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File metadata and controls

153 lines (108 loc) · 6.46 KB


Hooks are a way for one piece of code to interact/modify another piece of code at specific, pre-defined spots.

There are two types of hooks: Actions and Filters. To use either, you need to write a custom function known as a Callback, and then register it with a WordPress hook for a specific action or filter.

Read more about Hooks


Actions allow you to add data or change how WordPress operates. Actions will run at a specific point in the execution of plugin. Callback functions for an Action do not return anything back to the calling Action hook.


If you want to send debugging information to another source besides Query Monitor, use the wpcomvip_log action.

function custom_log( string $namespace, string $level, string $message, array $context ): void {
    // Send the log to a custom destination.
add_action( 'wpcomvip_log', 'custom_log', 10, 4 );


Filters give you the ability to change data during the execution of the plugin. Callback functions for Filters will accept a variable, modify it, and return it. They are meant to work in an isolated manner, and should never have side effects such as affecting global variables and output.


Filter whether to log a message to Query Monitor (default: true).

add_filter( 'wpcomvip_log_to_query_monitor', '__return_false' );


Filter whether to register the included example API block ("Conference Event") (default: true).

add_filter( 'remote_data_blocks_register_example_block', '__return_false' );


Filter the allowed URL schemes for this request. Only HTTPS is allowed by default, but it might be useful to relax this restriction in local environments.

function custom_allowed_url_schemes( array $allowed_url_schemes, HttpQueryInterface $query ): array {
	// Modify the allowed URL schemes.
	return $allowed_url_schemes;
add_filter( 'remote_data_blocks_allowed_url_schemes', 'custom_allowed_url_schemes', 10, 2 );


Filter the request details (method, options, url) before the HTTP request is dispatched.

function custom_request_details( array $request_details, HttpQueryInterface $query, array $input_variables ): array {
	// Modify the request details.
	return $request_details;
add_filter( 'remote_data_blocks_request_details', 'custom_request_details', 10, 3 );


Filter the query input variables prior to query execution. This filter is useful for modifying the input variables for the current page-load, e.g., by pulling in data from query variables or other context. See Overrides for more information.

add_filter( 'remote_data_blocks_query_input_variables', function ( array $input_variables, array $enabled_overrides, string $block_name, array $block_context ): array {
	if ( true === in_array( 'my_override', $enabled_overrides, true ) ) {
		$override_value = get_query_var( 'override_id' );

		if ( ! empty( $override_value ) ) {
			$input_variables['id'] = $override_value;

	return $input_variables;
}, 10, 4 );

Keep in mind that modifying query input variables will affect the object cache key used for query execution. This could result in a cache miss.


Filter the query response just after query execution. This filter is useful for modifying the query response for the current page-load, e.g., by pulling in data from query variables or other context. See Overrides for more information.

add_filter( 'remote_data_blocks_query_response', function ( array $query_response, array $enabled_overrides, string $block_name, array $block_context ): array {
	if ( true === in_array( 'alternate_date_format', $enabled_overrides, true ) ) {
		$query_response['results'] = array_map( function ( array $result ) {
			$date = new DateTime( $result['date'] );
			$result['date'] = $date->format( 'Y F d' );
			return $result;
		}, $query_response['results'] );

	return $input_variables;
}, 10, 4 );

The result of this filter is not cached, and will run for every block binding.


Filter the query response metadata, which are available as bindings for field shortcodes. In most cases, it is better to provide a custom query class and override the get_response_metadata method, but this filter is available in case that is not possible.

function custom_query_response_metadata( array $metadata, HttpQueryInterface $query, array $input_variables ): array {
	// Modify the response metadata.
	return $metadata;
add_filter( 'remote_data_blocks_query_response_metadata', 'custom_query_response_metadata', 10, 3 );


Filter to bypass the cache for a specific request (default: false).

add_filter( 'remote_data_blocks_bypass_cache', '__return_true' );


Filter to change the defualt 1 second delapy after an HTTP request fails. The Remote Data Blocks Plugin uses the Guzzle HTTP client. You can read about the response interface in their documentation.

function custom_response_retry_delay( int $retry_after_ms, int $retries, ?ResponseInterface $response ): int {
	// Implement a custom exponential backoff strategy.
	return floor( pow( 1.5, $retries ) * 1000 );
add_filter( 'remote_data_blocks_http_client_retry_delay', 'custom_response_retry_delay', 10, 3 );


Filter the default HTTP retry logic when an HTTP request fails or encounters an exception. The Remote Data Blocks Plugin uses the Guzzle HTTP client. You can read about the request, response, and exception interfaces in their documentation.

function custom_retry_decider( bool $should_retry, int $retries, RequestInterface $request, ?ResponseInterface $response, ?Exception $exception ): bool {
	// Retry on a 408 error if the number of retries is less than 5.
	if ( $retries < 5 && $response && 408 === $response->getStatusCode ) {
		return true;
	return $should_retry;
add_filter( 'remote_data_blocks_http_client_retry_decider', 'custom_response_retry_on_exception', 10, 5 );