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Debate AI Architecture Proposal (Microservices Architecture) #20




This is a proposal for the architecture of the AI Debate Tool aimed at helping users improve their debating skills through interaction with an AI. The architecture includes model selection, technologies for backend and frontend, as well as possible future features like real-time debates.

High-Level Architecture Overview

1. Frontend:

  • React.js/Next.js: For dynamic UI and server-side rendering.
  • TailwindCSS: For styling and responsive design.

2. Backend:

  • Flask/FastAPI: For creating the REST API endpoints.
  • Celery with Redis: For handling background tasks like model inference.

3. AI Logic Layer:

  • GPT-2: For generating AI arguments.
  • DistilBERT: For evaluating and analyzing user-submitted arguments.
  • T5/BART: For scoring the debate and generating feedback.
  • PyTorch/TensorFlow: For running the models.

4. Database:

  • PostgreSQL: For storing user data, debate history, and feedback.
  • Redis: For caching and session management.

5. Future Possibility (User vs User Debate):

  • WebSockets ( For implementing real-time, user-vs-user debates.

6. Deployment:

  • Docker: For containerizing the application.
  • Gunicorn: For production deployment

Directory structure -

      ├──                        # Project Overview
      ├── LICENSE                          # License Information
      ├── .gitignore                       # Git Ignore File
      ├── backend/                         # Backend Codebase
      │   ├──                    # Backend Documentation
      │   ├── go.mod                       # Golang Dependency Management
      │   ├── go.sum                       # Golang Dependency Management
      │   ├── routes.go                    # API Routing for Golang Backend
      │   ├── todo.txt                     # Backend TODO List
      │   ├── cmd/
      │   │   └── server/
      │   │       └── main.go              # Main Entry Point for Backend Server
      │   ├── ai_service/                  # Microservice for AI
      │   │   ├──                # AI Service Documentation
      │   │   ├── requirements.txt         # Python Dependencies for AI
      │   │   ├──                   # Flask/FastAPI Main App
      │   │   ├── models/
      │   │   │   ├──             # Pre-trained AI Model
      │   │   │   ├──         # Tokenization Logic
      │   │   │   └──        # NLP Model Functions for Arguments
      │   │   ├── scripts/
      │   │   │   ├──        # Data Preprocessing Scripts
      │   │   │   └──             # Training New Models
      │   │   └── tests/
      │   │       └──   # Unit Tests for AI Service
      │   ├── websocket_service/           # Real-Time Debate Service
      │   │   ├── main.go                  # WebSocket Implementation in Golang
      │   │   ├── handlers.go              # WebSocket Handlers
      │   │   └── utils.go                 # Utility Functions for WebSocket
      │   ├── auth_service/                # User Authentication Service
      │   │   ├── main.go                  # Auth Service in Golang
      │   │   ├── jwt_utils.go             # JWT Token Management
      │   │   └── database/
      │   │       └── schema.sql           # Database Schema for Users
      │   └── shared/
      │       └── config/                  # Shared Configurations
      │           ├── database.go          # DB Config for Golang
      │           ├── env_config.go        # Environment Variables
      │           └── logger.go            # Logging Utility
      ├── frontend/                        # Frontend Codebase
      │   ├──                    # Frontend Documentation
      │   ├── components.json              # shadcn Components
      │   ├── eslint.config.js             # Linting Rules
      │   ├── index.html                   # Entry HTML File
      │   ├── package-lock.json            # NPM Lock File
      │   ├── package.json                 # Dependencies and Scripts
      │   ├── postcss.config.js            # PostCSS Configuration
      │   ├── tailwind.config.js           # Tailwind CSS Configuration
      │   ├──            # TypeScript Config (App Specific)
      │   ├── tsconfig.json                # TypeScript Config (Root)
      │   ├── tsconfig.node.json           # TypeScript Config (Node Specific)
      │   ├── vite.config.ts               # Vite Config File
      │   ├── public/                      # Public Assets (Static Files)
      │   ├── src/
      │   │   ├── App.css                  # Global Styles
      │   │   ├── App.tsx                  # App Entry Point
      │   │   ├── index.css                # Tailwind Base Styles
      │   │   ├── main.tsx                 # Main File to Render React App
      │   │   ├── vite-env.d.ts            # Vite Environment Types
      │   │   ├── Pages/                   # React Pages
      │   │   │   ├── Home.tsx             # Home Page
      │   │   │   ├── Debate.tsx           # Debate Session Page
      │   │   │   ├── Dashboard.tsx        # User Dashboard
      │   │   │   └── Authentication.tsx   # Authentication Page
      │   │   ├── assets/                  # Static Assets (Images, Icons)
      │   │   ├── components/              # Reusable Components
      │   │   │   ├── Debate/              # Debate-Specific Components
      │   │   │   │   ├── DebateInput.tsx  # User Input Box for Debates
      │   │   │   │   ├── ArgumentCard.tsx # Display User/AI Arguments
      │   │   │   │   └── Timer.tsx        # Timer for Debate Sessions
      │   │   │   └── ui/                  # UI Components (Buttons, Inputs)
      │   │   │       ├── button.tsx       # Button Component
      │   │   │       ├── input.tsx        # Input Field Component
      │   │   │       ├── label.tsx        # Label Component
      │   │   │       └── separator.tsx    # Separator Line Component
      │   │   ├── context/                 # Global React Context
      │   │   │   ├── theme-provider.tsx   # Dark/Light Theme Management
      │   │   │   └── debate-context.tsx   # Context for Real-Time Debate State
      │   │   ├── lib/                     # Utility Functions
      │   │   │   ├── api.ts               # API Call Utilities
      │   │   │   └── utils.ts             # General Utilities
      │   │   └── styles/                  # Component/Global Styles
      ├── docs/                            # Project Documentation
      │   ├──              # Architecture Overview
      │   ├──                # API Design Details
      │   ├──                 # Developer Workflows
      │   └──              # Installation Instructions
      └── tests/                           # End-to-End and Integration Tests
          ├── backend_tests/               # Backend Test Suites
          │   ├──      # Tests for AI Service
          │   ├── websocket_tests.go       # Tests for WebSocket
          │   └── auth_tests.go            # Tests for Auth Service
          └── frontend_tests/              # Frontend Test Suites
              ├── debate_test.spec.ts      # Tests for Debate Components
              ├── auth_test.spec.ts        # Tests for Auth Components
              └── e2e/                     # End-to-End Tests
                  └── debate_e2e.spec.ts   # Full Debate Flow Testing ```
## Workflow Overview

1. **User Logs In / Registers**:
   - User logs in or registers, initiating a session.

2. **User Starts a Debate**:
   - The user either selects a topic or allows the AI to generate one.
   - Backend uses **GPT-2** to generate the AI's argument.

3. **User Submits Argument**:
   - User inputs their argument, which is analyzed using **DistilBERT** for clarity and logic.

4. **Feedback and Scoring**:
   - **T5/BART** is used to generate feedback and a score based on the user's argument.

5. **User vs. User Debate (Future)**:
   - Real-time debates with live feedback using **** and **WebSocket**.


## Technical Stack

- **Frontend**: React.js, Next.js, TailwindCSS
- **Backend**: Flask/FastAPI, Celery with Redis
- **AI Models**: GPT-2, DistilBERT, T5/BART (via Hugging Face)
- **Database**: PostgreSQL, Redis
- **Real-time Features (Future)**: for user-vs-user debates
- **Deployment**: Docker, Gunicorn


## Next Steps

1. Upon receiving approval, I will implement the architecture as described.
2. Routes, models, and integration with the AI logic layer will be set up.
3. Future feature implementation: WebSockets for user-vs-user debates.


Let me know if there are any adjustments or clarifications needed. Looking forward to your feedback!

## After setting basic architecture, I will create some issues for different components, so that other contributors can work on those issues.



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