- Add to and update weekly tasks on the GitHub Project Board
- Check all weekly tasks on the GitHub Project Board
- In-person class activities for Team A:
- Introduce the technical question for the week
- Teach key facts and ideas to support weekly activities
- Introduce the technical challenge due next week at this time
- Conduct the Q&A session for the current laboratory and practical assignments
- Observe student demonstrations for the current laboratory and practical assignments
- Submit the technical challenge from the previous week
- Attend the in-person classroom session in Alden Hall
- Work on the technical challenge assignment for this week
- Work on the laboratory and practical assignment from the previous week
- Do not attend the in-person classroom session in Alden Hall
- Work on the technical challenge from the previous week
- Work on the laboratory and practical assignment from the previous week
- Release the GitHub Classroom link for today's laboratory assignment
- Release the Google Meet link for today's laboratory assignment
- Publish the laboratory assignment sheet on the course web site
- Assist students through Google Meet on the laboratory assignment
- Submit the laboratory assignment that was assigned during the previous week
- Participate in the laboratory session through Google Meet and Slack
- In-person class activities for Team B:
- Introduce the technical question for the week
- Teach key facts and ideas to support weekly activities
- Introduce the technical challenge due next week at this time
- Conduct the Q&A session for the current laboratory and practical assignments
- Observe student demonstrations for the current laboratory and practical assignments
- Do not attend the in-person classroom session in Alden Hall
- Work on the current laboratory and practical assignments
- Work on the current technical challenge assigned on Monday of this week
- Submit the technical challenge from the previous week
- Attend the in-person classroom session in Alden Hall
- Work on the technical challenge assignment for this week
- Work on the current laboratory and practical assignments
Assessments and Feedback:
- Administer the course wellness survey through Google Forms
- Administer the weekly technical assessment through Google Forms
Preparation for the Live Coding Session:
- Release the GitHub classroom link for today's practical assignment
- Release the YouTube Live link for today's practical assignment
- Publish the practical assignment sheet on the course web site
Live Coding Session through YouTube Live:
- Interactively review select answers to the weekly technical assessment
- Briefly review the technical question, topics, and ideas for the week
- Conduct a Live Coding session to implement key parts of the practical
- Accept the assignment
- Create the GitHub repository
- Clone the GitHub repository
- Repeatedly complete the following tasks:
- Confirm that there is a passing build status in the GitHub repository
- Create a feature branch in the GitHub repository for new function
- Add Python source code to implement the function for the current feature
- Confirm that the test suite and linters pass on the modified source code
- Answer any recent student questions evident in YouTube Live Chat
- Merge the feature branch into the main one in the GitHub repository
- Push all modified source code to the main branch in the GitHub repository
- Submit the practical assignment from the previous week
- Take the course wellness survey (two minutes) and the weekly technical assessment (eight minutes)
- Must complete both the wellness survey and the weekly technical assessment before 5 pm on Friday
- Join the live coding session through the provided YouTube Live link
- Answer all of the interactive questions that the instructor poses through YouTube Live
- Accept the practical assignment and follow each step of the assignment
- Regularly ask the instructor questions about the practical assignment through the chat on YouTube Live
- When the instructor stops live coding every three to five minutes, engage in the YouTube Live chat by asking questions and providing feedback to the instructor and the other students in the course
- Add to and update weekly tasks on the GitHub Project Board
- Check all weekly tasks on the GitHub Project Board
The instructor will assign students who elect to be off-campus for the Fall 2020 semester to either Team A or Team B. After their assignment to a team, these students will then follow the schedule of their team, with the exception of attending their assigned class session remotely instead of in-person.