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SAML integration related doc with Pingfed #2681

Answered by ozarkblue
ozarkblue asked this question in Q&A
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It worked. Able to integrate Keycloak with Pingone using both OpenID and SAML2 auth.
Here is how it worked:
Apicurio <- OIDC setup -> Keycloak -> SAML2/ OIDC-> Pingfed

Had to do role mapping and other attributes mapping(like email, firstName lastName etc) from ping to Keycloak

So while I gave Apicurio URL in browser it redirected to Keycloak as Apicurio is SP and Keycloak is IDP. Then Keycloak further redirected to Ping in this case keycloak is SP and Ping is IDP. Once I provided login/pwd in Ping screen it routed user details and group to keycloak. keycloak then mapped the group with sr-developer(an example) role then passed that to Apicurio. Apicurio opened artifact UI.

It worked !!

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