Paraedit shortcuts for slurping and barfing are poorly coordinated with each other, especially on Linux.
Currently (on Linux), forward movements use Ctrl-Alt with the side-by-side . and , for choosing slurp or barf. In both cases the inner monologue is "xxx Forward", yet we use the right-sided option . for slurp and the left-sided option , for barf.
That doesn't seem terrible on it's own. But meanwhile, backwards slurping and barfing switch to a totally unrelated scheme, by both adding Shift and swapping over to the arrow keys → / ←.
The only obvious similarity of backward editing to forward editing on Linux is the awkardness of using ☚ left for "barf" and ☛ right for "slurp", instead of the more obvious choice of ☚ left for "backward" and ☛ right for "forward". The incongruity is most stark with "barf backward" using → to indicate a backward action. 🤷 This left/right problem also exists even in the not-as-bad defaults for Windows/Mac.
All-in-all there is very little to anchor onto for memorization. And even once memorized, cognitive dissonance persists.
I propose 2 alternatives to drastically improve consistency for these vital editing shortcuts.
The first suggestion
--Provides maximum self-consistency within the collection of slurp/barf commands.
--Aligns physical directionality on the keyboard with directionality of the command.
--Uses only Shift to differentiate slurp from barf.
--Consolidates Linux/Windows/Mac all to a single set of hotkeys.
Slurp forward: CtrlAlt + .
Slurp backward: CtrlAlt + ,
Barf forward: CtrlAltShift + .
Barf backward: CtrlAltShift + ,
The second suggestion
--Minimizes alterations from the existing schemes.
--Still incorporates natural directionality.
--Even if not perfect, stil matches more similar commands to more similar keystrokes on Linux.
--Uses only Shift to differentiate slurp from barf on Windows/Mac, but fails to make slurp hotkeys almost-the-same as barf hotkeys on Linux.
--Still requires learning different shortcuts to swap between operating systems.
Slurp forward:
on Linux: CtrlAlt + .
on Windows/Mac: CtrlAlt + → -
Slurp backward:
on Linux: CtrlAlt + ,
on Windows/Mac: CtrlAlt + ← -
Barf forward: CtrlAltShift + →
Slurp backward: CtrlAltShift + ←