Let's ensure that all modules that currently output content to the frontend of a Jetpack site are currently compatible with the latest version of the AMP plugin, and do not generate any invalidation errors.
Here is the current list, sorted by a rough order of priority. Some of those may already be compatible.
- subscriptions
- contact-info
- top-posts
- social-icons
- eu-cookie-law
- blog-stats
- facebook-likebox
- twitter-timeline
- simple-payments
- mailchimp
- search
- It may be worth waiting with this one as the Search team is currently working on some changes to the way the widget works.
- gravatar-profile
- google-translate
- wordpress-post
- authors
- flickr
- goodreads
- internet-defense-league
- milestone Port Milestone widget to work with AMP #9558
- my-community
- rsslinks