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When running code to acquire access token AcquireTokenInteractive never returns never  #4598



Library version used


.NET version

.net 7


PublicClient - desktop app

Is this a new or an existing app?

The app is in production, and I have upgraded to a new version of MSAL

Issue description and reproduction steps

I run the code in my wpf application and the call to AcquireTokenInteractive never returns and does not show any UI to choose a user. I place the same code in a command line app and get UI to select user and send test email.

Relevant code snippets

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Microsoft.Identity.Client;

namespace TestAccessToken
    internal class Program
        public static string ClientId = "c266bdd1-d87e-44d5-a5db-f153234068a2";
        public static string Tenant = "common";
        public static string Instance = "";

        public static string RedirectUri = "http://localhost";
        public static string Authority = "";

        static async Task Main ( string [] args )
            var stoppingToken = new CancellationToken ();
            string accessToken = null;

            AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = null;

            Console.WriteLine ( "Press any key to start the authentication process." );
            await Task.Run ( Console.ReadKey ).WaitAsync ( stoppingToken );

            var scopes =
                new List<string> ()
                            //"", // Only needed for IMAP
                            //"",  // Only needed for POP
                            "", // Only needed for SMTP

            var clientApp = 
                    Create ( ClientId ).
                    WithAuthority ( Authority ).
                    WithRedirectUri ( RedirectUri ).
                    Build ();

            if ( clientApp == null )
                throw new NullReferenceException ( "FAILED to create client app builder" );

            var accounts = await clientApp.GetAccountsAsync ();

            IAccount firstAccount = null;
            if ( accounts != null )
                firstAccount = accounts.FirstOrDefault ();

            var success = false;
                authenticationResult = await clientApp.AcquireTokenSilent ( scopes, firstAccount ).ExecuteAsync ();

                if ( authenticationResult != null )
                    accessToken = authenticationResult.AccessToken;

                success = true;
            catch ( Exception ex )
                Console.WriteLine ( "Could not acquire token silent " + ex.Message );

            if ( !success )
                    authenticationResult = await clientApp.AcquireTokenInteractive ( scopes )
                        .ExecuteAsync ();

                    if ( authenticationResult != null )
                        accessToken = authenticationResult.AccessToken;
                catch ( MsalException msalex )
                    Console.WriteLine ( "Error Acquiring Token" + msalex.Message );


Expected behavior

I expect the code to allow user to login and send test email. Right now the command line app works but it does not appear that a token is stored because AcquireTokenSilent always throws an exception. The code to get first account also always returns null:

        var accounts = await clientApp.GetAccountsAsync ();

        IAccount firstAccount = null;
        if ( accounts != null )
            firstAccount = accounts.FirstOrDefault ();

Identity provider

Microsoft Entra ID (Work and School accounts and Personal Microsoft accounts)



Solution and workarounds




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