The following instructions will help you get started with a working SaaS wallet deployed on Azure.
- An Azure subscription id
- Setup an Azure Active Directory application
- Prepare the Service principal id and secret and assign it to a contributor role
- An Azure Active Directory TenantId - Same link as step 3
- Prepare the Azure Service principal object id
- Go to the azure portal
- Go to Azure Active Directory -> Enterprise Applications -> All applications.
- Filter for your recently created application. One of the columns is 'Object Id'.
- Copy this value for later use.
- Install Azure Powershell SDK
- Install Service Fabric SDK for Visual Studio
- Edit the parameters in the file WalletSample/Deployment/oneclick.ps1
- Open the Powershell console (As administrator) and navigate to the file's location.
- run .\oneclick.ps1
- The script will create a resource group and deploy different resources into it. Some of the resources are Azure Service Fabric cluster, storage accounts, KeyVaults, Azure SQL, etc...
The script will take a few minutes to finish. Once done:
- Go to certificates folder (c:\saaswalletcertificates if left the certificate folder location as is), a pfx file will be present. Install it under 'Local User' (the password was specified in the script earlier)
- Open up the solution in Visual Studio (As administrator)
- Update cloud.xml with the Service Fabric cluster name, cluster location and the certificate thumbprint (needed for deploying the application to the cluster) - the detalis can be found in the powershell script output.
- Update appsettings.json and App.config file with the 'EthereumNodeUrl' value
- The 'EthereumNodeUrl' paramater should be generated by creating a new public/test account:
- Open Visual Studio, Load the solution, Right click on the 'WalletService', click publish, choose the newly created Service Fabric cluster
- Once done, navigate to http://<SFClusterName>.<location>
- Create a new account
- Seed the account with ethereum coins:
- Transfer funds to another (already created account)
- Press the 'Get balance' button