When my Mac is offline (or I’m on a corporate VPN) and I open a Clojure project in VS Code with Calva, the Clojure-lsp server doesn’t start and thus all LSP-powered functionality is unavailable. Calva Diagnostics : Clojure-lsp Server Info
says "There is no clojure-lsp server running." The welcome message from Calva looks as usual, there’s no visible indication of an error.
As soon as I re-connect to wi-fi (or disconnect from the corporate VPN) and restart VS Code, Clojure-lsp starts as expected. I was able to reproduce this issue both on my work and personal laptops.
Note: I do realize that by default Calva downloads the latest version of Clojure-lsp, but I always assumed it would re-use the latest available download if offline.