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File metadata and controls

202 lines (173 loc) · 4.94 KB


This article explains how define a Scorecard display control.

Basic properties

Property Type Value Description
id string ID of the element on the page
type string "Scorecard"
title string Title that will appear at the top of the card
size { w: number, h: number} Width/Height of the card. The size of each inner card is 2x2 or 2x3 depending on subheading
dependencies object Dependencies that will be requested for this element
props object Additional properties to define for this element
actions object Defined actions for this element

Three States

There are 3 configurations for this element type

Single value

Define dependencies as follows:

Property Description
value Large value to display
color Color to be used
icon Icon to display next to the large value
subvalue Small value to display
className Class name to add to value

Define properties as follow:

Property Type Description
subheading string Large value to display
onClick string Action name
  id: "errors",
  type: "Scorecard",
  title: "Errors",
  size: { w: 2, h: 3 },
  dependencies: {
    value: "errors:handledAtTotal",
    color: "errors:handledAtTotal_color",
    icon: "errors:handledAtTotal_icon",
    subvalue: "errors:handledAtTotal",
    className: "errors:handledAtTotal_class"
  props: { subheading: "Avg" }

Multiple values

Define dependencies as follows:

Property Description
values A collection of values containing the interface below

All items in values should contains:

  value: number, 
  heading: string, 
  color?: string, 
  icon?: string,
  subvalue?: number,
  subheading?: string,
  className?: string,
  onClick?: string // Name of the action to activate on click
  id: "errors",
  type: "Scorecard",
  title: "Errors",
  size: { w: 2, h: 3 },
  dependencies: {
    values: "errors:values"

Dynamic cards

This configuration allows you to define multiple cards from multiple sources in a dynamic way. To do that, you need to define each card in the format card_<card name>_<property>.

The following example shows how to define two cards, errors and users where each defines its own properties:

  id: "scores",
  type: "Scorecard",
  size: { w: 2, h: 3 },
  dependencies: {
    card_errors_value: "errors:typesTotal",
    card_errors_heading: "::Errors",
    card_errors_color: "errors:typesTotal_color",
    card_errors_icon: "errors:typesTotal_icon",
    card_errors_subvalue: "errors:typesTotal",
    card_errors_subheading: "::Avg",
    card_errors_tooltip: "::Total errors",

    card_users_value: "ai:users-value",
    card_users_heading: "::Total Users",
    card_users_icon: "ai:users-icon"


Selected cards will call an action with the card's value. A card value has the following properties:

Property Description
value Large value to display
heading Large heading under large value
color Color to be used
icon Icon to display next to the large value
subvalue Small value to display
subheading Small heading under small value to display
className Class name to add to value
tooltip Tooltip to display on hover

These are examples of openning a dialog when clicking on a card:

One value card:

  id: "errors",
  type: "Scorecard",
  title: "Errors",
  size: { w: 2, h: 3 },
  dependencies: {
    value: "errors:handledAtTotal",
    color: "errors:handledAtTotal_color",
    icon: "errors:handledAtTotal_icon",
    subvalue: "errors:handledAtTotal",
    className: "errors:handledAtTotal_class"
  props: {
    subheading: "Avg",
    onClick: "onErrorsClick"
  actions: {
    onErrorsClick: {
      action: "dialog:errors",
      params: {
        title: "args:heading",
        type: "args:type",
        innermostMessage: "args:innermostMessage",
        queryspan: "timespan:queryTimespan"

Dyanmic card click:

  id: "scores",
  type: "Scorecard",
  size: { w: 2, h: 3 },
  dependencies: {
    card_errors_value: "errors:typesTotal",
    card_errors_heading: "::Errors",
    card_errors_color: "errors:typesTotal_color",
    card_errors_icon: "errors:typesTotal_icon",
    card_errors_subvalue: "errors:typesTotal",
    card_errors_subheading: "::Avg",
    card_errors_tooltip: "::Total errors",
    card_errors_onClick: "::onErrorsClick",

    card_users_value: "ai:users-value",
    card_users_heading: "::Total Users",
    card_users_icon: "ai:users-icon"
  actions: {
    onErrorsClick: {
      action: "dialog:errors",
      params: {
        title: "args:heading",
        type: "args:type",
        innermostMessage: "args:innermostMessage",
        queryspan: "timespan:queryTimespan"