#import "@preview/rubby:0.9.2": get-ruby
#let ruby = get-ruby(
size: 0.5em, // Ruby font size
dy: 0pt, // Vertical offset of the ruby
pos: top, // Ruby position (top or bottom)
alignment: "center", // Ruby alignment ("center", "start", "between", "around")
delimiter: "|", // The delimiter between words
auto-spacing: true, // Automatically add necessary space around words
// Ruby goes first, base text - second.
Treat each kanji as a separate word:
If you don't want automatically wrap text with delimiter:
#let ruby = get-ruby(auto-spacing: false)
See also https://github.com/rinmyo/ruby-typ/blob/main/manual.pdf and example.typ
Original project is at https://github.com/rinmyo/ruby-typ which itself is based on the post of 齊藤敦志 (Saito Atsushi). This project is a modified version of this commit.
adds missing delimiter around the content
then adds space around base text if ruby is wider than the base text.
Problems appear only if ruby is wider than its base text and auto-spacing
not set to true
(default is true
You can always use a one-letter function (variable) name to shorten the
function call length (if you have to use it a lot), e.g., #let r = get-ruby()
(or f
— short for furigana). But be careful as there are functions with names
and h
and there could be a new built-in function with a name r
or f
which may break your document (Typst right now is in beta, so breaking changes
are possible).
Although you can open issues or send PRs, I won't be able to always reply quickly (sometimes I'm very busy).
You can view the change log in the CHANGELOG.md file in the root of the project.
This Typst package is licensed under AGPL v3.0. You can view the license in the LICENSE file in the root of the project or at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt. There is also a NOTICE file for 3rd party copyright notices.
Copyright (C) 2023 Andrew Voynov