The $skip parameter does not appear to be skipping anything, I keep getting back about 90% of the same records every time. This may have something to do with $orderby not being supported. The records returned seem to be a little different every time, I'm assuming because there is no $orderby. But regardless, we had 202 requests in November but skipping 200, 2000, 20000, keeps returning 100 records when $top=100.
Maybe I am doing something wrong.
/resourceGroups/GROUP/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/SERVICE/reports/byRequest?api-version=2019-01-01&$skip=200&$top=100&$filter=timestamp ge datetime'2019-11-01T00:00:00' and timestamp le datetime'2019-11-30T23:59:59' and userId eq 'XXX' and apiId eq 'AAA' and operationId eq 'OOO'
I would expect the above to return only 2 records. Of 202 records in November and we skip 200 taking the top 100, there should only be 2 returned. However, 100 are always returned.
If I use the Swagger style "Try It" page at
It seems both the $skip and $top parameters are being ignored there, I'm always getting back 202 records for November regardless of the $skip and $top values.