class.
  • Then, pass the key value - in this case, the dropout_key - to the train_state.TrainState.create method.
from import train_state

class TrainState(train_state.TrainState):
  key: jax.random.KeyArray

state = TrainState.create(
  • Next, in the Flax training step function, train_step, generate a new PRNG key from the dropout_key to apply dropout at each step. This can be done with one of the following:

    Using jax.random.fold_in() is generally faster. When you use jax.random.split() you split off a PRNG key that can be reused afterwards. However, using jax.random.fold_in() makes sure to: 1) fold in unique data; and 2) can result in longer sequences of PRNG streams.

  • Finally, when performing the forward pass, pass the new PRNG key to state.apply_fn() as an extra parameter.

def train_step(state: TrainState, batch, dropout_key):
  dropout_train_key = jax.random.fold_in(key=dropout_key, data=state.step)
  def loss_fn(params):
    logits = state.apply_fn(
      {'params': params},
      rngs={'dropout': dropout_train_key}
    loss = optax.softmax_cross_entropy_with_integer_labels(
      logits=logits, labels=batch['label'])
    return loss, logits
  grad_fn = jax.value_and_grad(loss_fn, has_aux=True)
  (loss, logits), grads = grad_fn(state.params)
  state = state.apply_gradients(grads=grads)
  return state

Flax examples with dropout

  • A Transformer-based model trained on the WMT Machine Translation dataset. This example uses dropout and attention dropout.
  • Applying word dropout to a batch of input IDs in a text classification context. This example uses a custom flax.linen.Dropout layer.

More Flax examples that use Module make_rng()