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Release testing instructions for WC Payments 5.7.0

Allie Mims edited this page Mar 22, 2023 · 22 revisions

Test Fraud and Risk tools

1. Create site

Create a new site, complete the setup wizard, and select USD as the store currency and LA, USA as the store address.

2. Enable the fraud protection feature by running the following WP CLI command:

wp option update wcpay_fraud_protection_settings_active 1

3. Discoverability banner view (Release only, will be removed when moved over)

  1. Important: To make testing this banner as easy as possible, please login to your site from a separate private (or incognito) browser window.
  2. Navigate to the WCPay Overview page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fpayments%2Foverview.
  3. Inspect the banner. It should look like this:

  1. Click the 'Learn more' button. You should be directed to the WCPay settings screen. Once the components finish loading, you should see the screen smoothly scroll down to the Fraud Protection section.
  2. Go back to the WCPay Overview page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fpayments%2Foverview.
  3. Click 'Remind me later'. The banner should disappear.
  4. Now click the Deposits link just below the Overview link in the left sidebar. Once the Deposits screen loads, click back to the Overview screen. The banner should not appear.
  5. The 'Remind me later' button will set a timestamp for three days in the future. The banner will not appear until that timestamp is in the past.
  6. Now log out and close your private browser window.
  7. To speed up testing, update the option that controls the banner behavior to set the remindMeAt timestamp to null. If you get the option from the database, via WP CLI, after clicking the 'Remind me later' button once, the option will look something like this:
wp option get wcpay_frt_discover_banner_settings

  1. Copy and paste the returned option into a text file, then update the option to set remindMeAt to null, leave remindMeCount and dontShowAgain at their current values. Paste your updated option string at the end of the WP CLI option update command. Make sure the option value is wrapped in single quotes like the example below.
wp option update wcpay_frt_discover_banner_settings '{"remindMeCount":1,"remindMeAt":null,"dontShowAgain":false}'

Success: Updated 'wcpay_frt_discover_banner_settings' option.
  1. Open a new private browser window, login to your site, and visit the overview page again. The banner should show up.
  2. Repeat steps 6 through 12 two more times.
  3. At this point you should have clicked the 'Remind me later' button three times. The remindMeCount value in the option should now be 3 and the remindMeAt value should be null after your final update of the option in step 11. The option should look like this:
wp option get wcpay_frt_discover_banner_settings 

  1. Open a new private browser window, login to your site, and visit the overview page again. The banner should appear, but this time it should include a 'Don't show me this again' button. The banner should look like this:

  1. Click the 'Don't show me this again' button. The banner should disappear. Now click around to different admin screens and the Overview screen periodically for the next minute. You should not see the banner render on the Overview screen any more.

Mobile testing

  1. Delete the banner's option from the database: wp option delete wcpay_frt_discover_banner_settings

  2. On your mobile device, login to your site in a private or incognito browser window.

  3. Navigate to the WCPay Overview page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fpayments%2Foverview.

  4. Inspect the banner. It should look something like this:

  1. Click the 'Learn more' button. You should be directed to the WCPay settings screen. Once the components finish loading, you should see the screen smoothly scroll down to the Fraud Protection section.
  2. Go back to the WCPay Overview page: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fpayments%2Foverview.
  3. Click 'Remind me later'. The banner should disappear.
  4. Now visit a different page within the wp-admin. Once that page finishes loading, go back to the WCPay Overview page. The banner should not appear.
  5. Now log out and close the private browser window on your mobile device.
  6. On your computer get the option from the database via WP CLI. The option will look something like this:
wp option get wcpay_frt_discover_banner_settings

  1. Just like in the previous test on your computer, copy and paste the returned option into a text file, then update the option to set remindMeAt to null, leave remindMeCount and dontShowAgain at their current values. Paste your updated option string at the end of the WP CLI option update command. Make sure the option value is wrapped in single quotes like the example below.
wp option update wcpay_frt_discover_banner_settings '{"remindMeCount":1,"remindMeAt":null,"dontShowAgain":false}'

Success: Updated 'wcpay_frt_discover_banner_settings' option.
  1. Open a new private browser window on your mobile device, login to your site, visit the WCPay Overview page. The banner should be visible.
  2. Now repeat steps 7 through 12 two more times.
  3. At this point you should have clicked the 'Remind me later' button three times. The remindMeCount value in the option should now be 3 and the remindMeAt value should be null after your final update of the option in step 11. The option should look like this:
wp option get wcpay_frt_discover_banner_settings 

  1. Open a new private browser window on your mobile device, login to your site, and visit the WCPay Overview page. The banner should appear, but this time it should include a 'Don't show me this again' button. The banner should look like this:

  1. Click the 'Don't show me this again' button. The banner should disappear. Now click around to different admin screens and the Overview screen periodically for the next minute. You should not see the banner render on the Overview screen any more.

4. Fraud tools welcome tour (Release only, will be removed when moved over)

  1. Go to Payments > Settings
  2. The welcome tour should pop up
  3. Go through the tour steps and finish it – or click on the close button
  4. Refresh the page – it shouldn't pop up again
  5. Check the welcome tour flag by running npm run wp option get wcpay_fraud_protection_welcome_tour_dismissed – it should return 1
  6. If you want to test it again, run the following command: npm run wp option update wcpay_fraud_protection_welcome_tour_dismissed 0
  7. Refresh the page – the tour should pop up again.

5. Main feature setting panel

Login into the admin of your site and visit the WCPay settings screen: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout&section=woocommerce_payments

The fraud protection section should now be rendered below the deposits section. Screenshot 2023-03-22 at 07 50 35

Check that there are no errors in the browser console. Check the text and layout in the fraud protection section looks fine. Click the question mark icon beside each option under the payment risk level to ensure that the correct modal displays. Ensure that modals close when clicking 'Got it' button, 'X' close button, and clicking outside of the modal.

Currency changes are reflected

Navigate to the WooCommerce general settings page and change you currency to a currency other than USD.

Navigate back to the WCPay settings page and open each fraud protection modal by clicking on the question mark symbol '?'. The rule referencing $1,000.00 should now show a slightly modified text mentioning the equivalent of $1,000.00 in $store_currency.

Check the section on mobile.

Tunnel your local client site to reach it via the public internet.

Visit your client site on your smartphone and login as the administrator.

Navigate to the WCPay settings screen and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Evaluate the section on mobile:

  • Check the text and layout for issues.
  • Click the question mark icon beside each option to ensure the correct modal displays.
  • Ensure that modals close when clicking 'Got it' button and the 'X' close button.

6. Advanced section

  1. Go to WCPay Settings, and you should see the Fraud Protection section at the bottom of the page (before the advance link).
  2. Check if the section contains the "Advanced" checkbox, with the description matching the Figma design.
  3. Check if the "Configure" button is only enabled when the advanced protection level is selected.
  4. Check if the "Configure" button when clicked sends you to the Advanced protection settings page.
  5. Check if the design of Advanced protection settings matches with the Figma design (Don't bother about the container width's and text breaking on different parts, because that's designed for different screen sizes).
  6. Check if enabling/disabling some settings are saved when you click the "Save Changes" button, and not immediately saved by changing the values.
  7. Check the save isn't triggered when there are some validation errors on forms containing extra fields, such as "Order velocity", "Purchase price threshold" and "Order item count" rules. The warnings will display a yellow box, and the errors will display a red box at the top of the page.

7. New tabs on the transactions page

  1. Perform some payments that should be blocked or put on hold by the rule engine

  2. Go to Payments > Transactions

  3. You should see 4 tabs: "Transactions", "Uncaptured", "Risk review", and "Blocked"

  4. Explore both "Risk review" and "Blocked" tabs

  • You can tweak the per_page query param in order to trick the pagination
  • It is possible to search by order id and customer name
  • Try to sort columns
  • Click on the download button
  • Make sure the pagination works

Test Cancel Confirmation Modal

  1. Test Cancel Confirmation Modal

  2. Place an order.

  3. On the admin dashboard 'Edit Order' screen, select "Cancelled" from the Order Status dropdown

  4. A confirmation modal should be displayed with the option to "Do Nothing" or "Cancel Order", which warns the merchant that Cancel order will not refund the customer.

  5. On click of Do Nothing, the order status dropdown is reset back to its previous status, on click of Cancel Order, it is retained as Cancelled.

  6. If the order does not have any amount to be refunded (not successfully placed/ already refunded), the modal should not be displayed.

  7. Regression testing of Refund Confirmation Modal

  • When user clicks on Refund, the refund Confirmation Modal should be displayed as before and user can Cancel or choose to Refund the order before changing status to Refund
  • If the order is already refunded, show an error. (styling of error message is changed)
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