Workflows Example Workflow Status Workflow Schedule Content Refresh Create an Azure Resource Group 0 0 * * 1 Week 1 Delete an Azure Resource Group 0 0 * * 2 Week 2 Create an Azure Container Apps Environment 0 0 * * 6 Week 6 Deploy a Quarkus application to Azure Container Apps 0 5 * * 2 Week 9 Deploy Tomcat to Azure Container Apps 0 5 * * 4 Week 11 Deploy WildFly to Azure Container Apps 0 5 * * 6 Week 13 Deploy Piranha Web Profile to Azure Container Apps 0 10 * * 1 Week 15 Deploy a Micronaut application to Azure Container Apps 0 10 * * 3 Week 17 Create an Azure File Share 0 10 * * 0 Week 21 Deploy Glassfish to Azure Container Apps 0 15 * * 1 Week 22 Deploy a Dropwizard application to Azure Container Apps 0 15 * * 3 Example Workflow Status Workflow Schedule Update schedule Azure App Configuration examples Create an App Configuration 0 0 * * 3 Week 1 Add a key-value pair to an App Configuration 0 1 * * 3 Week 2 Azure App Service examples Create an Azure App Service Plan 0 0 * * 3 Week 1 Deploy a web application on a managed Tomcat 0 1 * * 3 Week 2 Create a deployment slot 0 2 * * 3 Week 3 Deploy to a deployment slot 0 3 * * 3 Week 4 Swap a deployment slot 0 4 * * 3 Week 5 Delete an App Service plan 0 5 * * 3 Week 6 Delete a web application 0 6 * * 4 Week 7 Azure Container Registry examples Create an Azure Container Registry 0 0 * * 0 Week 1 Create a 'acrpull' Service Principal 0 1 * * 0 Week 2 Create settings.xml using admin keys 0 2 * * 0 Week 3 Create and push a Dropwizard application to Azure Container Registry 0 3 * * 0 Week 4 Create and push a Glassfish image to Azure Container Registry 0 4 * * 0 Week 5 Create and push a GraalVM application to Azure Container Registry 0 5 * * 0 Week 6 Create and push a Helidon application to Azure Container Registry 0 6 * * 0 Week 7 Create and push a Hello World job to Azure Container Registry 0 7 * * 0 Week 8 Build and push a Jetty image to Azure Container Registry 0 8 * * 0 Week 9 Build and push a Micronaut application to Azure Container Registry 0 9 * * 0 Week 10 Build and push a Payara image to Azure Container Registry 0 10 * * 0 Week 11 Build and push a Piranha Web Profile image to Azure Container Registry 0 11 * * 0 Week 12 Build and push a Quarkus application to Azure Container Registry 0 12 * * 0 Week 13 Build and push a Spring Boot application to Azure Container Registry 0 13 * * 0 Week 14 Build and push a Tomcat image to Azure Container Registry 0 14 * * 0 Week 15 Build and push a WildFly image to Azure Container Registry 0 15 * * 0 Week 16 Azure Front Door example Create an Azure Front Door Profile 0 0 * * 1 Week 1 Create an Azure Front Door Endpoint 0 1 * * 1 Week 2 Create an Azure Front Door Origin Group 0 2 * * 1 Week 3 Add origins to origin group 0 3 * * 1 Week 4 Add a route 0 4 * * 1 Week 5 Azure Kubernetes Service examples Create a Kubernetes cluster 0 0 * * 2 Week 1 Create a Kubeconfig using admin access 0 1 * * 2 Week 2 Update your AKS cluster to use your ACR 0 2 * * 2 Week 3 Deploy a GraalVM application 0 3 * * 2 Week 4 Deploy a Spring Boot application 0 4 * * 2 Week 5 Deploy Tomcat 0 5 * * 2 Week 6 Deploy Wildfly 0 6 * * 2 Week 7 Azure Container Apps examples Azure Functions examples Deploy a Cosmos DB output Function 0 1 * * 4 Deploy a Hello World Function 0 2 * * 4 Azure Key Vault examples Add a Secret to Azure Key Vault 0 1 * * 6 Create a self-signed certificate 0 2 * * 6 Azure SQL Database examples Create an Azure SQL database 0 0 * * 1 Azure Storage examples List files in Azure File Share 0 15 * * 0 Week 3