With a large Up Next queue (reproducible with 500+ episodes in the queue), reordering episodes by either dragging or swiping right sometimes has a delay where the episode stays in it's original location for a few seconds before jumping to the correct position.
Step-by-step reproduction instructions
- Add 500+ episodes to the queue (may need less, but I was able to reproduce with 509 episodes)
- Open the queue and reorder a few episodes by dragging.
- Reorder a few episodes by swiping right (Play next).
Screenshots or screen recording
Here's the drag issue (2nd episode I dragged):
Here's the swipe issue (4th episode I swiped):
Did you search for existing bug reports?
- I have searched for existing bug reports.
Device, Operating system, and Pocket Casts app version
Google Pixel 6a
Android 14
Pocket Casts 7.78.2(9296)