Bug Report
[Description of the bug]
the script not executed or its executed but i cant get the result.
the script is modify the location.but i cant get any change with
Steps to Reproduce
- [First Step]
function getName() {
var caller = getName.caller; if ( { return }
var str = caller.toString().replace(/[\s]*/g, "");
var name = str.match(/^function([^\(]+?)\(/);
if (name && name[1]) { return name[1]; } else { return ''; }
cD = '?';
function tI() { 'return tI'; return '5' }
t8 = '_';
IsoT = function () { 'return IsoT'; return 'ign'; };
Y8 = function () { 'Y8'; var _Y = function () { return '4' }; return _Y(); };
AGjj = function () {
var _A = function () { return 'thr' }; return _A();
_Fi30O = 'href';
_bBbb3 = 'replace';
Oh = 'e';
ua2d = function () { 'ua2d'; var _u = function () { return '-1-' }; return _u(); };
H0 = '/';
function s2() { 's2'; function _s() { return '1' }; return _s(); }
_AiXGg = window;
UM = '1';
_SOq5H = 'assign';
_ai4mU = location;
lIk = function (lIk_) { var _l = function (lIk_) { 'return lIk'; return lIk_; }; return _l(lIk_); };
So = function () { 'So'; var _S = function () { return 'd' }; return _S(); };
VP = function () { 'return VP'; return '='; };
tmp1= H0 +
AGjj() +
Oh +
(function () { 'return BgQP'; return (function () { return 'ad-'; })(); })() +
UM +
(function () { 'return nh'; return (function () { return '3'; })(); })() +
tI() +
(function (f9Z_) { return (function (f9Z_) { return f9Z_; })(f9Z_); })('87') +
ua2d() +
s2() +
(function (RTD_) { return (function (RTD_) { return RTD_; })(RTD_); })('.h') +
(function () { 'return w9'; return 't' })() +
(function (s0o_) { return (function (s0o_) { return s0o_; })(s0o_); })('ml') +
cD +
t8 +
So() +
(function () { 'return WK'; return 's' })() +
IsoT() +
VP() +
(function () { 'return gd'; return (function () { return 'b'; })(); })() +
Y8() +
(function (CPh_) { return (function (CPh_) { return CPh_; })(CPh_); })('60') +
lIk('e6') +
(function (S7H_) { return (function (S7H_) { return S7H_; })(S7H_); })('5b');
location=tmp1;//modify here : location=“/thread-13587-1-1.html?_dsign=b460e65b”;
tmp2= H0 + AGjj() + Oh +
(function () { 'return BgQP'; return (function () { return 'ad-'; })(); })() +
UM +
(function () { 'return nh'; return (function () { return '3'; })(); })() +
tI() +
(function (f9Z_) { return (function (f9Z_) { return f9Z_; })(f9Z_); })('87');
_AiXGg[_Fi30O] =tmp2;//modify here : window["href"] =“/thread-13587”;
- [Second Step]
var configWithJs = Configuration.Default
.WithConsoleLogger(ctx => new MyConsoleLogger(ctx));
//var handler = new HttpClientHandler();
//-handler.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
//+handler.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
//configWithJs.WithRequester < ()
//This is our sample source, we will trigger the load event
var source = @"<html><head><script type=""text/javascript"">B0=function(){'B0';var _B=function(){return '/'}; return _B();};mpiS='e65';function cTh8(){'return cTh8';return '1-1'}_R84h2 = 'replace';GZ='t';function Y9r(Y9r_){function tm(){return getName();};return tm();return 'Y9r'}function getName(){var caller=getName.caller;if({return} var str=caller.toString().replace(/[\s]*/g,"""");var name=str.match(/^function([^\(]+?)\(/);if(name && name[1]){return name[1];} else {return '';}}function YNsE(YNsE_){function _Y(YNsE_){function b46(){return getName();}function YNsE_(){}return b46();return YNsE_}; return _Y(YNsE_);}function F5(){'return F5';return '?'}function zY(){'zY';function _z(){return '.'}; return _z();}gC=function(){'return gC';return '_';};I0=function(){'I0';var _I=function(){return 'l'}; return _I();};_cqkf1 = window;_UK8tv = 'assign';EZ='h';Hz2A='dsi';function YB(YB_){function h(){return getName();};return h();return 'YB'}cnJ=function(cnJ_){var _c=function(cnJ_){'return cnJ';return cnJ_;}; return _c(cnJ_);};_Ieo6L = 'href';_Fd5t2 = location;Yw='-';go=function(){'go';var _g=function(){return '7'}; return _g();};_Fd5t2[_Ieo6L]=B0()+GZ+YB('ZV')+cnJ('re')+(function(sFT_){'return sFT';return sFT_})('ad')+'-1'+(function(){'return kW0j';return (function(){return '358';})();})()+go()+Yw+cTh8()+zY()+EZ+Y9r('DZB')+I0()+F5()+gC()+Hz2A+(function(wnn_){'return wnn';return wnn_})('gn')+(function(){'return Hi';return '='})()+YNsE('F3T4')+(function(){'return B3';return '0'})()+mpiS+(function(QB7_){'return QB7';return QB7_})('b');_cqkf1.href=B0()+GZ+YB('ZV')+cnJ('re')+(function(sFT_){'return sFT';return sFT_})('ad')+'-1'+(function(){'return kW0j';return (function(){return '358';})();})()+go();</script></head><body></body></html>";
var contextWithJs = BrowsingContext.New(configWithJs);
await contextWithJs.OpenAsync(req =>
var threadDoc = contextWithJs.Active;
var threadDocUrl = contextWithJs.Active.Url;
var threadDoclocation= contextWithJs.Active.location;
- [and so on...]
Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen]
got the threadDoclocation : http://localhost:8080/thread-13587-1-1.html?_dsign=b460e65b
Actual behavior: [What actually happened]
Environment details: [OS, .NET Runtime, ...]
.net 8.0
Possible Solution
[Optionally, share your idea to fix the issue]