All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
6.2.0-alpha - unreleased
This is an alpha version! The changes listed here are not final.
- Verbum: wp_die if nonce check fails
- Add create course goal task list
- Added a like quick link on each comment when using wp-admin interface.
- Added a new function that returns the upsell plan based on the what Plan is required by Global Styles.
- Added domain upsell button to options-general.php
- Added general, writing, reading, discussion settings screens to duplicate views list
- Added launchpad tasks for
intent - Added newsletter widget to the dashboard.
- Added the ability to like own comments on Atomic sites
- Add intent-newsletter-goal tasks for newsletter goal in /setup/onboarding.
- Add Jetpack > Podcasting Menu Item
- Adds fiverr logo maker link in general settings
- Add site launch button to the admin bar.
- Add Site Management Panel link to General Settings page
- Add subscribers in wp-admin boiler plate.
- Add Support Link to Block Description for Grid Block
- Admin bar: add "My Account" profile submenu
- Admin bar: bring back updates and comments menu
- Admin bar: make leftmost menu behave closer to Core
- Allows uploading media from URL in Media Library
- Comments admin: Now uses Verbum on comments containing block mark-up (simple sites only)
- Dark mode in Verbum Comments
- Dashboard: added Daily Writing Prompt widget
- Dashboard: add general tasks widget
- Dashboard: add launchpad
- Dashboard: add site preview and links
- Defines a new launchpad task: add_first_subscribers. Adds the add_first_subscribers task and verify_email task to the blogger launchpad ('write' intent).
- Endpoint to persist the Help Center open state.
- Import Media: Introduce the Import Media page
- Launchpad: Added updated_write_tasklist flag for testing changes to write launchpad
- Launchpad checklists can be based on site goals
- Media Library: add track events for upload from URL feature
- Media Library: Support Upload from URL on media-new page
- Newsletter Dashboard Widget: remove feature flag and enable widget
- Pages: Add notice for hompage editing
- RDV: Add upload.php to the list of duplicated pages
- Remove duplicate views: add possibility to override and reset the experiment variation
- Remove duplicate views: Implement A/A test
- Show Site Address & WordPress Address on Simple
- Tracking clicks on the admin bar launch button
- Untangle Calypso Media Page: Enable the feature on both upload.php and media-new.php
- "Build your audience" task action now has a URL hash
- Added logic for handling Global Styles on Personal experiment assignment
- Added Plans::get_plan_short_name() for WPCOM environments.
- Added query param to the login url.
- Add goals prop to wpcom_launchpad_mark_task_complete event
- Add Reader text to the masterbar icon to match Calypso
- Adds verify email task to newsletter goal launchpad
- Admin Bar: Point the Edit Site menu item to /site-editor.php
- Always loads Odyssey Stats widget regardless of wpcom_admin_interface
- Block editor: Hotfix performance regression
- Block Editor Nux: Do not show first post modal when the publish-first-post hash is present.
- Changed the experiment cache key so that users get assigned once the experiment starts.
- Code: Use function-style exit() and die() with a default status code of 0.
- Code Quality: Update deprecated block editor API usage.
- Coming Soon: Add more checks to the ETK version comparison.
- Disabled assigning and caching the global styles on personal experiment variation until we set up a new experiment
- External Media: Move the external media import page to jetpack-external-media
- Hides the Import banner when actually running the import tool.
- Hide suggested tags on p2
- Hide verify email launchpad task for "existing users"
- Improve the import page by fixing the position of the Notice component and adding a color to it to not look disabled.
- Launchpad: block design button for users of the treatment_cumulative group on an experiment
- Launchpad: Launch site task disabled for launched sites
- Launchpad: Replace newsletter preview task with launch task
- Launchpad: show site title task in updated write launchpad
- Launchpad: update copy for adding subscribers to a site
- Launchpad: updated_write_tasklist param no longer needed
- Launchpad: Update select a design step allowing user to interact with it
- Launchpad: Update tasks so sites created through onboarding have different design task links
- Launchpad: verify email task uses heuristic for visibility, regardless of experiment cohort
- Launcpad: Include a hash to identifier for hosting tasks
- Live Preview: Don't change the homepage when previewing a theme in the Site Editor
- Move logo-tool to be within jetpack-mu-wpcom
- MU WPCOM: Prevent site owner from editing user's account-level fields
- Newspack Blocks: Updated from v4.5.2 → 4.7.0
- Newspack Blocks Api: Check to avoid Warnings when accessing attachment image src
- profile: Make wpcom links even more concise
- Reader: Update url from /read to /reader
- Remove duplicate views: Enhance notices
- Render the Global Styles frontend bar separately from the .com launch bar.
- Restored the code that assigned global styles on personal variations and added the new experiment code
- Site Visibility: Port the site visibility settings from Calypso to WP Admin
- Theme: Clean up files that were used during the theme switch and theme preview
- Update background pattern image
- Updated /settings/general url to /sites/settings/site for classic style users
- Updated copy on the wpcom duplicate view pop ups to include link to learn more.
- Update dependencies
- Update dependencies.
- Updated package dependencies.
- Update minimum PHP version to 8.1
- Update package dependencies.
- Update Site Settings Link's Copy
- Updates the design of the coming soon page.
- We now use the control group as discriminator for enabling Global Styles on Personal experiment.
- When we receive empty preferences we intitialize the value to an empty array
- Remove customization for the start page options modal
- Remove global styles modal
- Block editor: Remove hotfix for Gutenberg v19.0, v20.0 and v20.1
- Launchpad: Remove about page task from Newsletter task list
- Reader: Removed daily prompt modal from editor screen.
- Removed the
Personalize Link in Bio
launchpad task, since the link in bio related flow is now deprecated - Remove duplicate views: Delete notices
- Remove the launch bar from the frontend of Atomic sites
- Start page pattern modal: Removed start page pattern modal. We will default to core behaviour from now on, which has equivalent functionality.
- Stop using the custom welcome tour when the user creates a post for the first time, showing the core welcome guide instead
- add is_user_member_of_blog check for launch button
- Add messages area anchor in customize_welcome_message Launchpad task path
- Add the launch icon to the launch site button
- Admin interface: Fix empty setting
- Caching fixes for RDV project
- Code: Remove extra params on function calls.
- Comments: fix broken editor
- Consolidate scripts for General Settings overrides
- Fix admin menu jank
- Fix celebrate launch modal translations
- Fixed Classic Tour
- Fix Site Visibility link for duplicated view experiment users
- GB 19.8.0 hotfix: further refine hotfix so site editor opens correct template by default
- Global Styles: Adding hidden style under wpcom-global-style-view
- Hotfix for a {Gutenberg 20.0.0, WP 6.7.x} bug causing the Content block to output truncated HTML.
- i18n: download updated translations for wpcomsh
- i18n: Load JS translations for 'wpcom-options-general.ts'
- i18n: Load Language packs for Atomic Sites
- Link "Give your site a name" task to use wp-admin version as part of untangling
- Media Library: Fix Upload from URL don't show in the editor and the color of link
- Media Library: only load the upload via URL form in admin screens
- MU WPCOM: Don't load ETK on agency sites on all pages
- MU WPCOM: Filter out the full-site-editing plugin from the active_plugins list if the plugin file doesn't exist
- MU WPCOM: Make email and password available on the profile.php on the default view
- MU WPCOM: Port the fix of the modern color scheme from WP 6.8
- Newspack Blocks: Fix perms issue with block.json files.
- Removed the dashboard launchpad for Atomic
- Removed the Verbum Comments dynamic loader dependency on wp-polyfill.
- Remove options-general.phph from WPCOM_DUPLICATED_VIEW
- Update endpoint routes
- Verbum: fix broken block editor
- Verbum: fix failing nonce checks
- verify_email task sends appropriate tracks event
6.1.0 - 2025-01-10
- Add watch command for this package in composer.json file. [#40927]
- Add comments page to the list of untangled pages under the experiment. [#40649]
- CSS Tidy: Add css rule mask to allowlist. [#40655]
- Pages: Add quick actions to change the homepage and the posts page. [#40699]
- Post categories: Add quick action to change default category. [#40667]
- Remove duplicate views: Show notices. [#40609]
- Features: Add Holiday Snow functionality. [#40478]
- Admin menu: Hide dashboard switcher when WP Admin view is enforced. [#40595]
- Holiday Snow: Switch to a CSS-only implementation. [#40629]
- Newspack Blocks: Update to version 4.5.2. [#40636]
- Remove the option to close upsell notification for custom styles. [#40520]
- Remove duplicate views: Enforce WP Admin for Pages. [#40706]
- Remove duplicate views: Redesign notices. [#40901]
- Use WP Admin for some sections while keeping some untangling changes. [#40479]
- Updated package dependencies. [#40564] [#40693] [#40792] [#40797] [#40798] [#40810]
- Use wp_add_inline_script. [#40465]
- Add a function_exists guard for
function. [#40708] - Code: Clean up JSDoc comments. [#40578]
- Comments: Add cookie consent input and fix console error. [#40494]
- Exclude wpcom_admin_interface from the admin_menu action. [#40669]
- Fix lints following ESLint rule changes for TypeScript. [#40584]
- Fix several regressions for Stats, Blaze and notices for RDV experiment. [#40690]
- Fix migration key fetch failing when DIY migration page is reloaded. [#40270]
- Global Styles: Stop showing the limited global styles notice in distraction-free mode. [#40907]
- Gutenberg 19.8.0 hotfix: Don't show the template-locked rendering mode for pages. [#40664]
- Holiday Snow: Do not display on p2s. [#40519]
- Holiday snow: Replace SCSS
with pregenerated arrays of random numbers to make builds reproducable. [#40666] - i18n: Update the .mo and .po translation files. [#40362]
- Load WPCOM sidebar notice async. [#40422]
- Restore visited button color in themes.php to Core's default. [#40517]
- Starter page templates: Insert the pattern to the Content block correctly when rendering mode is template-locked. [#40583]
- Support adding a comment form inside a query loop. [#40933]
- wpcom-block-editor-nux: Avoid using useLocation which now throws exception outside Site Editor in Gutenberg 19.9.0. [#40656]
6.0.0 - 2024-12-04
- Updated dependencies. [#40286]
- Updated package dependencies. [#40288] [#40363]
- General: Update minimum PHP version to 7.2. [#40147]
- Add missing ids in Verbum EmailForm. [#40199]
- Block Support Links: Removed support links for the group block and varients, to avoid an issue with the group placeholder displaying the block descriptions incorrectly. [#40275]
- Coming Soon: update color of the banner to WordPress blue [#39966]
- Explicitly set
in recommended tags modal FormLabel. [#40199] - Subscribe modal: fix an edge case reported by a user, where the site title shows character codes. [#40130]
5.66.0 - 2024-11-11
- Added a feature check to the Marketing Bar that updates the text and upgrade link for Global Styles [#40068]
- Enable test coverage. [#39961]
- Help Center: add new rest route for support interactions [#39978]
- Help Center: extend support interaction API [#40112]
- The notice and modal shown on the editor now displays the plan name and upgrade URL based on the GS gated plan type' [#40095]
- Added feature check for the Global Styles on Personal plan changes. [#39986]
- Updated package dependencies. [#39999] [#40000] [#40060]
- Fix PHPUnit coverage warnings. [#39989]
- Help Center: fixed api typo [#39996]
- We now check if JP_CONNECTION_INITIAL_STATE is defined before accessing it when using Global Styles' [#39980]
- wpcom-block-editor: Support getting the canvas mode from the query string after GB 19.6 [#40045]
5.65.0 - 2024-10-29
- adding a WPCOM task [#39776]
- Add new task for domain connection to post-migration checklist. [#39680]
- Add new task for domain mapping in migration Launchpad [#39764]
- Adds JSON translation files [#39519]
- Adds the placeholder task list for the Migration flow [#39593]
- Add the Plugin Review task for the Post-migration launchpad experience [#39711]
- Add the Review site task [#39641]
- Admin bar: Add help icon tooltip [#39845]
- Admin bar: Add reader icon tooltip [#39803]
- Global Styles: add a Help Link to premium styles limitation message [#39226]
- Admin bar: replace 'Edit Profile' and 'My Account' with 'My Profile' [#39600]
- Blog Privacy: Do not add custom rules to wpcom's robots.txt if blog_public=0 [#39468]
- Help Center: use Zendesk staging when proxied [#39566]
- jetpack-mu-wpcom: remove unneeded filter [#39552]
- Launchpad: Added isset to avoid Warnings when finding about page id [#39529]
- Make the Migrating the site task complete by default [#39769]
- Only include
as a script dependency when needed. [#39629] - Sharing modal: Repurposed to only display recommended tags. [#39499]
- Site Management Panel: fix site name encoding display [#39756]
- Site Management Panel: Migrate to react [#39742]
- Updated copies used in the plugins banner for wpcom sites plugin-install.php page. [#39725]
- Updated package dependencies. [#39594] [#39640] [#39707]
- Update Jetpack Scan link [#39619]
- Update Verbum Comments resize logic [#39791]
- wpcom_add_shopping_cart: Use Store_Shopping_Cart::is_cart_empty() when deciding to render icon for incrased performance [#39563]
- Site Management Widget: Clean up unused files [#39743]
- Removed import of the class-wp-rest-wpcom-block-editor-sharing-modal-controller.php controller [#39488]
- Admin bar: ensure the Atomic debug bar is the leftmost menu [#39493]
- Prevent welcome tour keyboard navigation from hijacking left right keys on the editor [#39683]
- profile.php: Make wpcom links more concise [#39636]
- Superadmin bar: always point to wp-admin even on Default admin interface style [#39501]
- Verbum Comments: fix gravatar width in nested comments [#39757]
5.64.0 - 2024-09-23
- Removed launchpad-save-modal. [#39429]
5.63.0 - 2024-09-18
- Added a shopping cart icon to the masterbar. This icon will be displayed when the user has items in the cart and liks to the checkout page. [#39298]
- Add new wpcom-migration-key endpoint. [#39377]
- Admin menu: Replace Jetpack cloud links with links [#39393]
- Changing name of the hosting menu's "Settings" item to "Site Settings". [#39411]
- Get active element from target's document rather than the global
. [#39364] - Remove the extra padding around the admin bar Reader item to match Calypso. [#39357]
- Removing some steps from the Block Editor Welcome Tour, since it currently has too many [#39325]
- Admin bar: align colors with Calypso's [#39314]
- Admin bar: fix paddings around wpcom and reader logos [#39312]
- Changinging wpcom_admin_interface via API no longer redirects [#39416]
- Help Center: Fix the icon color when previewing color scheme [#39371]
- Launchpad first_post_published task reuses existing draft if there is one [#39259]
- Prevent undefined
function errors resulting from invoking the function in contexts where it is undefined. [#39228] - Use React properties rather than pass-throughs (e.g.
rather thanclass
). [#39414]
5.62.0 - 2024-09-10
- Admin bar: always use user language even on frontend screens [#39255]
- Admin bar: update 'My Account' link to /me [#39290]
- Enable Users -> Profile (profile.php) on all sites [#39181]
- Launchpad: Require a design is selected before marking the step as complete in both the Write and Free flows [#39189]
- Updated package dependencies. [#39176] [#39302]
- Use the correct endpoint route for adding suggested tags on new posts. [#39175]
5.61.0 - 2024-09-02
- MU WPCOM: Disable the Open Graph Tags according to the privacy of the site [#39012]
- Point "Edit Profile" to profile.php when Site-Level Profile is enabled [#39091]
5.60.0 - 2024-08-30
- Add Meta crawler. [#39159]
- Newspack blocks: Updated from 3.5 to 4.0.1 [#39033]
- Updated package dependencies. [#39111]
- Always rewrite profile.php to /me on Default sites [#39113]
5.59.0 - 2024-08-26
- Auto open Upload Theme dialog if query parameter is present [#39045]
- Fixup project versions. [#38931]
- MU WPCOM: Fix Post Publish Modal checkbox alignment [#38990]
- Bump package version [#39056]
- MU WPCOM: Fix the coming soon isn't configured correctly if the settings changes from Coming Soon -> Private -> Coming Soon [#39010]
5.58.0 - 2024-08-23
- Sync Calypso locale to Atomic Classic [#39009]
- Jetpack-mu-wpcom admin bar: move the Reader menu item to the secondary admin bar group. [#38976]
- Replace language selector with a link to WPCOM [#39013]
- Updated package dependencies. [#39004]
- Admin bar: fix icon colors on site frontend [#39014]
- Ensure theme update icon is hidden correctly [#38957]
- Inconsistent Color Scheme when previewing on Simple Default [#39048]
5.57.1 - 2024-08-21
- Site Level User Profile: expose all relevant fields on profile.php [#38949]
- Help Center: show disconnected version on frontend [#38941]
- Revert recent SVG image optimizations. [#38981]
5.57.0 - 2024-08-19
- Social Links: Requiring feature from Classic Theme Helper package instead of Jetpack module. [#38730]
- Gutenberg: Include links to support docs for recent blocks. [#38794]
- Keep the synced-newspack-blocks folder instead of pulling on every install. [#38873]
- Replace the link of the additional CSS. [#38951]
- Re-tangle first/last/display name, website, and bio fields in profile.php. [#38854]
- Temporarily point to for testing purposes. [#38903]
- Updated package dependencies. [#38662]
- Whem Atomic users log out of wp-admin they are also logged out of WPCOM. [#38850]
- Help Center: Don't load english translations. [#38912]
- Lossless image optimization for images (should improve performance with no visible changes). [#38750]
5.56.0 - 2024-08-13
- WPCOM Block Description Links: add links for embed variations [#38834]
- wpcom_admin_interface setting: update copy to match Calypso setting. [#38810]
5.55.0 - 2024-08-12
- WPCOM MU Plugin: Add dynamic script loader [#38819]
5.54.3 - 2024-08-12
- MU WPCOM: Fix the “page-patterns” plugin has encountered an error and cannot be rendered" [#38823]
5.54.2 - 2024-08-09
- Block Editor Nux: Temporary stop load feature from MU WPCOM [#38802]
- Fixed CSSTidy loading in the test [#37859]
5.54.1 - 2024-08-08
- Load Scheduled_Updates for non-wpcom users [#38772]
5.54.0 - 2024-08-08
- MU WPCOM: Port enqueue_coblocks_gallery_scripts from the ETK [#38731]
- MU WPCOM: Port the newspack blocks from the ETK [#38724]
- Point Edit Profile link to wpcalypso.* [#38775]
- Show Help center in front end admin bar [#38651]
- Show links back to for them to manage their profile [#38638]
- Removed gating logic for wpcom_admin_interface_settings_field [#38774]
- Features: Remove unused files for Calypso Locale Bidirectional Sync [#38773]
- Simple Classic: make Users -> Profile -> Email input readonly instead of disabled [#38752]
5.53.1 - 2024-08-05
- Internal updates.
5.53.0 - 2024-08-05
- Added wpcom-block-editor-nux feature from calypso's ETK package. [#38674]
- MU WPCOM: Port FSE feature from ETK [#38212]
- MU WPCOM: Port the newspack blocks from the ETK [#38454]
- MU WPCOM: Port the starter-page-templates feature from ETK [#38475]
- Add description link to Subscriber Login block [#38629]
- MU WPCOM: Only load ETK features for wpcom users [#38708]
- Removed dead CSS code [#38659]
- Admin bar: fix icon alignment on small screen widths [#38684]
- Adminbar: Fix profile menu colors [#38650]
- Admin bar: help center and notification icons now follow color scheme [#38672]
- Fix bug so Theme Showcase menu appears on Simple Classic sites [#38698]
- Fix RTL admin bar [#38654]
- Masterbar: Fix icon overlap issue at smaller resolutions [#38551]
- MU WPCOM: Fix the option of the MailerLite widget is gone [#38640]
5.52.1 - 2024-07-30
- Fixup versions [#38612]
5.52.0 - 2024-07-30
- Help Center: extended post fetch endpoint to accept URLs [#38445]
- Admin bar: Force mobile viewport to have the same icon color as desktop [#38588]
- Blog Privacy: Update Applebot-Extended disallow rule [#38599]
- React: Changing global JSX namespace to React.JSX [#38585]
5.51.0 - 2024-07-29
- Hide the plugin banner on non-wpcom-connected users or agency-managed users [#38532]
- Admin Bar: Fix the order of the top-right items on Atomic sites [#38533]
5.50.0 - 2024-07-26
- Added a new task to the readymade-template launchpad for generating content with AI [#38507]
5.49.1 - 2024-07-26
- Update dependencies.
5.49.0 - 2024-07-25
- Add a12n notice about proxied toolbar [#38519]
- Add query param to URL only for users with manage options permission [#38493]
- Admin Bar: Point the (Profile) -> Edit Profile menu to /me when appropriate [#38530]
- Fix fatal error in admin bar [#38526]
- MU WPCOM: Load built version of wpcom-sidebar-notice.js [#38479]
5.48.0 - 2024-07-23
- Always use house icon for site name in admin-bar. [#38457]
5.47.0 - 2024-07-22
- Added origin_site_id param to the links on the masterbar. [#38401]
- Added Random Redirect module for simple sites. [#38374]
- Admin Bar: Replaced the wp-admin url with the calypso ones for the default interface. [#38377]
- Nav Redesign: Use Core admin bar for Simple and Atomic Default-view sites. [#38419]
- Show notifications and help icons on mobile. [#38438]
- Updated Masterbar Reader icon. [#38437]
- Admin Bar: Adjust wpcom logo size on mobile. [#38448]
- Set
absolutely positioned to the right to prevent it from floating ut of place when the window shrinks. [#38426]
5.46.0 - 2024-07-18
- Limited Global Styles: Port feature from ETK [#38333]
- Admin Bar: Make it consistent between Calypso and WP Admin regardless of the value of Admin Interface Style [#38399]
5.45.0 - 2024-07-18
- MU WPCOM: Support localizeUrl [#38318]
- Block Perplexity AI bot in robots.txt when opted out of data sharing. [#38400]
- Hide wpcom features when site is agency-managed or user is local [#38364]
- Admin Bar: Hotfix the order of the admin menu items for WP 6.6 [#38347]
5.44.0 - 2024-07-15
- Add Profile -> My Account menu to admin bar. [#38294]
- Adds checks to remove wpcom items and links in wp-admin for users who are not connected to wpcom. [#38241]
- Bring jetpack-global-styles from ETK. [#38209]
- Classic Theme Helper: Adding in Responsive Video class initialization from the Jetpack Mu WPcom package. [#38218]
- Load the Google Analytics package. [#37622]
- MU WPCOM: Enable the custom-line-height feature by default. [#38317]
- MU WPCOM: Move countdown and timeline blocks from jetpack to jetpack-mu-wpcom. [#38298]
- MU WPCOM: Port the a8c-posts-list block from ETK. [#38279]
- MU WPCOM: Port Whats New from ETK. [#38229]
- Port block-inserter-modifications from ETK. [#38277]
- Port MailerLite Widget. [#38293]
- Port wpcom-block-description-links from ETK. [#38254]
- Port wpcom-documentation-links feature from ETK. [#38249]
jetpack-mu-wpcom - Help Center: Consume translations directly from [#38300]
Updates the admin bar as follows:
- Repurposes the WordPress logo as a link to /sites.
- Adds Reader menu.
- Hides the updates icon.
- Hides the comments icon. [#38233]
- Dashboard widgets: Remove WordPress Events and News feed widget. [#38242]
- Help Center: Save Last-Modified date in downloaded language files instead of the current date. [#38284]
- Hide help-center for wc-admin home page. [#38253]
5.43.0 - 2024-07-08
- Added Help Center (migration from ETK) [#38093]
- Custom CSS: Add the loading mechanism back after it was reverted. [#38173]
- Jetpack Mu Wpcom: Added call for Featured Content [#38215]
- MU WPCOM: Allow simple sites to upload the heif images [#38188]
- MU WPCOM: Port font-smoothing-antialiased feature from ETK [#38195]
- MU WPCOM: Port override-preview-button-url feature from ETK [#38196]
- MU WPCOM: Port paragraph block feature from ETK [#38213]
- MU WPCOM: Port tags-education feature from ETK. [#38210]
- MU WPCOM: Port the hide-homepage-title feature from ETK [#38190]
- As we've launched untangling & nav redesign, the wpcom_is_nav_redesign_enabled() function name is not relevant anymore and can be confusing for future developers, so we replace it with the equivalent get_option call. [#38197]
- Classic Theme Helper - initialize Featured Content from the mu-wpcom package [#37969]
- Load ETK features with a higher priority to avoid the ETK plugin taking precedence. [#38230]
- Updated package dependencies. [#38132] [#38235]
- Update Verbum Comments accessibility. [#38116]
- Jetpack Mu Wpcom: Removed call to Featured Content class for initial release. [#38205]
5.42.1 - 2024-07-01
- Redirect to Default settings page after Admin Interface has been updated to Default. [#38107]
5.42.0 - 2024-06-28
- Disable loading of Custom CSS for atomic sites [#38118]
5.41.0 - 2024-06-28
- Add Custom CSS module from Jetpack plugin [#37794]
5.40.0 - 2024-06-26
- Add a new launchpad task list for the readymade template flow [#37989]
5.39.0 - 2024-06-26
- Remove Update Services section in Writing Setting if is_agency_managed_site [#38038]
5.38.1 - 2024-06-25
- Remove use of
. Its replacement has been in WP Core since 6.1. [#38015]
5.38.0 - 2024-06-25
- Hide admin interface if is_agency_managed_site [#38006]
- Hide site visibility setting if is_agency_managed_site [#38009]
- Hide Core's default My Sites menu on [#38000]
5.37.0 - 2024-06-24
- Added is_agency_managed_site function used to hide wpcom items [#37993]
5.36.0 - 2024-06-21
- Jetpack MU WPCOM: Added Applebot-Extended to robots.txt disallow. [#37954]
- Masterbar: Require and use 'jetpack-masterbar' package in jetpack-mu-wpcom [#37812]
- Site Visibility: Update link copy [#37909]
- Fix an edge case for theme showcase button rendering if only a single theme is left after deletion. [#37920]
- Fix how comment modal option is retrieved [#37897]
- Masterbar: Fix All sites icon size in small screen sizes [#37938]
- Simple Classic: Redirect to Default interface after switching wpcom_admin_interface [#37921]
5.35.4 - 2024-06-18
- Update dependencies.
5.35.3 - 2024-06-14
- Remove bi-directional profile syncing between Atomic and Simple sites [#37862]
- Masterbar: Update All Sites icon size [#37832]
5.35.2 - 2024-06-14
- Simple Classic: Add condition to release it using a wpcom function [#37867]
- Fix link to logs in Site management panel widget [#37868]
5.35.1 - 2024-06-13
- Move Verbum comments to clsx [#37789]
- Updated package dependencies. [#37776] [#37796]
- Replace the wp-admin/about.php links with a link to wp-admin/ main page. This is needed for Simple Sites where we restrict access to the about.php and contribute.php [#37777]
5.35.0 - 2024-06-10
- Add Hosting > Overview menu option on WP Admin sidebar. [#37732]
- WPCOM Block Editor: Moved from Jetpack Plugin to mu-wpcom [#37324]
- Remove Monitoring and Configuration menu options from Hosting menu. [#37736]
- Fixed typo in setcookie call [#37774]
5.34.0 - 2024-06-06
- Menu: Register plugin install page for default sites [#37686]
- Updated links to site management panel [#37712]
- Updated package dependencies. [#37669]
- Jetpack Cloud Simple > Monetize: Fix the link for "Set up an offer for your supporters" step [#37673]
- Revert update_calypso_locale [#37740]
5.33.0 - 2024-06-03
- New intro tour for classic admin interface. [#37533]
- Plugin menu: Register "Plugins Marketplace" menu. [#37521]
- Update comments settings in Simple to match Jetpack site. [#37592]
- Replace "Site visibility" with a link to Calypso. [#37656]
5.32.0 - 2024-05-27
- Add staging sites check for menus. [#37449]
- Dashboard: Introduce the site management widget when the nav redesign is enabled. [#37569]
- Calypsoify: Load feature from the Calypsoify package. [#37375]
- Update import flow reference to new
path. [#37470]
5.31.1 - 2024-05-20
- Untangling: Replace Hosting -> Connections with Hosting -> Marketing. [#37431]
5.31.0 - 2024-05-16
- Admin Interface Style: Add the track event when the value is changed. [#37373]
- Features: Add wp-admin sync with Calypso locale. [#37352]
- Remove the need to have posts published in the ai-assembler launchpad. [#36942]
- Updated package dependencies. [#37379]
- Untangling: correctly show the All Sites menu in the top bar. [#37393]
- Verbum Comments: translate block editor. [#37367]
5.30.0 - 2024-05-14
- Features: Calypso Locale Sync from wp-admin to Calypso [#37316]
- In trial plans, we don't show "Grow your business" and "Launch your site" tasks. [#37374]
5.29.1 - 2024-05-13
- menu: Add "Hosting > Add-ons" menu to Atomic sites [#37318]
5.29.0 - 2024-05-09
- Jetpack-mu-wpcom: Add classic theme helper package as a requirement [#37284]
- Settings: Add Admin Interface Style options. [#37273]
- Nav Redesign: Revert Hosting menu changes [#37254]
- Themes: Fixed an issue that was showing a broken Theme Showcase action in the active theme details [#37258]
- Features: Don't load admin color schemes if Jetpack is not active [#37233]
5.28.0 - 2024-05-06
- Add plugins link to menu for simple classic users. [#37182]
- Launchpad: Add completion handler to eCommerce plan tasks. [#37131]
- Navigation Redesign: Add Hosting -> Overview menu. [#37228]
- Scheduled Updates: Add Scheduled Updates submenu item in wpcom-site-menu.php. [#37070]
- Admin Menu: Record events in Tracks for sidebar notices. [#37214]
- Fix navigation upsell and notification RTL spacing. [#37125]
- Updated package dependencies. [#37147] [#37148]
- Remove reference to
, which was removed from wpcom in D111041-code (May 2023). [#37201] - Remove reference to
, which was removed from wpcom in D104342-code (March 2023). [#37201]
5.27.0 - 2024-04-29
- Launchpad: Add Entrepreneur plan launchpad tasks [#37094]
5.26.1 - 2024-04-26
- CloudFlare Analytics: add tracking code management (originally in the Jetpack plugin). [#37061]
- General: use wp_admin_notice function introduced in WP 6.4 to display notices. [#37051]
- Calypso: Prevent CSS concat on colors handle instead of reenqueuing colors from CDN. [#37063]
5.26.0 - 2024-04-25
- Admin menu: Show sidebar notices on classic interface. [#36797]
- Admin menu: Sidebar notices can be dismissed now. [#37031]
- Update project dependencies to explicitly reflect the current state. [#37035]
5.25.0 - 2024-04-22
- Add missing dependency on
. [#36881]
- Launch the themes banner in WP Admin for all users. [#36935]
- Monetize: Move menu item into the Jetpack menu for all Classic interface users. [#36995]
- Added completed callback for site_launched task. [#36839]
- Fixed a only issue that forced the Themes menu to always point to Calypso even when the classic interface was set. [#36934]
- Fix enqueuing editor styles. [#36983]
- Themes: Fixed an issue that was showing a broken Theme Showcase action in the active theme details. [#36986]
5.24.0 - 2024-04-15
- Patterns: Hide categories that start with underscore. [#36763]
- Calypso: Add Theme Showcase menu. [#36851]
- Display a banner before the theme browser that links to the Theme Showcase. [#36801]
- Conditionally enable link manager on Simple and Atomic sites. [#36770]
- Hide Customize on block themes on Simple Classic sites. [#36856]
- Monetize: Move into Jetpack menu and open the page on Jetpack Cloud. [#36799]
- Update Monetize Launchpad links to Jetpack Cloud. [#36728]
- Removed All Sites menu option from sidebar. [#36632]
- Add translation support for the Launchpad API endpoint. [#36802]
5.23.2 - 2024-04-08
- Updated package dependencies. [#36760] [#36761] [#36788]
5.23.1 - 2024-04-05
- Update dependencies.
5.23.0 - 2024-04-04
- Allow Simple sites access to the Hosting menu [#36684]
- Load Stats on admin_menu hook for Simple sites so Jetpack menu loads for admin-menu API [#36712]
5.22.0 - 2024-04-01
- Add Odyssey Stats to wpcom Simple Site [#36628]
- Change Phan baselines. [#36627]
- Dotcom patterns: use wp_block post type patterns in editor with all themes and hide core and Jetpack form patterns [#36588]
- General: update Phan configuration. [#36528]
5.21.0 - 2024-03-27
- Updated package dependencies. [#36585]
- Updated Verbum Highlander Comment form prompt value [#36505]
- Untangle: update launchpad links for subscribers to go to Jetpack Cloud [#36573]
5.20.0 - 2024-03-25
- Removed Subscribers from Hosting menu [#36513]
5.19.0 - 2024-03-22
- Added additional settings for commenting on simple sites [#36367]
- Releasing Gutenberg to all Verbum users. [#36476]
- Block Patterns: The modal of the starter patterns isn't shown when you're creating a new post [#36516]
- Untangle: update launchpad links for newsletter setting to go to Jetpack's [#36495]
5.18.0 - 2024-03-20
- The GitHub deployments feature check has been removed. [#36383]
- Updated copy by replacing "subscribers" with "emails" [#36450]
- Fixed a bug where locked mode was applied to all sites in /me/sites that followed a site with locked mode enabled. [#36388]
- Hosting menu is only available to admin with a wpcom account [#36405]
- Wrong text in the editor placeholder. It was not translated [#36454]
5.17.0 - 2024-03-15
- Added information regarding if github deployments is active to the wp-admin command palette config. [#36324]
- Untangle: Enable both Calypso & Core admin color schemes in Users -> Profile [#36341]
5.16.1 - 2024-03-12
- Internal updates.
5.16.0 - 2024-03-12
- Added Connections to the Hosting menu [#36302]
- Updated package dependencies. [#36325]
5.15.2 - 2024-03-11
- External dependencies of the Command Palette are now explicitly declared. [#36184]
- Jetpack MU WPCOM: Added Bytespider robots.txt [#36260]
- Remove external-icon from Hosting menu [#36221]
- unregisters unnecessary items from the customizer for atomic sites on block theme [#36161]
- Untangle: correctly show the current homepage when live-previewing another block theme [#36178]
5.15.1 - 2024-03-05
- Internal updates.
5.15.0 - 2024-03-04
- Added a Command Palette loader on the jetpack-mu-wpcom plugin. [#35635]
- Add-Ons: Hide the menu on atomic sites [#36065]
- Scheduled Updates: Load API endpoints on so it works with public-api passthrough. [#35999]
- Show gutenberg in verbum to 80% of users [#36121]
- The Command Palette loads the script with a
strategy now to improve the performance. [#36076] - Updated package dependencies.
- Add blog id and post id to connection params [#36152]
- Untangle: fix launchpad links to go to wp-admin pages on classic view [#36014]
5.14.1 - 2024-02-26
- Verbum: Ensure colour contrast for disabled button is a11y-friendly. [#35929]
- Fix comment form login for passwordless users [#35785]
5.14.0 - 2024-02-26
- Adds a dismissible admin notice to inform users of the hosting menu [#35930]
- Add Scheduled Updates package [#35796]
- Add Anthropic UAs to list of crawlers to block. [#35924]
- Change wpcom menu item to go to my sites instead of global site view. [#35928]
- Update menu item to be a menu of links rather than one link. [#35925]
5.13.1 - 2024-02-21
- Ensure consistent robots.txt behavior between and WoA. [#35803]
5.13.0 - 2024-02-19
- Blog Privacy: Add AI User Agents to robots.txt depending on blog setting. [#35704]
- Don't override Site Editor's back button URL for sites with classic view enabled. [#35721]
- jetpack-mu-wpcom: Added the wpcom-site-menu feature to add a sidebar menu item. [#35702]
- Create and use Preact signal for subscriptionModalStatus to fix issue of undefined value sent on comment submission. [#35741]
5.12.2 - 2024-02-13
- Updated package dependencies. [#35608]
5.12.1 - 2024-02-12
- Make the 'Install the mobile app' task visible to Simple and Atomic. [#35465]
5.12.0 - 2024-02-05
- Adds the completion logic for the Install the mobile app task to Atomic sites" [#35261]
- Import: adds a banner to wp-admin linking to the Calypso import tool [#35351]
- Register wp_block patterns from Dotcompatterns with blockTypes [#35337]
- Updated package dependencies. [#35384]
- Updated Readme to include Verbum issue board and clarify code syncing steps [#35318]
- Verbum: Minify dynamic-loader script. [#35323]
- Verbum: Use jetpack-assets package to register scripts using
file data. [#35323] - Verbum Comments blocks rollout to 50% of sites [#35446]
- Esnsure the submit event is fired by the comments form [#35388]
- Verbum: Avoid copying PHP files into
. [#35323]
5.11.0 - 2024-01-29
- Allow users to post HTML when blocks are enabled [#35276]
- Cache the response of the Domain List request, and harden the code [#35070]
- Change Verbum Blocks sample size to 30% [#35255]
- Hides the "Install the mobile app" task while the completion logic is not fully implemented [#35302]
- Update Verbum README [#35252]
- Verbum cache buster depended on build_meta, which is only updated on production builds. It doesn't refresh during development, giving you a stale block-editor bundle. [#35243]
5.10.0 - 2024-01-25
- Add Verbum Comments in jetpack-mu-wpcom plugin. [#35196]
5.9.0 - 2024-01-22
- Added the completion logic for the 'Install the mobile app' task [#35110]
- Adds the completion logic for the Verify Domain Email task [#35068]
- Block theme previews: show an education modal when previewing a theme. [#34935]
- Launchpad: Enabled to temporary dismiss a dismissible launchpad [#34889]
- Dotcom patterns: use assembler v2 patterns in editor [#35081]
- Newsletter launchpad: move email verify task above subscriber task [#35084]
- jetpack-mu-wpcom: Prevent get_plugin_data indirectly calling wptexturize. [#35087]
5.8.2 - 2024-01-15
- Add the completion logic for the
task [#34837] - Add the Verify Domain Email task [#34893]
- Removes the
Set up your Professional Email
task [#34865]
5.8.1 - 2024-01-08
- Adds the is_dismissible prop to the Launchpad task list definition. [#34839]
5.8.0 - 2024-01-04
- Add WooCommerce setup task completion logic. [#34791]
- Dashboard Link: Allow to customize the url via the query parameter. [#34836]
- Launchpad: Rename the title of the setup_general to Give your site a name. [#34826]
- Update launchpad methods docs. [#34829]
- Update package dependencies. [#34815]
- Use the Site Title task instead of the blogname_set task. [#34799]
5.7.0 - 2024-01-02
- Added Sensei setup completion logic. [#34789]
- Fixed the start page options modal still being visible. [#34824]
- Block Patterns: Updated to use category name testimonials rather than quotes. [#34808]
5.6.0 - 2023-12-25
- Remove a nag for domains without a verified email [#34385]
- Removed Launchpad task for domain email verification. [#34387]
5.5.0 - 2023-12-15
- Updates the WC visibility check to use the
function. [#34648]
5.4.0 - 2023-12-14
- Add the Sensei and WooCommerce Setup Task, to allow us to retire the old checklist card. [#34551] [#34564]
- Launchpad: Add context param to endpoint. [#34498]
- Mark the setup_general task as complete based on whether blogname or blog description options changed. [#34579]
5.3.0 - 2023-12-11
- Added editor error handling from ETK. [#34158]
- Added initial JS and TS build logic. [#34158]
- Added the Site Setup Launchpad, to allow us to retire the old checklist card. [#34320]
- Launchpad: Added tasks for the new ai-assembler flow. [#34532]
- Launchpad: Completed the plan tasks when the user purchses a plan. [#34480]
- Launchpad: Completed the task, Personalize your site, when the user updates the site title, site tagline or site logo. [#34511]
- Launchpad: Set up tasks for the new assembler-first flow. [#34451]
- Launchpad: Added source to Earn stripe task. [#34448]
5.2.0 - 2023-12-03
- Launchpad: Updated link for paid offer task. [#34413]
5.1.1 - 2023-11-30
- Update url for launchpad task to add subscribe block to point to site editor with subscribe block docs open in the help center. [#34329]
- Added type check to prevent unnecessary warnings in Coming Soon logic [#34322]
- Earn: Update link to plans page. [#34316]
5.1.0 - 2023-11-24
- Added dynamic titles to task lists. [#34244]
- Migrated Block Patterns. [#34162]
- Replaced usage of strpos() with str_contains(). [#34137]
- Replaced usage of substr() with str_starts_with() and str_ends_with(). [#34207]
- Prevented fatal errors when filename is empty in the heif support feature. [#34062]
5.0.0 - 2023-11-20
- Ensure enable subscribe modal task in launchpad. [#33909]
- Launchpad: Add query parameter to the write three posts prompt. [#34160]
- Replaced usage of strpos() with str_starts_with(). [#34135]
- Updated required PHP version to >= 7.0. [#34192]
4.18.0 - 2023-11-09
- Take id_map in consideration when checking if a task is completed inside wpcom_launchpad_is_task_option_completed. [#34009]
4.17.0 - 2023-11-08
- Added Launchpad tasks and task list to the Subscriber page. [#33948]
- Updated the URL for the Add Subscribers launchpad task to trigger the "Add Subscribers" modal. [#33913]
4.16.2 - 2023-11-03
- Launchpad hooks: Made more resilient against non-array values. [#33923]
4.16.1 - 2023-10-31
- Clicking on the 'Choose a plan' task would not redirect to the plans page. [#33872]
4.16.0 - 2023-10-30
- Add launchpad checklist for host-site intent. [#33698]
- Disable fullscreen launchpad when completing the site_launched task. [#33819]
4.15.1 - 2023-10-26
- Coming Soon feature: Be more defensive when checking for meta data. [#33769]
4.15.0 - 2023-10-16
- Launchpad: Add earn-newsletter checklist. [#33200]
- Launchpad: Update copy for global styles in plan_selected task. [#33462]
4.14.0 - 2023-10-10
- Expose newsletter_categories_location to JavaScript [#33374]
- Changed domain launchpad task visibility [#33456]
- Changed email verification visibility [#33457]
4.13.0 - 2023-10-03
- Add new task for user to confirm email when purchasing a domain. [#33373]
- Add plugin to show frontend email nag for domains with unverified email address [#33390]
- Adds a URL param to identify the source of the navigation on the Customize domain task. [#33404]
4.12.0 - 2023-09-28
- Added calypso_path to Launchpad task [#33355]
- Support Design First tasks on the Customer Home Launchpad [#33272]
- Support Start Writing tasks on the Customer Home Launchpad [#33281]
- Added check for jetpack sync option to only run on Atomic [#33286]
4.11.0 - 2023-09-25
- Adds 100 Year Plan features, including the ability to set a legacy contact and enable locked mode. [#33081]
- Adds a feature to include helpers for the First Posts stream. In particular, an option is being added to the sync list. [#33253]
- Add the Calypso path for the setup_link_in_bio task. [#32905]
- Support Videopress tasks on the Customer Home Launchpad. [#33153]
- Locked Mode: Now applies cap filter in REST API requests as well. [#33246]
4.10.0 - 2023-09-19
- Add removal capability for navigator available checklists [#33019]
- add updating capabilities for current checklist [#32964]
- Change the Site Editor's dashboard link [#33024]
- Change the way the navigator checklists are handled [#33011]
- Make map block settings load after registering the script [#33066]
4.9.0 - 2023-09-11
- adding navigator api endpoint [#32963]
- capability for getting the current active checklist [#32965]
4.8.0 - 2023-09-07
- Add HEIC/HEIF image upload support [#32900]
- Add updater for WPCOM Marketplace plugins [#32872]
- Update version numbers [#32902]
4.7.0 - 2023-09-06
- Added Calypso paths for setup_free and domain_upsell tasks [#32851]
- Launchpad: added Calypso paths for newsletter tasks [#32882]
4.6.0 - 2023-09-04
- Added sub-option to show/hide launchpad modal in editor [#32730]
- Use the task id to validate the task update request [#32591]
- Adapt the pre launch tasks to work on the Customer Home [#32796]
- Update function prefixes for task list definitions [#32563]
- Update the unused get_task_url prop on the task definition to the get_calypso_path [#32790]
- Remove the is launched check for the build intent [#32810]
4.5.1 - 2023-08-28
- Updated package dependencies. [#32605]
4.5.0 - 2023-08-21
- Added new 'skipped' option to launchpad checklist [#32500]
- Remove the initial slash to match the pattern used throughout the project [#32365]
- Add calypso path for set_up_payments task. [#32526]
- Fix completion logic for welcome message on newsletters task. [#32466]
- Reuse completion method to make it easier to add tracking and check for list completion. [#31471]
4.4.1 - 2023-08-15
- Reduce number of tasks in the free and paid newsletter task lists [#32459]
4.4.0 - 2023-08-14
- Newsletter launchpad: add migrate content task. [#32357]
4.3.1 - 2023-08-09
- Adds the 'Write 3 posts' launchpad task to the 'Write' intent [#32341]
- Update the email verification task copy [#32364]
4.3.0 - 2023-08-07
- Added add_about_page Launchpad task [#32245]
- Added new Launchpad task [#32204]
- Added new Launchpad task [#32250]
- Add the path for the Write 3 posts and Enable subscriber modal tasks [#32233]
- Launchpad: add 'Get your first 10 subscribers' task for newsletters and add general repeated task completion logic [#32075]
- Launchpad: add a way to query and set checklist dismissed status [#32200]
- Add the Earn money task to the Free Newsletter task list [#32315]
- Refactors is_launchpad_enabled method to make it clear they are related to the fullscreen launchpad [#32269]
- Refactors refactor disable_launchpad & maybe_disable_launchpad to make it clear they are related to the fullscreen launchpad [#32268]
- Fix the new get_calypso_path for the customize_welcome_message task [#32195]
4.2.0 - 2023-08-01
- Add manage subscribers task. [#32064]
- Add new subscribers modal task to newsletter launchpads. [#32042]
- Add site_goals to the jetpack sync options. [#32068]
- Add the Write 3 posts task for the newsletter flow. [#32012]
- Launchpad: add calypso_url property to tasks where we know the Calypso page we want to show. [#32177]
- Add back the update_about_page task to the intent-build list. [#32188]
- Auto-formatted composer file. [#32005]
- Remove duplicate task list [#32121]
4.1.0 - 2023-07-26
- Add the intent check on the newsletter functions" [#32067]
- Added some guards around calls to wpcom_get_theme_annotation() to avoid errors [#32078]
4.0.0 - 2023-07-25
- Added additional tests for launchpad tasklist validation [#31992]
- Added the Free and Paid Newsletter task list [#31981]
- Add new task for post-launch Newsletter task lists. [#32034]
- Adds the count propertis to the task definitions [#31970]
- Adds the Earn money with your newsletter task [#32000]
- Launchpad task for updating the about page [#31966]
- Show the correct homepage on the Site Editor when previewing a theme. See Automattic/wp-calypso#79221 in more detail. [#31929]
- Rename the keep-building Launchpad checklist to intent-build [#31905]
- Updated initial state of Launchpad subscribers task. [#31947]
- Updated launchpad task list validation return types to be more useful. Previously, we just returned a simple bool. Now we return a WP_Error where appropriate. [#31834]
- Remove
task from post-launch task list. [#31995]
3.7.0 - 2023-07-17
- Launchpad: Filter tasks by newsletter import goal. [#31825]
- Launchpad task for editing a page [#31789]
3.6.0 - 2023-07-10
- While in the design_first flow, if the user creates a post, deletes the default hello-world. [#31702]
3.5.0 - 2023-07-05
- Added a new email campaign trigger for blog-onboarding [#31612]
- Add validation for required tasks. [#31626]
- Launchpad task for adding a new page [#31578]
- Update keep building task list visibility logic to check if a site is launched [#31623]
- Don't hide design_edited task if complete [#31620]
3.4.0 - 2023-06-27
- Check that the function jetpack_is_atomic_site exists before using it. [#31602]
3.3.0 - 2023-06-26
- Launchpad task for domain customization [#31493]
- Remove use of the is_launchpad_keep_building_enabled feature. [#31519]
3.2.0 - 2023-06-26
- Add a function to fire off a Tracks event when a task is completed and update existing mark task complete functions to use it. [#31444]
- Adding site_intent and launchpad_checklist_tasks_statuses to JP Sync. [#31558]
- Update visibility for design_edited task for post-launch sites. [#31191]
- Using design_completed instead of design_selected for design-first flow [#31513]
3.1.0 - 2023-06-19
- Add new claim free domain task to Keep Building task list. [#31275]
- Adds domain_upsell task to keep-building list and updates visibility rules for that same task. [#31281]
- Adds drive_traffic task to keep-building list. [#31377]
- Updates package version. [#31349]
3.0.0 - 2023-06-12
- Add a site title task to the Keep Building task list. [#31246]
- Move the completion check logic out of the task list availability status [#31055]
- Support task list filtering of visible task [#31186]
- Launchpad: Add verify email task to keep-building task list [#31239]
- Launchpad: Refactor task definitions [#31121]
- Fix fatal error for WoA sites due to absence of Logstash on that infrastructure. [#31284]
2.4.0 - 2023-06-06
- Add a new is_enabled logic to the launchpad endpoint to determine whether the task list is enabled for a site. [#30913]
- Add
to all existing task lists with a callback function that checks launchpad_screen. [#31092] - Apply filter to the Keep building task list [#31113]
- Register a "Keep Building" task list. [#30954]
- Remove unused API endpoint launchpad/checklist [#30882]
- Launchpad: use callbacks for task titles to pick up the user locale [#30915]
2.3.0 - 2023-05-29
- Launchpad: Add design-first Launchpad checklist API definition [#30871]
- Launchpad: Include "Choose a plan" task in other flows [#30906]
- Remove unnecessary duplicated require of Launchpad plugin. [#30856]
2.2.1 - 2023-05-22
- PHP8 compatibility updates. [#30729]
2.2.0 - 2023-05-12
- Added plan_completed step for start-writing flow instead of plan_selected [#30686]
- Ensure calling Launchpad_Task_Lists::list() with an empty ID doesn't result in a PHP warning. [#30509]
2.1.0 - 2023-05-11
- Add start writing checklist and task definitions to Launchpad Checklist API [#30369]
- Launchpad API improvements and compat [#30527]
2.0.0 - 2023-05-08
- Refactor the Launchpad task list API [#30397]
- Migrates Launchpad business logic from the mu-plugin to being defined by tasks [#30472]
- Avoid hooking Map settings multiple times. [#30454]
- Ensure Map block settings get hooked to existing block bbubundle. [#30453]
1.7.0 - 2023-05-03
- Refactor the Launchpad task list API
1.6.0 - 2023-05-02
- Add API to query Zendesk chat availability and use it to conditionally display zendesk chat [#29942]
- Add map_block_settings global [#30287]
- Launchpad: Return checklist from main endpoint. [#30227]
- Launchpad: Update text strings. [#30286]
- Updated project dependencies. [#30292]
1.5.1 - 2023-05-01
- Version update [#30293]
- Launchpad API: Address excess queries [#30361]
1.5.0 - 2023-04-25
- Sanitize cand validate checklist slug query param [#30112]
- Add newsletter task dedefinitions to launchpad checklist API endpoints [#30078]
- Fixed a bug where only the first option was updated and added unit tests. [#30096]
- Launchpad Checklist API: Adds registry to easily manage Launchpad checklists [#30211]
- SLaunchpad Checklist API: add task definitions for the Launchpad free flow [#30146]
- Update launchpad checklist API twrite flow task definitions to use site option data [#30116]
- Update launchpad checklist API twrite flow task definitions to use site option data [#30117]
- Launchpad Checklist API: Update VideoPress tasks [#30141]
- change link_in_bio_launched dependency to link_edited [#30176]
1.4.0 - 2023-04-17
- Added Launchpad Checklist API scaffolding code [#30023]
- Launchpad: Add link-in-bio task logic to endpoint [#30076]
- Removed namespacing of jetpack-mu-wpcom launchpad feature [#30044]
- Launchpad: Fixed variable scope issue with endpoint [#30069]
1.3.1 - 2023-04-10
- Add Jetpack Autoloader package suggestion. [#29988]
1.3.0 - 2023-04-05
- Add jetpack-mu-wpcom launchpad update site settings endpoint [#29841]
1.2.1 - 2023-03-28
- Minor internal updates.
1.2.0 - 2023-03-27
- Fix for the unified navigation on mobile in WordPress 6.2. [#29716]
1.1.3 - 2023-03-20
- Updated package dependencies. [#29480]
1.1.2 - 2023-03-10
- Coming Soon: use DVH units when available to fix height on iPhones [#29416]
1.1.1 - 2023-03-09
- Check for existence of wpcom_rest_api_v2_load_plugin function before loading wpcom endpoints. [#29399]
1.1.0 - 2023-03-08
- Add a Launchpad REST API endpoint for cross-platform benefit [#29082]
1.0.1 - 2023-02-28
- Updated checks for loading the coming soon feature. [#28932]
- Fix undefined is_plugin_active fatal on wpcom. [#29158]
- Bump non-zero major version.
0.2.2 - 2023-02-20
- Minor internal updates.
0.2.1 - 2023-02-15
- Check array key exists before access. [#28931]
0.2.0 - 2023-02-09
- Bumping major package version past zero. [#28880]
0.1.2 - 2023-02-06
- Migrate code from 'Automattic/jetpack/pull/27815'.
- Minor internal updates.
- Testing initial package release.