A first create AKS with omsagent set to enabled, the omsagent config key is case sensitive:
Create AKS with omsagent enabled
REQUEST { ... "properties": { "addonProfiles": { "omsagent": { "config": { "logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID": "/subscriptions/0-0-0-0/resourcegroups/example222/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/example222" }, "enabled": true } } }, ... }RESPONSE
(same as REQUEST)
Then if I disable the omsagent then enable it, the case of the omsagent.config
is lost (i.e. logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID
Enable omsagent after firstly disabling it
REQUEST { ... "properties": { "addonProfiles": { "omsagent": { "config": { "logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID": "/subscriptions/0-0-0-0/resourcegroups/example222/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/example222" }, "enabled": true } } }, ... }
RESPONSE { ... "properties": { "addonProfiles": { "omsagent": { "config": { "loganalyticsworkspaceresourceid": "/subscriptions/0-0-0-0/resourcegroups/example222/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/example222" }, "enabled": true } } }, ... }
The expected behavior is to always respect the case.
Related issue: hashicorp/terraform-provider-azurerm#8344