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Template configuration

Alexey Dmitriev edited this page Nov 11, 2018 · 3 revisions

After going through steps mentioned on Configuration page you will be able to use JHelper, but you may want to configure it, so that it matches your workflow.

It may be done by changing templates in root directory of your project (they get generated automatically when you run any task). There are 3 templates.

  • task.template is used to create a file and class that represent some problem. It should normally have a function called solve(std::istream& in, std::ostream& out)
  • run.template is used to generate file to be run, when you are testing the solution locally. Tests get injected to it automatically. It should normally contain code to run all tests and to present result in your preferred way.
  • submission.template is used to generate submission file. Code from the solution and all included files and get inserted in this template.

Examples of what one can do by changing templates: