Steps to reproduce the behavior
Prereq. Have a social login.
- Sign up for a new account at
- Log in using a Google account.
- Complete new user onboarding.
- Go to Me > Account Settings.
- In the
Email Address
field, enter a new email address that is not Gmail. - Confirm and verify the changes by clicking on the link that is sent to the new email address.
- Under Me > Account Settings, confirm the new email address is shown.
- Log out.
- From
, choose to log in using Google account. - Use the Google account used in Step 2.
What I expected to happen
Google login is not permitted as the account associated with the Gmail account now has another email address associated with it.
What actually happened
Google login is successful.
Back to basics user testing.
Browser / OS version
OS: macOS Big Sur 11.1 (20C69)
Browser: Firefox Nightly 87.0a1
Browser: Safari Version 14.0.2 (16610.
Is this specific to the applied theme? Which one?
Does this happen on simple or atomic sites or both?
Only tested on Simple.
Atomic unknown.
Is there any console output or error text?
Level of impact (Does it block purchases? Does it affect more than just one site?)
Minor/Moderate - confusing to user, potential security issue?
Reproducibility (Consistent, Intermittent) Leave empty for consistent.
Screenshot / Video: If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Steps 1-5:
Steps 6-10: