Non-native English speakers often overcorrect the idiomatic "in detail" to the nonstandard "in details".
Perhaps some native speakers have started this too?
Certain words can occur between "in" and "details", such as "more".
- phrase usage - "in more details" or "in detail"
- "In detail" vs. "in details" - English Stack Exchange
- in more detail or in more details?
- in more detail or in more details?
- who's trying to shut us down I'll explain in more details later
- How this function execute in details?
- c++ - who can tell me "*this pointer" in details?
- Partial re-build not working in my setup (given in details)
- In more details, if we use writer as a valid value for a field ...
- Document the interface in more details · Issue #3 · owlbarn ...
Potential False Positives
Can happen:
- Once we fix this in Details and Tabbed
- bucketweb: Show block size in details pane #7205
- Missing translation for ID in Details rule node