Which version of the AzCopy was used?
Which platform are you using? (ex: Windows, Mac, Linux)
Windows Server 2012R2
What command did you run?
azcopy rm "fileshare+sas_token" --recursive
azcopy sync "localpath" "fileshare+sas_token" --delete-destination=true --recursive=true
azcopy copy "localpath" "fileshare+sas_token" --recursive=true
What problem was encountered?
Because of authorization limit, I cannot use sync agent to sync files between Azure VM and Azure File Share.
I want to back up my VM's files to Azure File Share daily, but using 'azcopy copy' alone doesn't delete files that no longer exist on Azure File Share. So I tried 'azcopy rm' and 'azcopy sync' commands.
- 'azcopy rm' generates error logs with 'StatusCode=409;StatusText=DirectoryNotEmpty' in StorageFileLogs.
- run 'azcopy copy' after 'azcopy rm' generates logs for 'ParentNotFound', 'ResourceAlreadyExists' and 'ResourceNotFound'.
- 'azcopy sync' generates error logs for 'DirectoryNotEmpty' and 'ServerBusy' even with 'AZCOPY_CONCURRENCY_VALUE' set to 1.
- run 'azcopy copy' after 'azcopy sync' generates logs for 'ParentNotFound', 'ResourceAlreadyExists' and 'ResourceNotFound'.
How can we reproduce the problem in the simplest way?
use those commands above.
Have you found a mitigation/solution?
No. I noticed that there are no problems occurring with these commands. However, Azure continues to generate these error logs, making it challenging for me to monitor the Storage Account. Since I don't have authorization to use the sync agent, are there any solutions to resolve these issues?