提供使用序列化的简便方法。它也是所有 Aoxe 技术栈(如配置、缓存、队列、rpc 等)的序列化提供者。
- 1. 为什么使用 Aoxe.Serialization?
- 2. 功能
- 3. 入门
- 4. 软件包介绍
- 4.1. Aoxe.DataContractSerializer
- 4.2. Aoxe.Jil
- 4.3. Aoxe.MemoryPack
- 4.4. Aoxe.MessagePack
- 4.5. Aoxe.MsgPack
- 4.6. Aoxe.NetJson
- 4.7. Aoxe.NewtonsoftJson
- 4.8. Aoxe.Utf8Json
- 4.9. Aoxe.Protobuf
- 4.10. Aoxe.SharpYaml
- 4.11. Aoxe.SpanJson
- 4.12. Aoxe.SystemTextJson
- 4.13. Aoxe.Xml
- 4.14. Aoxe.YamlDotNet
- 4.15. Aoxe.ZeroFormatter
- 5. Benchmark
世界上有很多不同的序列化器, 他们有不同的功能和限制. 这个项目可以让你以同一种方式使用不同的序列化器. 此外,它还为所有序列化器设置了可空值和默认值.
序列化器可以分为两类 (二进制和文本)
- 二进制序列化器
- MemoryPack
- MessagePack
- MsgPack.Cli
- protobuf-net
- ZeroFormatter
- 文本序列化器
- Json
- Jil
- NetJson
- Newtonsoft.Json
- SpanJson
- System.Text.Json
- Utf8Json
- Xml
- XmlSerializer
- DataContractSerializer
- Yaml
- SharpYaml
- YamlDotNet
- Ini
- ini-parser-netstandard
- Toml
- Tomlet
- Tomlyn
- Json
虽然有些序列化器不支持流或字节,但 Aoxe 序列化器会提供所需的支持。文本序列化器将在此基础上支持文本功能。
- Helper: 统一代码风格,并提供缺乏的功能。默认编码为 UTF-8
- stream
- sync
- MemoryStream ToStream<TValue>(TValue? value)
- MemoryStream ToStream(Type type, object? value)
- void Pack<TValue>(TValue? value, Stream? stream)
- void Pack(Type type, object? value, Stream? stream)
- TValue? FromStream<TValue>(Stream? stream)
- object? FromStream(Type type, Stream? stream)
- async
- Task PackAsync<TValue>(TValue? value, Stream? stream)
- Task PackAsync(Type type, object? value, Stream? stream)
- Task<TValue?> FromStreamAsync<TValue>(Stream? stream)
- Task<object?> FromStreamAsync(Type type, Stream? stream)
- sync
- bytes
- byte[] ToBytes<TValue>(TValue? value)
- byte[] ToBytes(Type type, object? value)
- TValue? FromBytes<TValue>(byte[]? bytes)
- object? FromBytes(Type type, byte[]? bytes)
- text
- json
- string ToJson<TValue>(TValue? value)
- string ToJson(Type type, object? value)
- TValue? FromJson<TValue>(string? json)
- object? FromJson(Type type, string? json)
- xml
- string ToXml<TValue>(TValue? value)
- string ToXml(Type type, object? value)
- TValue? FromXml<TValue>(string? xml)
- object? FromXml(Type type, string? xml)
- yaml
- string ToYaml<TValue>(TValue? value)
- string ToYaml(Type type, object? value)
- TValue? FromYaml<TValue>(string? xml)
- object? FromYaml(Type type, string? xml)
- Ini
- string ToIni<TValue>(TValue? value)
- string ToIni(Type type, object? value)
- TValue? FromIni<TValue>(string? xml)
- object? FromIni(Type type, string? xml)
- Toml
- string ToToml<TValue>(TValue? value)
- string ToToml(Type type, object? value)
- TValue? FromToml<TValue>(string? xml)
- object? FromToml(Type type, string? xml)
- json
- stream
- Extensions: 提供基于 Helper 的扩展方法。此外,它还支持泛型和非泛型。
- Bytes
- FromBytes
- Object
- PackTo
- ToBytes
- ToJson/ToXml/ToYaml
- ToStream
- Stream
- FromStream
- PackBy
- String
- FromJson/FromXml/FromYaml
- Bytes
- Serializer: 实现 Aoxe.Serialization.Abstractions, Aoxe 技术栈使用该库进行序列化和反序列化。
- Stream
- stream ToStream<TValue>(TValue? value)
- TValue? FromStream<TValue>(Stream? stream)
- stream ToStream(Type type, object? value)
- object? FromStream(Type type, Stream? stream)
- Bytes
- byte[] ToBytes<TValue>(TValue? value)
- TValue? FromBytes<TValue>(byte[]? bytes)
- byte[] ToBytes(Type type, object? value)
- object? FromBytes(Type type, byte[]? bytes)
- Text
- string ToText<TValue>(TValue? value)
- TValue? FromText<TValue>(string? text)
- string ToText(Type type, object? value)
- object? FromText(Type type, string? text)
- Stream
使用 nuget 安装你想要的包
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.DataContractSerializer
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.Jil
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.MemoryPack
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.MessagePack
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.MsgPack
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.NewtonsoftJson
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.NetJson
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.Utf8Json
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.Protobuf
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.SharpYaml
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.SpanJson
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.SystemTextJson
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.Xml
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.YamlDotNet
PM> Install-Package Aoxe.ZeroFormatter
var testModel = new TestModel();
// bytes
var bytes = testModel.ToBytes();
var deserializedModelFromBytes = bytes.FromBytes<TestModel>();
// stream
var stream = testModel.ToStream();
var deserializedModelFromStream = stream.FromStream<TestModel>();
// 你可以将对象序列化到指定的 stream
var stream1 = new MemoryStream();
var result1 = stream1.FromStream<TestModel>();
// 或者以 stream 为主将指定对象序列化到流内
var stream2 = new MemoryStream();
var result2 = stream2.FromStream<TestModel>();
// 所有的 stream 功能都有异步版本
var stream = testModel.ToStream();
var deserializedModelFromStream = await stream.FromStreamAsync<TestModel>();
var stream1 = new MemoryStream();
await testModel.PackToAsync(stream1);
var result1 = await stream1.FromStreamAsync<TestModel>();
var stream2 = new MemoryStream();
await stream2.PackByAsync(testModel);
var result2 = await stream2.FromStreamAsync<TestModel>();
Base by System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer, serializes and deserializes an instance of a type into an XML stream or document using a supplied data contract.
A fast JSON (de)serializer, built on Sigil with a number of somewhat crazy optimization tricks.
Zero encoding extreme performance binary serializer for C# and Unity.
The extremely fast MessagePack serializer for C#. It is 10x faster than MsgPack-Cli and outperforms other C# serializers. MessagePack for C# also ships with built-in support for LZ4 compression - an extremely fast compression algorithm. Performance is important, particularly in applications like games, distributed computing, microservices, or data caches.
MessagePack implementation for Common Language Infrastructure / msgpack.org[C#]
Faster than Any Binary?
Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET https://www.newtonsoft.com/json
Definitely Fastest and Zero Allocation JSON Serializer for C#(NET, .NET Core, Unity, Xamarin).
protobuf-net is a contract based serializer for .NET code, that happens to write data in the "protocol buffers" serialization format engineered by Google. The API, however, is very different to Google's, and follows typical .NET patterns (it is broadly comparable, in usage, to XmlSerializer, DataContractSerializer, etc). It should work for most .NET languages that write standard types and can use attributes.
SharpYaml is a .NET library that provides a YAML parser and serialization engine for .NET objects, compatible with CoreCLR.
SpanJson is a JSON serializer for .NET Core 6.0+.
The System.Text.Json namespace provides high-performance, low-allocating, and standards-compliant capabilities to process JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), which includes serializing objects to JSON text and deserializing JSON text to objects, with UTF-8 support built-in. It also provides types to read and write JSON text encoded as UTF-8, and to create an in-memory document object model (DOM) for random access of the JSON elements within a structured view of the data.
Serializes and deserializes objects into and from XML documents. The XmlSerializer enables you to control how objects are encoded into XML.
YamlDotNet is a YAML library for netstandard and other .NET runtimes.
YamlDotNet provides low level parsing and emitting of YAML as well as a high level object model similar to XmlDocument. A serialization library is also included that allows to read and write objects from and to YAML streams.
Fastest C# Serializer and Infinitely Fast Deserializer for .NET, .NET Core and Unity.
BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.9+228a464e8be6c580ad9408e98f18813f6407fb5a, Windows 11 (10.0.22621.1105/22H2/2022Update/SunValley2)
AMD Ryzen 7 6800H with Radeon Graphics, 1 CPU, 16 logical and 8 physical cores
.NET SDK 8.0.100-rc.2.23502.2
[Host] : .NET 8.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
DefaultJob : .NET 8.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
IterationCount=1000 RunStrategy=Monitoring
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Median | Min | Max | Gen0 | Gen1 | Allocated |
DataContractToStream | 614.77 ns | 11.623 ns | 21.831 ns | 607.04 ns | 579.48 ns | 657.88 ns | 0.2346 | 0.0010 | 1968 B |
JilToStream | 160.89 ns | 3.197 ns | 7.902 ns | 161.74 ns | 149.28 ns | 177.27 ns | 0.1118 | 0.0002 | 936 B |
MemoryPackToStream | 106.06 ns | 2.157 ns | 4.596 ns | 104.56 ns | 100.21 ns | 114.06 ns | 0.0783 | - | 656 B |
MessagePackToStream | 180.11 ns | 3.409 ns | 3.022 ns | 180.67 ns | 173.95 ns | 184.10 ns | 0.0410 | - | 344 B |
MsgPackToStream | 138.97 ns | 2.759 ns | 6.973 ns | 136.65 ns | 130.31 ns | 160.17 ns | 0.0658 | - | 552 B |
NetJsonToStream | 162.19 ns | 3.093 ns | 3.177 ns | 162.87 ns | 152.39 ns | 166.34 ns | 0.0668 | - | 560 B |
NewtonsoftJsonToStream | 411.07 ns | 8.218 ns | 19.531 ns | 402.60 ns | 384.70 ns | 449.70 ns | 0.2179 | 0.0005 | 1824 B |
ProtobufToStream | 171.38 ns | 3.157 ns | 2.636 ns | 171.49 ns | 165.16 ns | 175.44 ns | 0.0410 | - | 344 B |
SharpYamlToStream | 23,422.26 ns | 305.706 ns | 271.001 ns | 23,397.31 ns | 22,879.41 ns | 23,955.76 ns | 2.0752 | - | 18340 B |
SpanJsonToStream | 107.76 ns | 2.113 ns | 2.821 ns | 108.34 ns | 100.68 ns | 110.88 ns | 0.0488 | - | 408 B |
SystemTextJsonToStream | 177.22 ns | 3.562 ns | 6.690 ns | 177.42 ns | 167.45 ns | 195.76 ns | 0.0591 | - | 496 B |
Utf8JsonToStream | 76.77 ns | 1.091 ns | 1.021 ns | 76.69 ns | 75.29 ns | 78.64 ns | 0.0411 | - | 344 B |
XmlToStream | 5,413.13 ns | 101.784 ns | 95.209 ns | 5,405.25 ns | 5,239.99 ns | 5,609.19 ns | 1.2817 | 0.0305 | 10769 B |
YamlDotNetToStream | 8,239.70 ns | 156.836 ns | 146.705 ns | 8,273.23 ns | 7,923.32 ns | 8,450.49 ns | 1.4038 | - | 11825 B |
ZeroFormatterToStream | 120.37 ns | 2.323 ns | 2.582 ns | 120.54 ns | 115.67 ns | 124.31 ns | 0.1788 | 0.0007 | 1496 B |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Median | Min | Max | Gen0 | Gen1 | Allocated |
DataContractFromStream | 1,772.29 ns | 29.243 ns | 27.354 ns | 1,775.58 ns | 1,733.71 ns | 1,826.85 ns | 0.9918 | 0.0210 | 8296 B |
JilFromStream | 127.57 ns | 2.498 ns | 3.739 ns | 126.57 ns | 122.86 ns | 135.39 ns | 0.0372 | - | 312 B |
MemoryPackFromStream | 66.26 ns | 1.001 ns | 0.936 ns | 66.15 ns | 64.29 ns | 67.65 ns | 0.0134 | - | 112 B |
MessagePackFromStream | 108.56 ns | 1.896 ns | 1.773 ns | 108.02 ns | 105.79 ns | 111.64 ns | 0.0076 | - | 64 B |
MsgPackFromStream | 195.43 ns | 3.689 ns | 3.270 ns | 194.37 ns | 190.80 ns | 203.67 ns | 0.0534 | - | 448 B |
NetJsonFromStream | 222.71 ns | 2.850 ns | 2.666 ns | 222.29 ns | 218.28 ns | 227.30 ns | 0.0448 | - | 376 B |
NewtonsoftJsonFromStream | 606.27 ns | 11.604 ns | 10.855 ns | 604.17 ns | 584.02 ns | 627.60 ns | 0.3405 | 0.0029 | 2848 B |
ProtobufFromStream | 128.10 ns | 1.953 ns | 1.731 ns | 127.54 ns | 125.87 ns | 131.29 ns | 0.0076 | - | 64 B |
SharpYamlFromStream | 885.33 ns | 17.613 ns | 39.755 ns | 871.24 ns | 831.36 ns | 974.66 ns | 0.7658 | 0.0048 | 6408 B |
SpanJsonFromStream | 88.68 ns | 1.332 ns | 1.246 ns | 88.65 ns | 86.38 ns | 90.44 ns | 0.0153 | - | 128 B |
SystemTextJsonFromStream | 279.96 ns | 3.207 ns | 2.999 ns | 279.86 ns | 274.24 ns | 286.14 ns | 0.0076 | - | 64 B |
Utf8JsonFromStream | 112.44 ns | 1.566 ns | 1.465 ns | 112.91 ns | 109.70 ns | 114.35 ns | 0.0076 | - | 64 B |
XmlFromStream | 6,901.06 ns | 114.626 ns | 101.613 ns | 6,884.34 ns | 6,710.18 ns | 7,071.92 ns | 1.0071 | - | 8588 B |
YamlDotNetFromStream | 5,890.89 ns | 117.598 ns | 110.001 ns | 5,910.51 ns | 5,692.23 ns | 6,048.19 ns | 1.4191 | 0.0305 | 11936 B |
ZeroFormatterFromStream | 49.29 ns | 0.966 ns | 0.949 ns | 49.51 ns | 46.62 ns | 50.40 ns | 0.0296 | - | 248 B |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Min | Max | Median | Gen0 | Gen1 | Allocated |
DataContractToBytes | 664.27 ns | 19.490 ns | 57.161 ns | 578.95 ns | 792.24 ns | 655.74 ns | 0.2794 | - | 2344 B |
JilToBytes | 145.38 ns | 2.890 ns | 6.583 ns | 132.34 ns | 157.76 ns | 146.29 ns | 0.0706 | - | 592 B |
MemoryPackToBytes | 56.20 ns | 0.595 ns | 0.557 ns | 55.34 ns | 57.20 ns | 56.07 ns | 0.0057 | - | 48 B |
MessagePackToBytes | 72.32 ns | 1.422 ns | 1.397 ns | 70.18 ns | 74.41 ns | 72.55 ns | 0.0048 | - | 40 B |
MsgPackToBytes | 157.00 ns | 2.972 ns | 3.650 ns | 148.44 ns | 163.26 ns | 158.10 ns | 0.0706 | - | 592 B |
NetJsonToBytes | 124.72 ns | 2.469 ns | 2.744 ns | 120.02 ns | 129.67 ns | 124.45 ns | 0.0257 | - | 216 B |
NewtonsoftJsonToBytes | 360.81 ns | 7.188 ns | 8.827 ns | 339.12 ns | 373.32 ns | 362.96 ns | 0.1779 | 0.0005 | 1488 B |
ProtobufToBytes | 189.07 ns | 3.571 ns | 3.969 ns | 180.03 ns | 196.40 ns | 188.49 ns | 0.0458 | - | 384 B |
SharpYamlToBytes | 24,277.75 ns | 453.809 ns | 621.178 ns | 23,489.34 ns | 25,807.42 ns | 24,228.69 ns | 2.1973 | - | 18396 B |
SpanJsonToBytes | 77.93 ns | 1.030 ns | 0.913 ns | 76.41 ns | 79.42 ns | 77.94 ns | 0.0076 | - | 64 B |
SystemTextJsonToBytes | 150.26 ns | 2.170 ns | 2.030 ns | 147.87 ns | 154.07 ns | 149.49 ns | 0.0076 | - | 64 B |
Utf8JsonToBytes | 55.73 ns | 0.655 ns | 0.613 ns | 54.98 ns | 56.85 ns | 55.54 ns | 0.0076 | - | 64 B |
XmlToBytes | 5,519.67 ns | 109.294 ns | 116.943 ns | 5,252.93 ns | 5,737.02 ns | 5,515.89 ns | 1.3123 | 0.0305 | 11017 B |
YamlDotNetToBytes | 8,220.72 ns | 158.050 ns | 155.226 ns | 7,916.78 ns | 8,479.30 ns | 8,213.22 ns | 1.4038 | 0.0153 | 11761 B |
ZeroFormatterToBytes | 74.74 ns | 1.067 ns | 0.998 ns | 72.73 ns | 76.22 ns | 74.90 ns | 0.1377 | 0.0005 | 1152 B |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Min | Max | Median | Gen0 | Gen1 | Allocated |
DataContractFromBytes | 1,808.81 ns | 32.524 ns | 55.228 ns | 1,750.61 ns | 1,965.96 ns | 1,802.17 ns | 0.9995 | 0.0191 | 8360 B |
JilFromBytes | 114.20 ns | 1.681 ns | 1.573 ns | 111.63 ns | 117.09 ns | 114.19 ns | 0.0296 | - | 248 B |
MemoryPackFromBytes | 47.96 ns | 0.955 ns | 1.275 ns | 45.40 ns | 50.22 ns | 48.10 ns | 0.0076 | - | 64 B |
MessagePackFromBytes | 85.46 ns | 1.440 ns | 1.347 ns | 82.62 ns | 87.78 ns | 85.59 ns | 0.0076 | - | 64 B |
MsgPackFromBytes | 219.12 ns | 3.389 ns | 3.004 ns | 214.23 ns | 225.49 ns | 219.11 ns | 0.0610 | - | 512 B |
NetJsonFromBytes | 233.90 ns | 4.083 ns | 4.538 ns | 224.89 ns | 241.42 ns | 233.89 ns | 0.0372 | - | 312 B |
NewtonsoftJsonFromBytes | 584.92 ns | 12.593 ns | 36.735 ns | 533.79 ns | 686.05 ns | 579.09 ns | 0.3319 | 0.0029 | 2784 B |
ProtobufFromBytes | 233.63 ns | 3.133 ns | 2.931 ns | 228.92 ns | 238.48 ns | 233.65 ns | 0.0181 | - | 152 B |
SharpYamlFromBytes | 26,055.20 ns | 281.045 ns | 262.890 ns | 25,670.34 ns | 26,535.89 ns | 26,069.27 ns | 2.3804 | 0.0610 | 19939 B |
SpanJsonFromBytes | 64.41 ns | 1.189 ns | 1.112 ns | 62.95 ns | 66.21 ns | 64.28 ns | 0.0076 | - | 64 B |
SystemTextJsonFromBytes | 230.67 ns | 3.039 ns | 2.694 ns | 226.27 ns | 235.44 ns | 229.81 ns | 0.0076 | - | 64 B |
Utf8JsonFromBytes | 104.34 ns | 1.095 ns | 1.024 ns | 102.44 ns | 105.83 ns | 104.17 ns | 0.0076 | - | 64 B |
XmlFromBytes | 7,196.03 ns | 106.114 ns | 99.259 ns | 7,041.42 ns | 7,363.96 ns | 7,214.21 ns | 1.0071 | - | 8651 B |
YamlDotNetFromBytes | 6,123.06 ns | 87.373 ns | 81.729 ns | 5,945.31 ns | 6,250.51 ns | 6,133.12 ns | 1.4191 | 0.0305 | 11880 B |
ZeroFormatterFromBytes | 40.41 ns | 0.818 ns | 1.707 ns | 38.27 ns | 45.30 ns | 39.96 ns | 0.0296 | - | 248 B |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
JilToText | 115.07 ns | 2.259 ns | 4.460 ns |
NetJsonToText | 100.53 ns | 1.289 ns | 1.205 ns |
NewtonsoftJsonToText | 332.22 ns | 6.472 ns | 8.640 ns |
SpanJsonToText | 102.23 ns | 1.610 ns | 1.506 ns |
SystemTextJsonToText | 168.14 ns | 1.972 ns | 1.845 ns |
Utf8JsonToText | 66.74 ns | 1.138 ns | 1.009 ns |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
JilFromText | 91.71 ns | 1.585 ns | 1.405 ns |
NetJsonFromText | 174.18 ns | 2.711 ns | 2.536 ns |
NewtonsoftJsonFromText | 520.15 ns | 10.420 ns | 25.949 ns |
SpanJsonFromText | 85.90 ns | 1.704 ns | 1.673 ns |
SystemTextJsonFromText | 263.97 ns | 3.804 ns | 3.559 ns |
Utf8JsonFromText | 129.68 ns | 2.410 ns | 2.475 ns |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
DataContractToText | 708.0 ns | 14.03 ns | 16.16 ns |
XmlToText | 5,529.7 ns | 62.59 ns | 52.26 ns |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Median |
DataContractFromText | 1.921 μs | 0.0383 μs | 0.0872 μs | 1.889 μs |
XmlFromText | 7.218 μs | 0.0887 μs | 0.0740 μs | 7.222 μs |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
SharpYamlToText | 22.560 μs | 0.2544 μs | 0.2125 μs |
YamlDotNetToText | 7.994 μs | 0.1544 μs | 0.1839 μs |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
SharpYamlFromText | 24.065 μs | 0.4524 μs | 0.4646 μs |
YamlDotNetFromText | 5.769 μs | 0.1137 μs | 0.1594 μs |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
IniParserToText | 8.570 μs | 0.1496 μs | 0.1469 μs |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
IniParserFromText | 10.88 μs | 0.216 μs | 0.281 μs |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
TomlynToText | 6.152 μs | 0.0780 μs | 0.0691 μs |
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev |
TomlynFromText | 8.785 μs | 0.1127 μs | 0.1054 μs |
Thank`s for JetBrains for the great support in providing assistance and user-friendly environment for my open source projects.