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I experienced something quite similar to this closed issue #14867
Following a mongoose update (8.9.1) in my project (with yarn) without any problem, for whatever reason I decided to delete the yarn.lock file to regenerate it, and encountered the issue described by @gl-aagostino
The recursiveness worked when creating an ObjectId in code, but fails when loading a document from the db
Turns out this version of mongoose uses [email protected], and [email protected] was also in my package.json
Updating bson to 6.10.1 resolved the problem
Not sure if it's a yarn, mongoose or bson issue, but couldn't find talks about this anywhere else
Steps to Reproduce
create a project with [email protected] and [email protected]
insert a doc in db and find it
doc._id._id should crash
Expected Behavior
doc._id._id should not crash