Thanks for this control - it seems great, and I have quickly managed to get it showing my data points with markers correctly coloured in subsets. I also managed to switch on and off the marker labelling according to the zoom level (by intercepting DrawMarker).
What I have not been able to do is to perform an action when a marker is clicked (for example open a website based on the marker you click) or to display a tooltip or label when mousing over the marker. Do you provide events for any of the following?
- clicking a marker
- mousing over a marker
- change of zoom level?
If not, is it simple to implement any of these (particularly the first)?
It looks to me like I could try to intercept a general click, but I'd then have to search my 1700 markers to see whether any are nearby!
Please excuse what may be a newbie question; I haven't been coding Windows Forms very long. I'm also newish to GitHub so apologies if this isn't the right place to ask the question. Thanks!