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Azure - Kubernetes Module


This module will create a managed Kubernetes cluster using Azure Kubernetes Service.


Name Version
azurerm >= 2.57.0


Name Description Type Default Required
acr_pull_access map of ACR ids to allow AcrPull map(string) {} no
api_server_authorized_ip_ranges authorized IP ranges to communicate with K8s API map(string) n/a yes
cluster_name Name of AKS cluster. string n/a yes
configure_network_role Add Network Contributor role for identity on input subnets. bool true no
default_node_pool Default node pool. Value refers to key within node_pools variable. string "default" no
dns_prefix DNS prefix specified when creating the managed cluster. string n/a yes
enable_azure_policy to apply at-scale enforcements and safeguards on your clusters in a centralized, consistent manner bool false no
enable_kube_dashboard enable kubernetes dashboard bool false no
identity_type SystemAssigned or UserAssigned. string "UserAssigned" no
kubernetes_version kubernetes version string n/a yes
location Azure region. string n/a yes
log_analytics_workspace_id ID of the Azure Log Analytics Workspace string n/a yes
names Names to be applied to resources. map(string) n/a yes
network_plugin network plugin to use for networking (azure or kubenet) string "kubenet" no
network_policy Sets up network policy to be used with Azure CNI. string n/a yes
network_profile_options docker_bridge_cidr, dns_service_ip and service_cidr should all be empty or all should be set
docker_bridge_cidr = string
dns_service_ip = string
service_cidr = string
n/a yes
node_pool_defaults node pool defaults
vm_size = string
availability_zones = list(number)
node_count = number
enable_auto_scaling = bool
min_count = number
max_count = number
enable_host_encryption = bool
enable_node_public_ip = bool
max_pods = number
node_labels = map(string)
only_critical_addons_enabled = bool
orchestrator_version = string
os_disk_size_gb = number
os_disk_type = string
type = string
tags = map(string)
subnet = string # must be key from node_pool_subnets variable

# settings below not available in default node pools
mode = string
node_taints = list(string)
max_surge = string
eviction_policy = string
os_type = string
priority = string
proximity_placement_group_id = string
spot_max_price = number
"availability_zones": [
"enable_auto_scaling": false,
"enable_host_encryption": false,
"enable_node_public_ip": false,
"eviction_policy": null,
"max_count": null,
"max_pods": null,
"max_surge": "1",
"min_count": null,
"mode": "User",
"name": null,
"node_count": 1,
"node_labels": null,
"node_taints": null,
"only_critical_addons_enabled": false,
"orchestrator_version": null,
"os_disk_size_gb": null,
"os_disk_type": "Managed",
"os_type": "Linux",
"priority": "Regular",
"proximity_placement_group_id": null,
"spot_max_price": null,
"subnet": null,
"tags": null,
"type": "VirtualMachineScaleSets",
"vm_size": "Standard_B2s"
node_pools node pools any
"default": {}
node_resource_group The name of the Resource Group where the Kubernetes Nodes should exist. string n/a yes
outbound_type outbound (egress) routing method which should be used for this Kubernetes Cluster string "loadBalancer" no
pod_cidr used for pod IP addresses string n/a yes
private_cluster_enabled Private Cluster string "false" no
rbac role based access control settings
enabled = bool
ad_integration = bool
"ad_integration": false,
"enabled": true
rbac_admin_object_ids Admin group object ids for use with rbac active directory integration map(string) {} no
resource_group_name Resource group name. string n/a yes
sku_tier Sets the cluster's SKU tier. The paid tier has a financially-backed uptime SLA. Read doc here. string "Free" no
tags Tags to be applied to resources. map(string) n/a yes
user_assigned_identity User assigned identity for the manged cluster (leave and the module will create one).
id = string
principal_id = string
client_id = string
n/a yes
user_assigned_identity_name Name of user assigned identity to be created (if applicable). string n/a yes
virtual_network Virtual network info.
subnets = map(object({
id = string
route_table_id = string
n/a yes
windows_profile windows profile admin user/pass
admin_username = string
admin_password = string
n/a yes


Name Description
client_certificate kubernetes client certificate
client_key kubernetes client key
cluster_ca_certificate kubernetes cluster ca certificate
effective_outbound_ips_ids The outcome (resource IDs) of the specified arguments.
fqdn kubernetes managed cluster fqdn
host kubernetes host
id kubernetes managed cluster id
kube_config kubernetes config to be used by kubectl and other compatible tools
kube_config_raw raw kubernetes config to be used by kubectl and other compatible tools
kubelet_identity kubelet identity information
name kubernetes managed cluster name
node_resource_group auto-generated resource group which contains the resources for this managed kubernetes cluster
password kubernetes password
principal_id id of the principal used by this managed kubernetes cluster
username kubernetes username


See examples folder. These are designed to test module updates and use random_string to run without any user input.