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Release testing instructions for WC Payments 6.6.0

Brian Borman edited this page Oct 2, 2023 · 14 revisions

Deferred intent creation UPE supports SEPA

  • Navigate to Payments -> Settings and in the Payment methods cart, choose SEPA Direct Debit to be enabled. Save the changes.
  • Add a product to the cart and navigate to the shortcode checkout
  • Confirm that both card and SEPA payment methods are available
  • Choose SEPA, insert the test AT611904300234573201 account number
  • Place an order and confirm, that you were successfully redirected to the order received page

WooPay First Party Authentication Checkout

New WooPay User

  1. Update the wp_options table to add an option with option_name = _wcpay_feature_woopay_first_party_auth and option_value = 1 (you can use a plugin like Options View to do this or edit the DB/use the CLI.
  2. Ensure WooPay is enabled on the product and cart page.
  3. Ensure customer is logged out of
  4. As a customer, navigate to a product page for a product (any kind of product should work: simple, variable, virtual)
  5. Click "Buy with WooPay" next to the "Add to cart" CTA
  6. Customer should be redirected to the WooPay checkout page and presented with a login form. Screenshot 2023-10-02 at 3 14 24 PM
  7. Enter a new email address into the "sign up" email field, click "Continue".
  8. Enter a valid phone number, click "verify your account"
  9. Enter the OTP code you received on the phone number previously entered
  10. Wait for the page to refresh and show the checkout fields.
  11. Fill in the details for the shipping address, card details
  12. Click "Place order"
  13. You should be redirected to the "Order success" page on the merchant's site.
  14. After this test remain logged into and do not start a new session, immediately jump into the Returning WooPay User Logged In test.

Returning WooPay User Logged In

  1. This test should be completed immediately after the New WooPay User test without logging out of
  2. Add a new product to the cart
  3. Go to the cart page
  4. Click "Buy with WooPay".
  5. Customer should be redirected to, the customer should be logged in already.
  6. On the WooPay checkout you should have the payment method/shipping address you used previously
  7. Click "Place order"
  8. You should be redirected to the "Order success" page on the merchant's site
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