Welcome All! Please follow the guidelines below to contribute to this repository. Contributing is only allowed via GitHub Pull Requests. If you are not familiar with the process, please read this guide.
PRs for the respective tasks should be made to the respective repositories.
Website Frontend: https://github.com/ACM-NITK/ACM-Website-Frontend
Website Backend: https://github.com/ACM-NITK/ACM-Website-Revamp
We recommend you follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow
- Fork the repository to your own Github account
- Clone the project to your machine
- Create a branch locally with a succinct but descriptive name
- Commit changes to the branch
- Following any formatting and testing guidelines specific to this repo
- Push changes to your fork
- Open a PR in our repository and give a detailed description of the PR along with the task so that we can efficiently review the changes.
Note: Make sure you resolve any merge conflicts before submitting your pull request!
Here are some important guidleines to follow for this rec task:
Once you make a PR to any of the above repositories after completing the task, make a PR to this repository. The PR should be named in this format: yourrollnumber-typeoftaskyoutook-tasknumber
for example, 201IT247-frontend-1
. The PR to this repository should contain a Markdown file (.md) with the same name as the PR. In this file, include your name, phone number and roll number, along with the link to the PR you made for the task, screenshots of the output (if applicable) and a small explanation on how you implemented it.