Bug Report
SDK version: 1.2.0
Go version: go version go1.21.3 darwin/amd64
- What happened? GetGenerateStatus is a call that tells you whether a recommendation generation operation has completed or not. The HTTP status code is Accepted if the operation is still ongoing and NoContent (204) if the operation has concluded. Otherwise a standard HTTP error. However, the response struct is empty, and will be the same whether 204 or Accepted was returned.
- What did you expect or want to happen? The distinction should be made available via the repsonse struct or an additional return value.
- How can we reproduce it? First, call GenerateRecommendations to get an operation ID (via *resp.Location), then pass it into
. - Anything we should know about your environment. Nothing special
This issue is related to a management-plane library.Workflow: This issue is responsible by Azure service team.Issues that are reported by GitHub users external to the Azure organization.Workflow: This issue needs attention from Azure service team or SDK teamThe issue doesn't require a change to the product in order to be resolved. Most issues start as that