I installed EfficientWord-Net in Python 3.9 environment on windows laptop.
There have been few issues during installation which got resolved as mentioned below (for your information):
Installed in venv: (env_p39)
This env was created with Python 3.9 uisng the command:
conda create -n env_p39 python=3.9
To overcome the PyAudio issue when "pip install EfficientWord-Net" is issued,
PyAudio was installed using the following commands:
- pip install pipwin
- pipwin install pyaudio
import eff_word_net reported a tflite_runtime missing.
This got fixed when following command is issued:
python -m eff_word_net.engine
After installation, the following default wakeword code worked without errors:
Now, I got down to create a custom wakeword 'eye_square'.
I was able to create the reference json file when I used --model-type first_iteration_siamese
The created reference json file is attached below for reference:
But when I was trying to use the same in the code, I run into an error saying model file missing.
`import os
from eff_word_net.streams import SimpleMicStream
from eff_word_net.engine import HotwordDetector
from eff_word_net.audio_processing import First_Iteration_Siamese, ModelRawBackend, Resnet50_Arc_loss
from eff_word_net import samples_loc
#base_model = baseModel()
mycroft_hw = HotwordDetector(
reference_file=os.path.join(samples_loc, "eye_square_ref.json"),
mic_stream = SimpleMicStream(
print("Say Mycroft ")
while True :
frame = mic_stream.getFrame()
result = mycroft_hw.scoreFrame(frame)
if result==None :
#no voice activity
print("Wakeword uttered",result["confidence"])`
The error I get is :
runfile('C:/Users/rpratapa/Documents/Code Base/SW/audio-similarity-main/audio_similarity/', wdir='C:/Users/rpratapa/Documents/Code Base/SW/audio-similarity-main/audio_similarity')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ~\anaconda3\envs\env_p39\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\ in compat_exec
exec(code, globals, locals)
File c:\users\rpratapa\documents\code base\sw\audio-similarity-main\audio_similarity\
mycroft_hw = HotwordDetector(
TypeError: init() missing 1 required positional argument: 'model'
Issue 2:
When I try to create the custom wakeword reference json using --model-type resnet_50_arc, i get AssertionError as captured in the screenshot below:
- Due to the above two issues, I am not able to create custom wakeword and use it on windows laptop. I am hoping that I get some help from you on both these issues and get successful in running the custom wakeword on my windows laptop
- I see that the resnet_50_arc may require about ~90 MB RAM. Do you think this I will be able to run these wakewords on Raspberry Pi zero? Alternatively, can we generate customwake word using 'first_iteration_siamese' and be able to run it on the Pi Zero as this model apparently requires less RAM? Please clarify.
I could resolve Issue1 with the following edits:
from eff_word_net.audio_processing import First_Iteration_Siamese, ModelRawBackend, Resnet50_Arc_loss
base_model = First_Iteration_Siamese()
print('cwd: ', os.getcwd())
mycroft_hw = HotwordDetector(
model = base_model,
reference_file=os.path.join(samples_loc, "eye-square_ref.json"),
Issue2 & Question2 remain to be addressed.