Hello author ! Your project is very great and I'm very interested in your project!
But when I try to train the model in this project, after two days of training at the workstation, the model success rate is 2% or 0%, less than 4%. I would like to know if this is normal. all the scripts I use are below. I hope you can help me. thank you so much.
My Environment:
installation according to install
Terminal 1: (arena-rosnav-py3.8) root@avocado:~/arena_ws/src/arena/arena-rosnav# python training/scripts/
Terminal 2: (arena-rosnav-py3.8) root@avocado:~/arena_ws# roslaunch arena_bringup start_training.launch model:=jackal num_envs:=1 map_folder_name:=map_empty
Terminal 3: (arena-rosnav-py3.8) root@avocado:~/arena_ws/src/arena/arena-rosnav# roslaunch arena_bringup visualization_training.launch ns:=sim_1
Training recording: Is the robot's irregular movement normal?
Screencast from 06-08-2024 19:23:41.webm