When there is large enough input in the Calva output window when its the same as the input window it seems to render the REPL window unusable until you
- Disconnect the REPL
- Delete the REPL output.calva-repl file
- Reconnect
With these settings:
"calva.redirectServerOutputToRepl": false,
"calva.evaluationSendCodeToOutputWindow": true,
"calva.legacyPrintBareReplWindowOutput": false,
"calva.outputDestinations": {
"evalResults": "repl-window",
"evalOutput": "repl-window",
"otherOutput": "repl-window"
you can replicate like so in the REPL
(clojure.pprint/pprint (zipmap (map str (range 1 2000)) (map str (range 1 2000))))