This issue is for a: (Outbound call no sound && recognize issue)
- [ ] bug report -> please search issues before submitting
- [ ] feature request
- [ ] documentation issue or request
- [ ] regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped in a new release)
Minimal steps to reproduce
1- The azure communication service is connected to multi cognitive service.
2- The mobile number is linked to the Azure Communication Service.
3- TTS cognitive service is used.
Any log messages given by the failure
No failure Message
Expected/desired behavior
The audio must play during the call.
OS and Version?
Windows 10.
Mention any other details that might be useful
- After answer the call in the callbacks API :
if (parsedEvent is CallConnected callConnected) {
var welcomePlaySource = new TextSource(WelcomeMessage2)
VoiceName = "en-US-NancyNeural"
await callMedia.PlayToAllAsync(welcomePlaySource);
The sound not played and the callback event after PlayToAllAsync is PlayCompleted without any error.
There is issue too appear when DMTF Recognize the event callback is RecognizeFailed and the error is silence time out after 10 seconds.
var recognizeOptions = GetMediaRecognizeChoiceOptions(MainMenu, targetPhonenumber);
await callMedia.StartRecognizingAsync(recognizeOptions);
CallMediaRecognizeChoiceOptions GetMediaRecognizeChoiceOptions(string content, string targetParticipant, string context = "")
var playSource = new TextSource(content) { VoiceName = SpeechToTextVoice };
var recognizeOptions =
new CallMediaRecognizeChoiceOptions(targetParticipant: new PhoneNumberIdentifier(targetParticipant), GetChoices())
InterruptCallMediaOperation = false,
InterruptPrompt = false,
InitialSilenceTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
Prompt = playSource,
OperationContext = context
return recognizeOptions;
List<RecognitionChoice> GetChoices()
return new List<RecognitionChoice> {
new RecognitionChoice("Confirm", new List<string> {
}) {
Tone = DtmfTone.One
new RecognitionChoice("Cancel", new List<string> {
}) {
Tone = DtmfTone.Two
Thanks! We'll be in touch soon.
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