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Release testing instructions for WC Payments 4.9.0

Daniel Mallory edited this page Oct 18, 2022 · 11 revisions

Support Platform Checkout from Checkout Blocks

  • Firstly ensure that everything works fine on the shortcode checkout page.
  • Edit your Checkout page and instead of shortcode-checkout select the Checkout block.
  • Go to the merchant store, add some products to the cart and go to the checkout page (having Checkout Blocks)
  • Enter an existing Platform Checkout user email, it should prompt the OTP modal. Filling in the correct OTP should redirect to the Platform Checkout page.
  • Entering a non-existing Platform Checkout user email should do nothing.

Display analytics orders in customer currency

You'll need a store with more than one currency added and orders in at least 2 different currencies.

  • Go to Analytics → Orders.
  • The new Customer Currency filter should be there with value All currencies.
  • Select a Date range where you have orders in more than one currency.
  • Select your store currency in the Customer Currency filter.
    • Only orders in your store currency should be visible.
  • Select a different currency in the filter.
    • Only orders in this currency should be visible.
    • All amounts should be converted and use the correct currency symbol and store format.
    • Ensure all the conversions are good including Net sales and Average order value, and there is no rounding issues between the order amounts and totals.
  • Disable
Currency options All currencies  EUR  ISK
4446-currency-options 4446-all-currencies 4446-eur 4446-isk

UPE disable menu shift

  • Enable UPE in WCPay
  • Install and activate the latest version of the Gutenberg plugin
  • On the WCPay settings page, under "Payments accepted on checkout", click on the three dots next to the card heading
    • Confirm that the dropdown shows up without altering the appearance of the card element

Regression tests:

  • Install and activate the 13.2.2 version of the Gutenberg plugin

  • Confirm that the dropdown we tested before shows up without altering the appearance of the card element

  • Deactivate Gutenberg

  • Confirm that the dropdown we tested before shows up without altering the appearance of the card element





Decode HTML in format currency for rendering currency symbols

  • Set up an account with CHF currency.
    • SelectCH in the Stripe connect screen when selecting mobile code in first screen and then update currency to CHF in the bank selecting screen.
  • Ensure the payments overview screen renders CHF currency properly.
  • Since formatCurrency is used in other places like Transaction list and transaction details, this should fix the same issue in those places as well.
Screenshot 2022-10-03 at 3 02 05 PM Screenshot 2022-10-03 at 3 02 24 PM

New WCPay verification info modal

You'll need a store where the WCPayments plugin is installed, but onboarding has not yet been completed.

  • As a new account visit the Payments page.
  • Verify the new notice is visible - check the WooCommerce Payments link takes the user to the plugin page for WooCommerce Payments.
Screenshot 2022-10-14 at 10 58 31
  • Click "Learn more about how to receive payouts.". Verify a modal opens.
  • Verify the modal closes when either the Got It button is clicked, or the close icon is clicked.

Fix platform checkout store logo preview

  • Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payments -> WooCommerce Payments and enable WooPay. Go to Customize and upload a logo. The preview of the logo should be present.
  • Go to merchant store, add some product to cart, the go to the checkout page. Complete OTP verification for WooPay and get redirected to the platform checkout page. The store logo should be present there.

Save tokens for Link payment method

  • Scenario 1
  • Create a new subscription order and pay it using Link
  • Payment should be completed
  • The payment of renewal for the subscription should be processed without errors. To check this, use a 1 day subscription renewal.
  • Subscription fee should be applied
  • Scenario 2
  • Create a new subscription with 1 day trial version order and pay it using Link
  • Payment should be completed
  • The payment for the subscription should be processed without errors after the trial ends.
  • Subscription fee should be applied
  • Scenario 3
  • Install Woocommerce Subscriptions
  • When WCS is enabled it will take over the subscription functionality and will be managed by WCS.
  • In order to trigger subscription renewals, you can follow the steps [ here ]
  • Repeat the tests above.
  • Subscription fee should NOT be applied.


  1. In order to test the built-in subscription, you have to create a 1day subscription and wait for Stripe to renew the subscription. You cannot test it with Stripe's Subscription Clocks, because this will create a duplicate customer, and a new payment method ( credit card payment method ).
  2. If the subscription is not renewed after 1 day on client side, you can check the events on Stripe side for that subscription because you might have the listen webhook closed on your local when Stripe renewed the subscription.
  3. Subscriptions plugin overlaps the built in subscriptions.
  4. In order to test the subscriptions plugin, please use the steps from here.

Additional info about the KYC process needs to be displayed as an optional modal

  • As a new account, visit the Payments page.
  • There should be a new notice with a light purple background underneath the heading that reads You're only steps away from getting paid.
  • Click the WooCommerce Payments link in this notice and verify that it opens a new page with a description of the plugin.
  • Click the text that says You're only steps away from getting paid.
  • Verify that a modal opens. The modal should contain information about how to verify the user's identity.
  • Verify the modal closes when either the Got It button is clicked, or the close icon is clicked.

Fix otp modal when auto redirecting to platform checkout

  • Add a product to the cart and go to the checkout page
  • Use an email that exists in WooPay and complete the purchase paying via WooPay
  • Again, add a product to the cart and go to the checkout page
  • Wait for a few seconds. Auto redirection should start
  • Confirm in the network tab that no email/exists request was made.

Prevent WooPay OTP after click Place Order button

  • On the merchant store, log in with a user that's registered in WooPay (you can also finish an order on WooPay and then try to order again, this way the e-mail field will be pre-filled).
  • Add a product to the cart and proceed to check out.
  • Click on "Place Order" before the email field receives focus.
  • The SMS OTP modal should not be shown as the request to the WooPay /exists page was aborted.
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