We don't record inputs and outputs for any tool call that's not function (code_interpreter, azure_ai_search, file_search, etc).
So traces contains something like this
{"tool_calls": [{"id": "call_bA08K28rVvFhP99gqq1EHkh9", "type": "code_interpreter", "function": null}]}
when the actual response looks like
{"tool_calls": [{"id": "call_IQFW4HNEzfoRhKHw1htd7feq", "type": "code_interpreter", "code_interpreter": {"input": "# Reversing the user-provided string\r\nuser_input = \"just some random input\"\r\nreversed_string = user_input[::-1]\r\nreversed_string", "outputs": []}}]}
We should capture the details for arbitrary tools when content recording is enabled. We might want to define a format for a few tools (e.g. azure search) if/when it's formalized in the typespec. Currently it's just dict
//cc @jhakulin @M-Hietala