Button Styling Issue in Marl Theme: Button Text and Background #8628
Quick summary
The button text color and background in the Marl theme take on the same color as the page background, making buttons invisible. This issue occurs regardless of the settings in Site Editor > Styles > Color > Button, as the global styles for buttons are not being applied.
Steps to reproduce
Tickets: 9325052-zen, 9323573-zen
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a site using the Marl theme (tested on both Simple and Atomic sites).
- Add a page and insert a Button block.
- Set a color for the button background and text via Site Editor > Styles > Color > Button.
- Publish or preview the page.
Expected Result
The button should display with the background and text colors as defined in the Site Editor > Styles > Color > Button settings.
Actual Result
The button background and text colors are set to match the page background, rendering the button completely invisible. Changing the settings in Site Editor > Styles > Color > Button has no effect. For customer's using the theme for WooCommerce stores, the Add to Cart button on the shop page is completely invisible.
Site owner impact
More than 60% of the total website/platform users
What other impact(s) does this issue have?
Individual site owner revenue
If a workaround is available, please outline it here.
Users may attempt custom CSS overrides to manually set button styles.
Platform (Simple and/or Atomic)
Simple, Atomic, Self-hosted