AsyncAPI v2.0 operation traits and message traits forms should allow to specify all the properties of the spec.
Expected behavior
Message traits form
It should allow to specify following properties (see spec) :
headers | Schema Object | Reference Object |
correlationId | Correlation ID Object | Reference Object |
schemaFormat | string | A string containing the name of the schema format/language used to define the message payload. If omitted, implementations should parse the payload as a Schema object. |
contentType | string | The content type to use when encoding/decoding a message's payload. The value MUST be a specific media type (e.g. application/json). When omitted, the value MUST be the one specified on the defaultContentType field. |
name | string | A machine-friendly name for the message. |
title | string | A human-friendly title for the message. |
summary | string | A short summary of what the message is about. |
description | string | A verbose explanation of the message. CommonMark syntax can be used for rich text representation. |
tags | Tags Object | A list of tags for API documentation control. Tags can be used for logical grouping of messages. |
externalDocs | External Documentation Object | Additional external documentation for this message. |
bindings | Map[string, Message Bindings Object] | A free-form map where the keys describe the name of the protocol and the values describe protocol-specific definitions for the message. |
examples | [Map[string, any]] | An array with examples of valid message objects. |
Operation traits form
It should allow to specify following properties (see spec) :
operationId | string | Unique string used to identify the operation. The id MUST be unique among all operations described in the API. The operationId value is case-sensitive. Tools and libraries MAY use the operationId to uniquely identify an operation, therefore, it is RECOMMENDED to follow common programming naming conventions. |
summary | string | A short summary of what the operation is about. |
description | string | A verbose explanation of the operation. CommonMark syntax can be used for rich text representation. |
tags | Tags Object | A list of tags for API documentation control. Tags can be used for logical grouping of operations. |
externalDocs | External Documentation Object | Additional external documentation for this operation. |
bindings | Operation Bindings Object | A free-form map where the keys describe the name of the protocol and the values describe protocol-specific definitions for the operation. |
Current behavior
Message traits forms
Following properties are missing:
- name
- contentType
- schemaFormat
- headers
- correlationId: its is present on the form but wrongly implemented as a simple string and mapped to
property - externalDocs
- bindings
- examples
Operation traits forms
Following properties are missing:
- operationId
- externalDocs
- bindings
- apicurio studio: 0.2.62.Final
- apicurio data models: 1.1.31
No labels