Locked down systems (like SAWs) use ConstrainedLanguage Mode to provide a "more secure" environment when working with production environments. Unfortunately, this also limits what PowerShell is able to do quite a bit.
One of the things that it restricts is the ability to set properties on a .NET object. You're just not allowed to do it... that means that the example to update an endpoint just don't work on SAWs.
Steps to reproduce
$endpoint = Get-AzTrafficManagerEndpoint -Name myendpoint -ProfileName myprofile -ResourceGroupName MyRG -Type ExternalEndpoints
$endpoint.Priority = 3
The result is:
Cannot set property. Property setting is only supported on core types in this language mode
Environment data
Windows PowerShell 5.1 on a SAW
Module versions
Az.TrafficManager 1.0.4