I am currently using penpal in a setup at a client but we stumbled upon the following "issue":
When the original page in the iframe - that has the penpal library - is replaced by a page that does not have the library and we want to do a call to the child, we get this:
[Penpal] Parent: Sending getState() call
So Child has a function getState. Parent asks the child to do the getState function. This all works when the child has the library running, but we don't get anything when that initial page is changed to another page.
It just "hangs" on the "Sending call"... No error, no disconnect, nothing.
The code we use is this from the parent to the child. We don't see any Error from the catch.
connection.current.promise .then((child) => { console.log(" Child doGetSTate ", child); return child .getState() .then((state) => console.log("save state to local storage ")) .catch((error) => console.log("an error occured in getState", error)); }) .catch((error) => console.log(" error occured in doGetState() ", error));
What are we doing wrong?
TL;DR: we need to know how to intercept or detect when the connection with the child page is lost, so that we cannot do a call anymore to the child, because it just "hangs": [Penpal] Parent: Sending getState() call