Steps to reproduce the behavior
- Go to My Sites.
- Click on new post.
- In the title area, enter text string that includes an ampersand (&).
- Publish or Update or Save Draft the post.
What I expected to happen
String entered in Step 3 remains unaltered.
What actually happened
String entered in Step 3 is replaced with & character reference.
User scenario #manual-testing
Browser / OS version
OS: macOS Big Sur 11.1 (20C69)
Browser: Firefox Nightly 87.0a1, Safari Version 14.0.2 (16610.
Is this specific to the applied theme? Which one?
Does this happen on simple or atomic sites or both?
Tested on Simple.
Is there any console output or error text?
Level of impact (Does it block purchases? Does it affect more than just one site?)
Minor - visual irritant to users.
Screenshot / Video: If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.