Check for previous/existing GitHub issues
- I have checked for previous/existing GitHub issues
Issue Type?
I'm not sure
(Optional) Module Version
(Optional) Correlation Id
No response
provider "azurerm" {
features {
provider "azurerm" {
alias = "for_gallery"
subscription_id = "64061f25-366b-47a8-af8b-74a88656fbb2"
# client_id = "${var.client_id}"
# client_secret = "${var.client_secret}"
# tenant_id = "${var.tenant_id}"
data "azurerm_client_config" "current" {}
data "azurerm_shared_image" "example" {
name = "image-rocky8.10-240820"
gallery_name = "cg_az01_co013601_01"
resource_group_name = "rg-az01-co013601-azgov-infra-01"
provider = "azurerm.for_gallery"
resource "azurerm_marketplace_agreement" "barracuda" {
publisher = "barracudanetworks"
offer = "waf"
plan = "hourly"
name = "8-base"
product = "resf"
publisher = "rockylinux-x86_64"
module "this" {
#source = "../../"
source = "Azure/avm-res-compute-virtualmachine/azurerm"
#version = "0.15.1"
location = var.base-info.location
resource_group_name = var.base-info.rg_name
os_type = var.vm-info.os_type
name =
sku_size = var.vm-info.sku_size
zone =
admin_username = var.vm-info.admin_username
admin_password = var.vm-info.admin_password
disable_password_authentication = var.vm-info.disable_password_authentication
enable_telemetry = var.vm-info.enable_telemetry
encryption_at_host_enabled = var.vm-info.encryption_at_host_enabled
generate_admin_password_or_ssh_key = var.vm-info.generate_admin_password_or_ssh_key
source_image_resource_id =
# source_image_reference = {
# publisher = "myeong.lee"
# offer = "rocky8.10"
# sku = "rocky8.10"
# version = "1.0.0"
# }
# source_image_reference = {
# publisher = var.vm-info.source_image_reference.publisher
# offer = var.vm-info.source_image_reference.offer
# sku = var.vm-info.source_image_reference.sku
# version = var.vm-info.source_image_reference.version
# }
os_disk = {
caching = var.vm-info.os_disk.caching
storage_account_type = var.vm-info.os_disk.storage_account_type
name =
disk_size_gb = var.vm-info.os_disk.disk_size_gb
write_accelerator_enabled = var.vm-info.os_disk.write_accelerator_enabled
# data_disk_managed_disks = {
# disk1 = {
# name = "my-vm01-data-disk01"
# storage_account_type = "Standard_LRS"
# lun = 0
# caching = "ReadWrite"
# disk_size_gb = 32
# }
# }
network_interfaces = {
network_interface_1 = {
ip_configurations = {
ip_configuration_1 = {
name = "${var.vm-info.nic_name}-ipconfig1"
private_ip_subnet_resource_id = "/subscriptions/${data.azurerm_client_config.current.subscription_id}/resourceGroups/${var.base-info.rg_name}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/${var.vnet-info.vnet_name}/subnets/${}"
name = var.vm-info.nic_name
I've tried to provision a VM with above HCL. but the following error log returns
"Creating a virtual machine from Marketplace image or a custom image sourced from a Marketplace image requires Plan information in the request. VM: '/subscriptions/675f8b56-b926-4138-b129-24cd4f406d38/resourceGroups/rg-az01-ag015701-prd-idt-01/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/vm-az01-prd-idt-was-01'."
the referenced image and the gallery is owned by my colleague(another team developer) and I have read permission. Same error returns with following plan argument. I can provision vm using portal and the following plan argument is in the ARM template of the successfully provisioned vm. Is 'plan' argument applied with 'source_image_resource_id' argument?
plan = {
name = "8-base"
product = "resf"
publisher = "rockylinux-x86_64"