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Latest versions of plugin (with Reactions block) changes comments admin interface behavior #1111




Quick summary

My 2 blogs receive mentions via 2 origins: Webmentions and ActivityPub.

Before the latest versions of the plugin, that offers the "Reactions" block, in the "Comments" admin interface, all types of comments were counted and showed under the "in response to" column.
Since the update, only comments are counted, likes and reposts/boosts are not calculated anymore.
On this image: the value is 1 - should be 6 as it was in the past.

This change impacts ALL posts with comments/boosts/likes since the origins of the blogs and is independent of the protocol used. This means there's a rule somewhere to change the behavior of the admin interface for comments.

Luckily for users, all reactions still appear properly as Webmentions on posts [I don't use the Reactions block which was added without my knowledge in 3 places in the blogs' templates - and seems fairly broken when it encounters non-ActivityPub reactions, such as webmentions - Oh, if I'm not wrong, the Webmentions plugin is maintained by... nevermind... I digress]

Steps to reproduce

Own 2 blogs with plenty of posts, comments and webmentions (likes, boosts...).
Install the latest version of the plugin.
Check the comments page in the admin interface.

What you expected to happen

The "Reactions" block and the change of behavior it seems to impose to the way reactions, being via ActivityPub or Webmentions protocols, are now calculated should have been an opt-in feature...

What actually happened

See above... nothing to add here...
One could consider this is a pure "cosmetic" bug, but this means there's code interfering with WordPress' default behavior for comments.
It's not breaking stuff... so far...


Most (> 50%)

Available workarounds?

No but the platform is still usable

Logs or notes

When your users/customers still complain to you, this means they still care about you.
The day you don't get any complaint, it means they're gone somewhere else...




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