Describe the bug
In the practical 3, there is a sentence that has a grammatical error under the "Using Iteration to Construct a List of Ordered Pairs Containing Factorial Numbers" title. The sentence is "This assignment will required you to combine your knowledge of functions, conditional logic, iteration, sequences, ordered pairs, and tuples, to create a single cohesive Python program that you implement in an industry-standard fashion"
State the reproduction steps
Steps to reproduce the behavior of the bug that you found:
Open the file in the practical 3 assignment.
Explain the expected behavior
The sentence should be "This assignment will require you to combine your knowledge of functions, conditional logic, iteration, sequences, ordered pairs, and tuples, to create a single cohesive Python program that you implement in an industry-standard fashion." where the verb required should be in this correct form require.
Explain your execution environment
Laptop: Dell Inspiron
OS: Windows 10 pro
Python version: 3.8.6
VS extensions: Python, Markdownlint, Live Share Extension Pack, Code Runner