Note: This is a mandatory step to configure all required Azure resources.
The deployment automation is based on Azure Developer CLI. Follow steps here to install/update Azure Developer CLI
Run Install-Module Az.Accounts Run Install-Module Az.Resources
You will also need docker running locally if you want to build and deploy the solution to an AKS Cluster
Installation Instructions:
Login to If you do not have an Azure account, you should create one. Visit here
Create a new Resource Group (similar to a folder in windows explorer) where all the azure resources for this PoC would be created. Select the region where these resources needs to be created.
Note the Resource Group name, Region and your Azure subscription ID. These will be needed for the later steps
Open Windows PowerShell window and change directory to root of this repo:
<repo root>\Retail
azd init
and hit enter. This will ask for an environment name. Provide a name - sayretail_demo
. You should see a success message that the environment was initialized. -
Open windows explorer and go to folder
<repo root>\Retail\.azure
will haveretail_demo
folder with a .env file. -
Open text editor and open .env file and, then add your resource group, location, and subscription to the .env file.
The .env file should look like this:
Open the
<repo root>\Retail\infra\main.parameters.json
in a file editor. This file has parameters that can be passed to the various azure resources when creating them.-
Create a web app for the frontend, name of which is as below. Change Line 72 to title your web app, in this case "value": "retail-demo-fe":
``` "frontendWebAppName": { "value": "retail-demo-fe" }, ```
Your deployed front end web app will reside in this link- will be created. Save this link. Note: This link will not work until front end is deployed to Azure Web App Service resource.
Note: These web app names should be unique across domain.
Review/update the AKS region and VMs used for AKS to ensure those VMs are available in your region, update Line 80 thru Line 89 to reflect your Azure resources:
"aksClusterLocation": { "value": "${AZURE_LOCATION}" }, "aksVersion": { "value": "1.29.7" }, "aksAgentPoolVMSize": { "value": "standard_a2m_v2" }, "aksUserPoolVMSize": { "value": "standard_a2m_v2" },
Review/update the CIDRs for virtual networks and subnets, Line 92 and Line 95.
"virtualNetworkAddressPrefix": { "value": "" }, "subnetPrefixes": { "value": { "aksSubnetPrefix": "", "endpointsSubnetPrefix": "", "appGatewaySubnetPrefix": "" } }
You can also set tag (a dictionary of key value pairs) with each resource created. To set that, update Line 102 the value of the tag parameter:
"tag": { "value": { "Purpose": "Resources for copilot demo" } }
Note: If you have access to multiple azure subscriptions you could set the context to the right subscription by running
az account set --subscription <subscription ID>
command first on the PowerShell prompt. -
<repo root>\Retail\infra\main.parameters.json
file -
OPTIONAL: To specify your existing Azure resource, see:, "How can I use my own Azure Resources"
Deploy your Azure resources, open PowerShell window and type
azd provision
, hit enter.(venv) PS C:\Repo\Retail> azd provision
azd provision
will install all the resources in the selected resource group. It will open your browser to authenticate you to the azure portal and then continue with the deployment. If all goes well, you should see a message on the command prompt that the application was provisioned, otherwise try to fix the resource deployment issues before proceeding to the next steps of doing some manual updates and configurations.Note: The most common reason the script fails is due to the unavailability of a resource in the specified region. If failures occur, especially during the creation of vNets and subnets, it is best to delete the resources and start again. However, some resources like Key Vault and CosmosDB have specific deletion processes:
- Key Vault: Key Vault has delete protection, so you may need to purge it completely if you want to delete it. Use the following command in Azure Cloud Shell:
az keyvault purge --name <YourKeyVaultName> --location <YourKeyVaultLocation>
- CosmosDB: CosmosDB can take time to be deleted and recreated with the same name. Ensure it is fully deleted before attempting to recreate it. You can check the deletion status in the Azure portal.
- Key Vault: Key Vault has delete protection, so you may need to purge it completely if you want to delete it. Use the following command in Azure Cloud Shell:
- To work with Azure OpenAI, developers need the
Azure AI Developer
role permission which can be granted by going to Azure Portal and then navigating to your Azure OpenAI resource's Access control tab. - In order to access Azure OpenAI resource from other resources such as services running within AKS, one of the following roles need to be assigned:
- Cognitive Services OpenAI User - view model deployments that can be used for inference
- Cognitive Services OpenAI Contributor - full access including ability to fine-tune and deploy models
- Deploy various model deployment for Azure OpenAI Resource. This can be done by going to, selecting the Azure OpenAI resource that was created in the previous step and clicking on Deployment. For the PoC we need two models deployed:
- Add Secret to Key Vault
Name: AZURE-OPENAI-ENDPOINT Value: <endpoint-to-your-azure-openai-resource>
To work with Azure AI Search, following permissions are needed which could be added via the Access control tab in the Azure portal:
Search Index Data Reader - read access to index data Search Index Data Contributor - full access index
Create an index in your search service. This can be done by going to the Azure AI Search service in the Azure Portal; choose Add index -> Add index (JSON). Use JSON file provided here. This file has all needed fields just make sure to update name of index then update index name in all needed places, including following files:
- Navigate to Microsoft Entra ID via the Azure Portal as at least a Cloud Application Administrator.
- Select App registrations under the Manage tab and begin a new registration with an appropriate display name.
- Upon successful creation of the resource, navigate to the app registration and make a note of the
Application ID
andDirectory ID
. - Navigate to the frontend web app. Add or update the environment variables
to<Application ID>
and<Directory ID>
, respectively. - Navigate to your app registration and Manage > Authentication. Click on "Add a Platform" and select "Single Page Application". Here you will have to enter your redirect URI. First URI to enter will be http://localhost:3000. This is for running the application locally. Click on "Condifigure" to save the changes.
- Now you can add another URI pointing to the deployed frontend Web Application as part of the set up process, by click "Add URI" under the Single Page Application Section.
Note: Choose between running services locally or deploying them to Azure Kubernetes.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Python 3+
- Important: Python and the pip package manager must be in the path in Windows for the setup scripts to work.
- Important: Ensure you can run
python --version
from the console. You should see the version of python that you installed without any errors. On Ubuntu, you might need to runsudo apt install python-is-python3
to linkpython
- Node.js
- Verify Node.js type:
node -v
in a terminal
- Verify Node.js type:
- Git
- PowerShell 7+ (pwsh)
- Important: Ensure you can run
from a PowerShell command. If this fails, you likely need to upgrade PowerShell.
- Important: Ensure you can run
- Visual Studio Code
- Azure CLI
- Verify Azure CLI type:
az version
in a terminal
- Verify Azure CLI type:
- Azure Developer CLI (azd)
- Type:
azd version
to know your version
- Type:
- Open VSCode editor. At the terminal type following commands to access Azure Developer login and enter your Azure credential:
azd auth login az login --use-device-code
- Docker Desktop
- Cosmos DB Emulator
When you begin to setup the AI Assistant deployment, you must must have Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write
permissions, such as User Access Administrator or Owner within your Azure Account.
If you have successfully completed the Azure Resources setup, the required resources for end-to-end local setup should already be provisioned. You can proceed by verifying the existence of the following resources in your Azure Resource Group:
- Azure Key Vault
- Azure OpenAI
- Azure AI Search
- Azure AI Service
- Document Intelligence
- Azure Cosmos DB (can be replaced with Cosmos DB Emulator for local setup)
- Azure Storage
Additionally, your Azure Key Vault should already have the required secrets set up.
Since CosmosDB deployed by the script would be locked inside a vNet, its easier to deploy CosmsosDB Emulator locally. Follow steps below to configure your CosmoDB Emulator:
Start the CosmosDB emulator locally.
on the left column panel. -
New Container
Enter New Container information:
- Click "Create New"
- Enter "chat-scenario-cosmos-db"
- Container id: "entities"
- Partition key: "/user"
- Click "OK" to complete the infomation
- Click "Create New"
New Item
at the top menu ribbon -
Add the following user account information below to the text then click
:{ "user_name": "Anonymous", "description": "No user information.", "gender": "Other", "id": "anonymous", "partition_key": "user" }
Clone this repo into a new folder and open the root folder in VS Code.
On VSCode termnial, login to Azure by running following commands:
The project is divided into three main components:
- Frontend
- Core Microservices
- Skills
Frontend is a reactjs/typescript project.
Path: <repo root>/Retail/src/frontend_retail
To run the front end locally follow the steps below:
Make a copy of the
file and paste in a new.env
file. -
Update the .env file with the following env variables:
VITE_BACKEND_URI=http://localhost:5000 # URI of Session Manager Microservice VITE_AUTH_REDIRECT_URI=http://localhost:3000 # URI of the frontend webapp VITE_CONFIGURATION_SERVICE_URI=http://localhost:5003 # URI of Configuration Microservice
Update the following environment variables your Azure resource that you created.
On the command prompt, in the
<repo root>/Retail/src/frontend_retail
folder, runnpm install
. -
npm run dev
. This should start the frontend at port 3000. You can browse the frontend (web app) by going tohttp://localhost:3000
Setup Secrets and Environment Variables:
Retail Bot requires the following Microservices:
For each Microservice copy the
and paste it in the same directory and rename it to.debug.env
Update the Environment Variables:
Check Microservice Redis by reviewing each */.debug.env for the following environment variables, add if necessary:
REDIS-HOST="localhost" REDIS-PORT="6379" REDIS-PASSWORD="redis_password"
NOTE: Core Microservice with a
will be fetched from the KeyVault. SoKEYVAULT-URI
configuration is required and update as needed. -
Run and debug services locally inside VS Code:
Open the folder
<repo root>\Retail
in VSCode: -
Click on
Run and Debug
or Ctrl+Shift+D -
Click on the
Drop Down Menu
at the top of VSCode -
Select a Microservice from below then click
Play Button
to start the instance- "Data service: Launch & Attach Server"
- "Configuration service: Launch & Attach Server"
- "Session Manager: Launch & Attach Server"
- "Orchestrator_Retail: Launch & Attach Server"
- "Recommender Skill: Launch & Attach Server"
- "Image Describer Skill: Launch & Attach Server"
- "Search Skill: Launch & Attach Server"
Repeat for each of the Microservice
Optional: Click on
Run Retail Bot Backend
to start all the services at once.
Note: As part of starting the service, VSCode will create python virtual environments in folder
and install all project-level dependencies. It will also try to start Redis container locally. Ensure that Docker Desktop is running; otherwise, these services may not start. -
- [Optional] If you run into any Redis related issues, open Docker Desktop and verify Redis image is running.
- Details on how to use ingestion service to ingest retail data can be found in the ingestion service readme file.
- The solution includes a couple end-to-end tests to ensure that all Microservices are functioning as expected. For more information on how to use the existing tests or add new ones, please refer to the readme for integration test
- Instrumentation and logging are very important to be able to trace and debug issues on the server. They are also important to log key metrics that can then be used for measuring various optimization techniques. More details on this topic can be found in the logging document
Note: Setting up the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and application gateway is only needed if you want the services to be deployed to cloud. Users can proceed with setting up the keyvault and then follow the instructions to run the solution locally in VSCode. Once that succeeds, they can then come and setup the AKS.
To work with the AKS cluster, developers will need
Azure Kubernetes Service RBAC Admin
role assigned. -
Open PowerShell, run the get-credential command and authenticate using kubelogin
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <RESOURCE GROUP NAME> --name <CLUSTER NAME> kubelogin convert-kubeconfig -l azurecli
Update the secrets_provider.yaml file in the
<repo root>\Retail\infra\aks_post_provision
folder to updateKEYVAULTNAME
name andTENANTID
, which can be found from your recent deployment of the azure resources. Save the file. -
Run kubectl apply command to apply these changes to AKS cluster. Change directory to
<repo root>\Retail\infra
and run:kubectl apply -f .\aks_post_provision\secrets_provide.yaml
Deploy redis pods to AKS.
Review the
<repo root>\Retail\infra\aks_post_provision\redis_deployment.yaml
file for redis password used -
Change directory to
<repo root>\Retail\infra
and run:
kubectl apply -f .\aks_post_provision\redis_deployment.yaml
Add following secret name and values to the keyvault:
Secret Name Value REDIS-HOST
Attach AKS to appropriate Azure Container Registry (ACR) either through the portal(overview tab of AKS) or by the below commands:
Get ACR Resource ID (NOTE: Use the ACR in the prod resource group)
az acr show --resource-group <PROD RESOURCE GROUP> --name <PROD ACR NAME> --query id -o tsv
Attach AKS to ACR (ACR is from the prod resource group)
az aks update --name <CLUSTER NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE GROUP NAME> --attach-acr /subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION-ID/resourceGroups/<PROD RESOURCE GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/<PROD ACR NAME>
Grant userpool Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) system identity to GET and LIST secrets from keyvault using keyvault access policies
- Find the resource group created by AKS Provisioning Process, you can find this under "Properties" in the AKS Resource.
- Find the virtual machine scale set resource in this resource group (Note: there are two VMSS created - agentpool and userpool. These changes apply to userpool)
- In this resource group click on identity in the left panel and set System Identity to "ON"
- Copy the Object Principal ID that is created. Navigate to the Main Resource Group and find keyvault from the list of resources. In Keyvault, Go to "Access Policies" > "Create" > Select "Get" and "List" under "Secret Permissions" > Click "Next" > Find the Principal using the Object Principal ID we copied earlier > Click "Create" under "Review + Create"
- Find the resource group created by AKS Provisioning Process, you can find this under "Properties" in the AKS Resource.
Navigate to the AKS Resource Group and find the Public IP address created by the provisioning process
In the Public IP resouce navigate to configuration and set a DNS name label
Install Cert Manager in the AKS Cluster by following instructions here
Create a Cert Manager cluster issuer in the AKS Cluster, to do this apply the following YAML to the cluster
. Make sure to add your email address in the cluster_issuer.yaml file. -
Create a App Gateway ingress in your cluster, to do this apply the following YAML to the cluster
. Make sure replace "host" with the full DNS name label set in the previous set.
- To work with CosmosDB and it's data plane, developers need to enable their public IP address through the networking tab. Once below updates are done, public IP address can be disabled.
Additionally, developers would need
Cosmos DB Built-in Data Contributor
role which can be assigned using either the built-in role directly or registering a custom role.
Option A : Built-in role
az cosmosdb sql role assignment create --account-name <cosmos account name> --resource-group <resource group> --principal-id <principal id> --role-definition-id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 --scope "/"
Option B : Custom role
az cosmosdb sql role definition create --resource-group "<name-of-existing-resource-group>" --account-name "<name-of-existing-nosql-account>" --body ".\custom_roles\cosmosReadWrite.json" az cosmosdb sql role assignment create --resource-group "<name-of-existing-resource-group>" --account-name "<name-of-existing-nosql-account>" --role-definition-id "<id-of-new-role-definition>" --principal-id "<id-of-existing-identity>" --scope "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/resourceGroups/msdocs-identity-example/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/msdocs-identity-example-nosql"
In order to access CosmosDB resource from other resources such as services running within AKS,
Cosmos DB Built-in Data Contributor
role needs to be assigned using one of the above mentioned options. -
Manually add the following
user profile in entities container in the CosmosDB database{ "user_name": "Anonymous", "description": "No user information.", "gender": "Other", "id": "anonymous", "partition_key": "user" }
To work with keyvault, developers will need GET, LIST and SET permissions to keyvault secrets. Refer AKS to grant these permissions via access policies tab.
Navigate through
files across micro-services in the<repo root>\Retail\src
folder: config_hub, skills\search, orchestrator_rag, data, session_manager and add any un-populated secrets with appropriate values in the keyvault. Examples:az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "KEYVAULT-URI" --value "https://<keyvault name>" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "AZURE-BLOB-CONTAINER-NAME-E2E-TEST" --value "e2e-tests" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "AZURE-OPENAI-SEED" --value "42" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "SESSION-MANAGER-URI" --value "https://<application gateway DNS name>.<region>" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "CONVERSATION-DEPTH" --value "2" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "REDIS_HOST" --value "redis" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "REDIS_PORT" --value "6380" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "REDIS_PASSWORD" --value "redis_password" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "DATA-SERVICE-URI" --value "http://data:5001" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "RAG-ORCHESTRATOR-SERVICE-URI" --value "http://orchestrator-rag:5002" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "RETAIL-ORCHESTRATOR-SERVICE-URI" --value "http://orchestrator-retail:5102" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "SEARCH-SKILL-URI" --value "http://search:6002" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "RECOMMENDER-SKILL-URI" --value "http://recommender:6003" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "IMAGE-DESCRIBER-SKILL-URI" --value "http://image-describer:6004" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "CONFIGURATION-SERVICE-URI" --value "http://confighub:5003" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "SESSION-MANAGER-URI" --value "http://session-manager:5000" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "AZURE-COSMOS-DB-CONFIGURATION-CONTAINER-NAME" --value "configurations" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "REDIS-TASK-QUEUE-CHANNEL" --value "chat_request_task_queue" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "MULTIMODAL-BOT-REDIS-MESSAGE-QUEUE-CHANNEL" --value "chat_response_message_queue_retail" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "MULTIMODAL-BOT-REDIS-TASK-QUEUE-CHANNEL" --value "chat_request_task_queue_retail" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "REDIS-MESSAGE-QUEUE-CHANNEL" --value "chat_response_message_queue" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "ORCHESTRATOR-CONCURRENCY" --value "3" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "PRUNE-SEARCH-RESULTS-FROM-HISTORY-ON-PRODUCT-SELECTION" --value "false" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "CHAT-MAX-RESPONSE-TIMEOUT-IN-SECONDS" --value "300" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "AZURE-OPENAI-EMBEDDINGS-ENGINE-NAME" --value "text-embedding-ada-002" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "DEFAULT-DOCUMENT-LOADER" --value "azuredocumentintelligence" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "DEFAULT-DOCUMENT-SPLITTER" --value "markdown" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "MARKDOWN-HEADER-SPLIT-CONFIG" --value "Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "DOCUMENT-MAX-CHUNK-SIZE" --value "8000" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "MARKDOWN-CONTENT-INCLUDE-IMAGE-CAPTIONS" --value "True" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "AZURE-DOCUMENT-SEARCH-INDEX-NAME" --value "ragindex" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "REDIS-DOCUMENT-PROCESSING-TASK-QUEUE-CHANNEL" --value "document-processing-channel" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "DOCUMENT-PROCESSING-MAX-WORKER-THREADS" --value "5" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "REDIS-CATALOG-PROCESSING-TASK-QUEUE-CHANNEL" --value "catalog-processing-channel" az keyvault secret set --vault-name <key vault name> --name "CATALOG-PROCESSING-MAX-WORKER-THREADS" --value "1"
Note: For devloping and testing purpose, local emulator is recommended - ComosDB Emulator
Build and Deploy services to AKS. This step requires that you have docker engine running locally. From the Previous step note the follow: <SUBSCRIPTION-ID> (Azure Subscription where resources are deployed), <AKS-RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME> (Resource group where AKS cluster is deployed), <AKS-CLUSTER-NAME>, <ACR-NAME> (Name of Azure Container Registry attached to the AKS Cluster). Run the following command to build and deploy all services to AKS:
To run the front end on Azure follow the steps below:
- Clone this repository on your local machine (if you haven't already).
- Install Node JS:
- Run this command from the root folder (From Azure Portal - find the resource group and the webapp name):
scripts/frontendBuildDeploy.ps1 -resourceGroup -webAppName -frontendPath 'src/frontend_retail'
Navigate to the web app in Azure > Settings > Environment variables and add the following variables:
- This full DNS name label set in the Application GatewayVITE_AUTH_CLIENT_ID
- From Azure Resource you createdVITE_AUTH_AUTHORITY
- From Azure Resource you createdVITE_AUTH_REDIRECT_URI
- URI of the app service been deployedVITE_CONFIGURATION_SERVICE_URI
- This full DNS name label set in the Application GatewayVITE_SPEECH_INPUT_LOCALES="en-US"
Navigate the the Frontend App URL to check if the application is running.
You can easily modify system based on your needs to create your own copilot, from adding your own data for ingestion to adding skills.
Ingestion Service: You can bring your own product catalog with your own fields. For this just make sure to upload the images into the storage container and update the search index so that it has the desired fields. Also update the payload format (currently CatalogPayload) to align with your data structure.
Modify the enrichment processes as needed to generate AI-powered metadata tailored to your dataset. This could include custom attributes, descriptions, or other relevant fields specific to your data domain.
For both payload format and enrichment make sure to apply changes to this file to define your data structure and payload format for usage throughout the code.
Updating or Adding Skills:
Customize Skills: To adapt the solution to your specific requirements, you can modify or add skills tailored to your use case. This customization ensures the bot provides precise, context-aware results that align with your domain.
Update the Orchestrator Service: Ensure the orchestrator service is updated to effectively consume the newly added or modified skills.
Configure Skill Prompts: Adjust the prompts in the prompt_config.yaml file to refine the behavior and output of the skills. You can also configure the AI model used by each skill in this file to suit your desired performance and accuracy.
To configure the Azure OpenAI models, follow these steps:
Open the prompts template file used by the orchestrator: Navigate to prompts config. This file contains the necessary model configuration definitions.
Model Parameters: The configuration file defines various parameters for the language models (LLMs), such as:
- temperature
- max_tokens
- deployment_name
Deployment Name: Ensure that the deployment_name parameter matches the name of the GPT model you have deployed. The PoC code has been tested with the gpt-4o model, version 2024-08-06.
Total Max Tokens: For models that specify a total_max_tokens parameter, set this value to the maximum number of tokens your deployed GPT model allows for a completions or embeddings request. This ensures that the orchestrator service can trim prompts or embedding inputs as needed to avoid exceeding the token limit.
By following these steps, you will ensure that the orchestrator service is properly configured to use the Azure OpenAI models effectively.
For common issues and troubleshooting, please refer to our FAQ guide.
This template uses gpt-4o
which may not be available in all Azure regions. Check for up-to-date region availability and select a region during deployment accordingly
You can estimate the cost of this project's architecture by leveraging Azure's pricing calculator
After setting up the solution end-to-end and running a few queries, you can analyze the costs by reviewing logs in Application Insights. These logs provide insights into:
Azure OpenAI Calls: Track the number of API calls and the corresponding token usage per request. Query Completion Time: Measure the time taken for each query to complete.
For detailed logging information, refer to the file.
To optimize costs, consider adjusting the models used in your solution. Smaller models are more cost-effective but may impact accuracy, so it's important to find the right balance based on your specific requirements.
To ensure best practices in your repo we recommend anyone creating applications based on our solution ensure that the Github secret scanning setting is enabled in your repos.