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Some organisations centralise their recovery services vaults in a different subscription to VMs. The AzureRM provider doesn't provide an easy way to do this unless using additional provider blocks.
What do you think to the idea of using AzAPI to achieve this?
Sample approach illustrating the use case where it will use the current sub & RG by default:
locals {
subscription_id = coalesce(var.rsv_subscription_id, data.azurerm_client_config.current.subscription_id)
resource_group_name = coalesce(var.rsv_resource_group_name, var.resource_group_name)
parent_id = "/subscriptions/${local.subscription_id}/resourceGroups/${local.resource_group_name}/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/${each.value.recovery_vault_name}"
resource "azapi_resource" "this" {
for_each = var.azure_backup_configurations
type = "Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/backupFabrics/protectionContainers/protectedItems@2024-04-01"
name = each.key
parent_id = local.parent_id
body = {
properties = {
protectedItemType = "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines"
sourceResourceId = local.virtualmachine_resource_id
policyId = each.value.backup_policy_resource_id
protectionState = each.value.protection_state
diskExclusionProperties = {
excludeDisks = {
diskLunList = each.value.exclude_disk_luns
includeDisks = {
diskLunList = each.value.include_disk_luns
depends_on = [
variable "rsv_subscription_id" {
description = "Optional subscription ID for the Recovery Services Vault."
type = string
default = null
variable "rsv_resource_group_name" {
description = "Optional resource group name for the Recovery Services Vault."
type = string
default = null