When saving an OpenAPI spec using ApiCurio, the order of operations is forced. This is because of how writePathItem
is implemented, where it checks if the node has "get", writes it, then "put"... then "post"... As seen in the generated ts file OpenApi31ModelWriter.ts:
public writePathItem(node: OpenApi31PathItem, json: object) {
if (node == null){
JsonUtil.setStringProperty(json, "$ref", node.get$ref());
JsonUtil.setStringProperty(json, "summary", node.getSummary());
JsonUtil.setStringProperty(json, "description", node.getDescription());
if (node.getGet() != null){
const object: object = JsonUtil.objectNode();
this.writeOperation(<OpenApi31Operation><any>node.getGet(), object);
JsonUtil.setObjectProperty(json, "get", object);
if (node.getPut() != null){
const object: object = JsonUtil.objectNode();
this.writeOperation(<OpenApi31Operation><any>node.getPut(), object);
JsonUtil.setObjectProperty(json, "put", object);
if (node.getPost() != null){
const object: object = JsonUtil.objectNode();
this.writeOperation(<OpenApi31Operation><any>node.getPost(), object);
JsonUtil.setObjectProperty(json, "post", object);
if (node.getDelete() != null){
const object: object = JsonUtil.objectNode();
this.writeOperation(<OpenApi31Operation><any>node.getDelete(), object);
JsonUtil.setObjectProperty(json, "delete", object);
I understand that all of the models are generated from resources/specs/openapi
, which makes it really hard to modify how this works.
Is there a way to override this function's implementation with one that iterates over the key/values and writes them, so no order is enforced?
Would be happy to write a PR if there's a way to do this.
Some of our users of the editor wish to follow the the example of larger companies in how the operations are ordered in their API references, where creating resources goes first, then reading them, them updating them, then deleting them - as they report that this is the natural way of reading an API spec, as to read resources, they should be created first.
Related: Apicurio/apicurio-studio#1677