What Every CLR Developer Must Know Before Writing Code Old but a must-read for understanding safe coding practices in managed code
Icons for everything File Icons a bunch of free file icons for many types of files
Running async tasks on app startup in ASP.NET Core 3.0 Good stuff on running a hostedservice's startasync method to perform stuff before the webserver (including SS)starts handling requests
Task asynchronous programming model Top-level doc from Microsoft
Process asynchronous tasks as they complete (C#)
Understanding Control Flow with Async and Await in C#
IsDev environment dotnet/aspnetcore#4150
https://aspnetcore.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fundamentals/hosting.html (2.x, pertaining to IWebHosts) https://jmezach.github.io/2017/10/29/having-fun-with-the-.net-core-generic-host/ (2.x, old info about CreateDefaultBuilder for WebHost)
https://davidpine.net/blog/asp-net-core-configuration/ (binding to classes)
FileConfigurationExtensions.SetFileLoadExceptionHandler(IConfigurationBuilder, Action) Method How to handle problems loading and external configuration file
Understanding How Assemblies Load in C# .NET Good overview article How to resolve .NET reference and NuGet package version conflicts Dynamically Loading Assemblies for Dependency Injection in .Net Core How to load assemblies located in a folder in .net core console app
Dependency Injection Using Ninject in .NET Net 4.x tool but works with core How to Refactor for Dependency Injection, Part 6: Binding by Convention dynaic assembly loading and di BINDING
Good Pictures of the three models(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53688154/host-restapi-inside-iis) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53688154/host-restapi-inside-iis
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39231951/how-do-i-access-configuration-in-any-class-in-asp-net-core (see comments)
ASP.NET CORE UNIT TESTING FOR SECURITY ATTRIBUTES OWASP Cheat Sheet Series Large project with many ways to address a lot of security flaws and problems
Java Best Practices for Smarter Application Logging & Exception Handling https://stackify.com/java-logging-best-practices/
30 best practices for logging at scale https://www.loggly.com/blog/30-best-practices-logging-scale/
How to Log a Log: Application Logging Best Practices https://logz.io/blog/logging-best-practices/
Tips on Logging Microservices (See Also Commercial LogZ package below)
ASP.NET Core Logging Tutorial – What Still Works and What Changed?
Using ETW tracing on Windows 10 IoT Core Interesting hacks for IoT and the ETW tools
Logging with ILogger in .NET: Recommendations and best practices Good stuff here
How to create a LoggerFactory with a ConsoleLoggerProvider one good point about LoggerFactory.Create
How to unit test with ILogger in ASP.NET Core Unit testing Core methods that use an ILogger, how to moq or fake around it. Also discussion of NullLogger
L is for Logging in ASP .NET Core - examples of json logging configuration files
Configuring and Starting an Event Tracing Session
Event Tracing for Windows: Reducing Everest to Pike's Peak
https://www.fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2019/03/silketw-because-free-telemetry-is-free.html (FireEye's silkETW tool for ETW data)
https://github.com/fireeye/SilkETW (FireEye's silkETW tool for ETW data)
Reporting Metrics Using .Net (Core) EventSource and EventCounter
In-process CLR event listeners with .NET Core 2.2
Grab ETW Session, Providers and Events
Configuring and Starting an Event Tracing Session
[https://maximelabelle.wordpress.com/2012/09/05/creating-strongly-typed-c-event-tracing-for-windows-etw-assemblies-with-visual-studio/](Creating Strongly-Typed C# Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) Assemblies with Visual Studio)
Creating Strongly-Typed C# Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) Assemblies with Visual Studio -written in 2012
Event Logging in a .NET Web Service http://aspalliance.com/987_Event_Logging_in_a_NET_Web_Service.all (very old, installutil is "new", manual registry edits)
Event Logging in a .NET Web Service http://aspalliance.com/987_Event_Logging_in_a_NET_Web_Service.all (Tags: Installer, )
How to: Use TraceSource and Filters with Trace Listeners https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/debug-trace-profile/how-to-use-tracesource-and-filters-with-trace-listeners Older, Good about net Framework V2.0
What is the correct usage of TraceSource across a solution? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42681972/what-is-the-correct-usage-of-tracesource-across-a-solution Older, very simple, but shows what's needed for non-default configuration. Configuration in <system.diagnostics> section, not
Simple and Easy Tracing in .NET https://blog.stephencleary.com/2010/12/simple-and-easy-tracing-in-net.html older, references getting TraceLogging from other .Net builtin libraries, e.g. System.Net.Sockets
Using and extending System.Diagnostics trace logging https://github.com/sgryphon/essential-diagnostics (2 years old)
[The TraceEvent Library Programmers Guide(https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet-samples/blob/master/Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing/TraceEvent/docs/TraceEvent.md) https://github.com/Microsoft/dotnet-samples/blob/master/Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing/TraceEvent/docs/TraceEvent.md (goof Quickstart)
WPP Software Tracing https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/wpp-software-tracing tracing specifically for debugging code during development
Tampering with Windows Event Tracing: Background, Offense, and Defense https://medium.com/palantir/tampering-with-windows-event-tracing-background-offense-and-defense-4be7ac62ac63
In-process CLR event listeners with .NET Core 2.2 https://medium.com/criteo-labs/c-in-process-clr-event-listeners-with-net-core-2-2-ef4075c14e87
Monitoring and Observability in the .NET Runtime https://mattwarren.org/2018/08/21/Monitoring-and-Observability-in-the-.NET-Runtime/ good cross platform overview great list of follow on articles
.NET Cross-Plat Performance and Eventing Design https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/Documentation/coding-guidelines/cross-platform-performance-and-eventing.md
TraceLogging https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/tracelogging/trace-logging-portal - New Windows 10 tracing framework extends ETW
.NET Tracelogging Examples used in first testing/
TraceLogging Managed Quick Start https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/tracelogging/tracelogging-managed-quick-start
Record and View TraceLogging Events https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/tracelogging/tracelogging-record-and-display-tracelogging-events Windows Performance Recorder (WPR)
[How to Download and Install Windows Performance Toolkit in Windows 10] (https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/117625-download-install-windows-performance-toolkit-windows-10-a.html) https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/117625-download-install-windows-performance-toolkit-windows-10-a.html - WPA tool for viewing ETL files
What's New in the Windows Performance Toolkit 2017 article, explains WPA
Windows Performance Toolkit Technical Reference
Windows Performance Analyzer How to use the Traceloogin data collected by a WPR
Download and install the Windows ADK Windows ADK has both the WPR and WPF tools
Windows 10 ADK versions and download links download reference for the windows ADK
Event Tracing highest level overview
Windows Event Log Good Overview
CoreClr Event Logging Design Short and very high-level
Writing an Instrumentation Manifest
coreclr/src/vm/ClrEtwAll.man A full list of all ETW events define for the CLR
Microsoft.Diagnostics.EventFlow The EventFlow library suite allows applications to define what diagnostics data to collect,
System.Diagnostics.Tracing Namespace
ET4W ET4W is a T4 Text Template code generator for C# ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) classes.
Event Tracing for Windows targeted towards TCL language-understanding-intelligent-service-luis/
Proposal: Expand supported Caller Info Attributes #87 dotnet/csharplang#87 c# language issue to expand the CallerInfo class to include a property with the full type name. If implemented, will make tracing easier to log the fully qualified method name, instead of just the method name, with no type info.
A Look at ETW – Part 3 ETW tracing using AOP and requires PostSharp for AOP processing
Visualize EventSource events as markers a debugging tool eventually
Logging Method Entry and Exit Points Dynamically about extending a MLE ILogger, same idea may be good for WPP
Integrated Logging with the Integration Services Package Log Providers 2015, Logging to a SQL Server table, both SQL Server details, and also from an external C# method using the DTS.Log method)
High-performance logging with LoggerMessage in ASP.NET Core built-in for windows net cacheable delegates for logging, in place of LogDebug
[Machine data analytics built on ELK and Grafana] (https://logz.io/product/) https://logz.io/product/
LogZ Community Edition https://logz.io/pricing/
[The Complete Guide to the ELK Stack] (https://logz.io/learn/complete-guide-elk-stack/#intro) https://logz.io/learn/complete-guide-elk-stack/#intro
[Stackify Retrace] (https://stackify.com/why-stackify/) https://stackify.com/why-stackify/ Log File hosting and analysis
Serilog Tutorial for .NET Logging: 16 Best Practices and Tips
Structured Logging with NLog 4.5 https://blog.datalust.co/nlog-4-5-structured-logging/
Stackify Prefix[] (https://stackify.com/prefix/) https://stackify.com/prefix/
visuallogparser https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=visuallogparser = older, free tool to query (SQL query) across log file(s) or other log source
SEQ https://datalust.co/seq centralizing, searching, and alerting on structured application logs.
NLog configuration for SEQ https://docs.datalust.co/docs/using-nlog Configuring NLog to write to SEQ
.NET Extensions .NET Extensions is an open-source, cross-platform set of APIs for commonly used programming patterns and utilities, such as dependency injection, logging, and app configuration. This the OSS source code for all this stuff owned by Microsoft
Z.ExtensionMethods/cheat-sheet/cheat-sheet.pdf opensource community for extensions
Debugging .NET Core on Linux with LLDB
Get started with .NET Generic Host Good overview of program startup USING HOSTBUILDER AND THE GENERIC HOST IN .NET CORE MICROSERVICES 2018 and 2.11 but nice on overview Generic Host Builder in ASP .NET Core 3.1 Explanation of Functional Style in BUilder, and great snippets for
Host ASP.NET Core on Windows with IIS
[Graceful shutdown with Generic Host in .NET Core 2.1] (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51044781/graceful-shutdown-with-generic-host-in-net-core-2-1)
Recommended patterns for CancellationToken
Cancellation in Managed Threads
How to: Cancel a Task and Its Children
NetCore 2.1 Generic Host as a service
Routing in ASP.NET Core https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/routing?view=aspnetcore-3.0
Routing in ASP.NET Core https://medium.com/quick-code/routing-in-asp-net-core-c433bff3f1a4
DotNet Core downloads pages/router/https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.0
All C# Extension Methods Huge library of c# extensions projects
##async operations writelineasync-with-cancellation sample code for cancelling async write, but says it can't be done, yet, offers workaround
C# 6.0 cookbook
Why can I use a lambda expression in place of a callback delegate?
how-to-await-a-list-of-tasks-asynchronously-using-linq https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21868087/how-to-await-a-list-of-tasks-asynchronously-using-linq
Common Newtonsoft.Json options in System.Text.Json Example of substituting JSON serializers [ServiceStack Json type converters] (https://forums.servicestack.net/t/how-to-create-jsonconverter-with-servicestack/5152/2) How to customize the Json that gets emitted from ServiceStack [ServiceStack Json type converters source on github](https://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack.Examples/blob/master/src/Docs/text-serializers/json-serializer.md} Source for the ServiceStack Json serializer System.Text.Json and new built-in JSON support in .NET Core .NET Serialization Benchmark 2019 Roundup Deserialize nested JSON Response with JSON.NET JSON and Nested classes, a Fiddle example JSON serialization and deserialization (marshalling and unmarshalling) in .NET - overview how to use the new JSON librarys in Core System.Text.Json Working with JSON in .NET Core 3 JsonSerializerOptions Class System.text.Json options Serialize Interface Instances With System.Text.Json workarounds for serializing Interfaces, not objects Using C# 9 records as strongly-typed ids Thomas Levesque - great article on strongly typed IDs, and serialization An introduction to strongly-typed entity IDs Andrew Lock - great article on strongly typed IDs, and serialization Deserialization Cheat Sheet Security considerations when Deserializing
Using Execution Context in Polly Sharing mutable information throughout an execution using Context Implementing retry and circuit breaker pattern using Polly Retry and Circuit Break example Check string content of response before retrying with Polly requires using two, nested, policies Polly WaitAndRetryAsync hangs after one retry Don't use Polly within HttpClient https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44466072/understanding-the-semantics-of-polly-policies-when-separating-policy-definition/44467225#44467225 How to limit number of async IO tasks to database? Example of how to throttle execution of a list of async tasks How to execute multiple async calls in parallel efficiently in C#? example of multiple parallel async calls Implementing the retry pattern in c sharp using Polly another example of a simple retry polly policy Retry and fallback policies in C# with Pollyanother example of a simple retry polly policy combined with a fallback , also unittesting [PolicyRegistry]](https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly/wiki/PolicyRegistry) Creating a Di injected Registry (container) of multiple pre-defined policies Using Polly with HttpClient factory from ASPNET Core 2.1 onwards Combining Polly with the new IHttpClientFactory Retry failed network requests with Polly includes example of using Fiddler to insert faults in the response data coming form a webserver Policybuilder does not contain a definition for circuit Breaker Async #529 the overloads change from exception-handling only, to also handling results (as you are using), we rename the parameters accordingly Authoring a reactive Polly policy (Custom policies Part III) the policy will log any exception or fault and then just rethrow or bubble it outwards. a flexible logging construct that can be injected into any position in a PolicyWrap, also notes on context
The Task-based Asynchronous Pattern Blog about TAP with info on reporting progress. Good big writeup Reporting Progress from Async Tasks Stephen Cleary on Progress events and async tasks, includes reference to an Observer Progress Reporter Implementation An Improved Stream.CopyToAsync() that Reports Progress good recent (2020) example Reporting Progress in Async Method good clear simple example Add cancellation token to an async task with progress Is it safe to update IProgress from multiple threads? IProgress synchronization
select query helper for nolock and no change tracking h77 (SOLID principle)
https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2019/05/24/core-sql-server.aspx https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2019/05/24/core-sql-server.aspx
[.NET IL Weaving for those who know nothing about .NET IL Weaving] (https://medium.com/@heytherewill/net-il-weaving-for-those-who-know-nothing-about-net-il-weaving-c0f7e461ef47) https://medium.com/@heytherewill/net-il-weaving-for-those-who-know-nothing-about-net-il-weaving-c0f7e461ef47
Fody/Fody https://github.com/Fody/Fody Github home of Fody
ILDasm with .Net Core https://intellitect.com/ildasm-with-net-core/ How to install another dotnet tool , ILDasm, and have it available on dotnet CLI
ILSpy vsix
Simplifies logging through a static class and some IL manipulation https://github.com/Fody/Anotar
Fody Async MethodDecorator to Handle Exceptions https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35120430/fody-async-methoddecorator-to-handle-exceptionsIn-depth article on Fody with Async exception handling.
MethodBoundaryAspect.Fody https://github.com/vescon/MethodBoundaryAspect.Fody well recommended fody add in for hooking into method start, stop, and exceptions
AOP - Method and property interception in C# how to use Cauldron.Interception.Fody, another way to decorate methods. Also has examples for PropertyChanged event decration for a property setter
Welcome to the Cauldron wiki! https://github.com/Capgemini/Cauldron/wiki encapsulating addins with costura.fody Bundle DLLs into one, good for PLugins
mssql extension for Visual Studio Code Extension for VSC that bring Intellisense to writing SQL Use Visual Studio Code to create and run Transact-SQL scripts MS documentation on how to use the mssql extension Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for SQL Server development Overview and Snippets
Database File Changes good example of a Session and logging file size changes
[Introduction to Rx](Testable timers with Reactive Extensions for .Net) overview and introductory material 101 Rx Samples - a work in progress good overview of receipes for Rx Reporting Progress from Async Tasks Stephen Cleary on Progress events and async tasks, includes reference to an Observer Progress Reporter Implementation Testing and Debugging Observable Sequences Testing Rx [Reactive Extensions Observables Versus Regular .NET Events Part 2]*https://markheath.net/post/reactive-extensions-observables-versus_24 [Testable timers with Reactive Extensions for .Net](Testable timers with Reactive Extensions for .Net) - better way for timers that generate a stream Response has good ideas for parser based on rx splitting an individual sequence into sequential sub-aggregations and projections, and combining them into a final projection. Async / Await with IObserver very good explanation of FromAsync and why to us it instead of ToObservable Console.ReadLine() passed to C# event Sample implementation of Console ReadlineAsync to an IObservable Testing and Debugging Observable Sequences From the ReactiveUI project Observable Cancellation and passing state to observables Advanced topics for observable cancellation (uses schedulers), and passing state
Resettable timer with System.Reactive
Creating and Subscribing to Simple Observable Sequences
Reactive Extensions: The Power of T LINQ to Cloud - IQbservable Over the Wire
Dave Sexton's Blog Theory on Monads, CoMonads, Iobservable, Ienumerable, and Rx. Underpinning of LINQ queries across both enumerables and observables, entrance amd exit. WOW! Using Code Analysis with Visual Studio 2019 to Improve Code Quality overview of Visual Studio Analysis tools Explore code with the Roslyn syntax visualizer in Visual Studio includes installation instructions Overview of code analysis for managed code in Visual Studio How to enable CLI code analysis Expressionsc# language reference on "Expressions" - big doc, long read, detailed Write Better Code Faster with Roslyn Analyzers overview of the analyzers Creating Code Using the Syntax Factory Code syntax visualizer Splitting the Expression statements with Roslyn Example of Roslyn code gen Get started with syntax analysis How to setup visualstudio to provide the syntax visualizer and see a file Expression Tree Visualizer addin library for Visual Studio Expression Tree To String Provides a ToString extension method which returns a string representation of an expression tree Reactive Testing Helper methods Testing Reactive Extension code using the TestScheduler also mentions Throttle as a way to only pickup user's typeing after they pause for a period (for typeahead), or slecting in a multiselect (prefetching info about selected items if the user pauses Testing Rx more about testing Rx , and the Rx TestScheduler pattern
WebGraphviz is Graphviz in the Browser Online digraph visualizer
Working With Graph Data Structures (In .Net) The list of graph visualization libraries QuickGraph, Graph Data Structures And Algorithms for .NET QuickGraph Latest Quickgraph project
Create a graph database and run some pattern matching queries using T-SQL Integration Testing with Neo4j using C# [Introduction to SQL Server 2017 Graph Databases] (https://prog.world/introduction-to-sql-server-2017-graph-databases/) Introductory material for Graph DB How to track data lineage with SQL Server Graph Tables – Part 1 Create Nodes and Edges Tracking Data Lineage (Provenance) from multiple sources to a final data analysis/display system How to track data lineage with SQL Server Graph Tables – Part 2 Create Database Procedures stored procedures How to track data lineage with SQL Server Graph Tables – Part 3 Populate Graph Tables populate the tables based on data flow between systems How to track data lineage with SQL Server Graph Tables – Part 4 Querying the Graph Tables query to determine every downstream place/process/field a particular source field impacts
Testing and Debugging Observable Sequences Testing Rx
Wrap test Framework in an outer Framework interesting way to wrap up existing tests and run code before and after Running xUnit.net tests in MSBuild Run multiple test assemblies as the MSBuild task in the Project File Configure unit tests by using a .runsettings file includes setting a runtime identifier Build Quality Checks MSBuild Tasks for testing the quality of a build, good for azure too Run unit tests with Test Explorer basic explanation of the test explorer in Visual Studio Is it possible to use Dependency Injection with xUnit? Dependency injection with xUint Dependency Injection another example of xUnit DI Using embedded resources in xUnit tests Creating your own XUnit Extension Very old, but explains how to get stuff before and after a test, and get a test name from inside the test
.Net Core Unit Test and Code Coverage with Visual Studio Code also references some other testing tip and libraries
Deliver your development environment in a Docker Container How to use Visual Studio Code to create a Docker container that has your development environment configuration information. AKA VS Code and Remote-Containers
How to use UnitsNet Structures as bound values in a MVC View / controller (custom binder) Good info on creating a custom binder for Temperature
BenchmarkDotNet Library for benchmarking code Measure application performance by analyzing CPU usage Basics of profiling in Visual studio List of .Net Profilers: 3 Different Types and Why You Need All of Them Stackify's Free Prefix tool and where it is useful-svg-editor/ Understand what your code is doing and find bugs you didn’t even know existed. Stackify product page for Prefix profiler
How to use Windows API and PInvoke to position a small console window to the bottom left of a screen Full working example
OUTPUT Clause (Transact-SQL) How to get back data after selects and inserts
Repository Pattern and db connections Applies to
Using multiple databases in a ServiceStack project declaratively specify which database a Service should be configured to use, MultiTennantAppHostTests.cs example show IDbConnectionFactory and DBConnection
Test connectivity to SQL Server How To Quickly Test a SQL Connection with PowerShell Adam Bertram article, Cmdlet should be in my toolbox Connecting SQL Database Using Windows Powershell also shows how to fill a dataset in powershell (complicated!)
How to Use SQL Server HierarchyID Through Easy Examples hierarchyID is a built-in data type designed to represent trees
SQL Server Identity Insert to Keep Tables Synchronized Like tables in two different tables need to keep the Idenity value synchronized
Network Protocol for SQL Server Connection How to force TCP protocol a the connection string SQL Server Connection Strings Many examples of connection strings for various providerss, clits (MSDataShape, SQLClient .Net Framework, etc)
Why use Threenine.Map Library on top of auto-mapper
Sharing MSBuild Tasks as NuGet Packages with How to suppress specific MSBuild warning But the technique doesn't seem to work :-( dotnet-tools A list of tool extensions for .NET Core Command Line (dotnet CLI), aka '.NET Core global tools'. Forcing NuGet Package Usage in Visual Studio/MSBuild article on some gotchas ensuring that packages are found on both developer and on build machines FastUpdateCheck: how to add inputs implicitly added by an imported targets file discussion on how to tell if a project will need to be built MSBuild Structured Log: record and visualize your builds overview on structured build logging MSBuilder : Reusable Build Blocks Building Blocks for adding additional MSBuild capabilities
MSBuildWorkspace older article on MSBuildWorkspace for Framework projects Improving C# Source Generation Performance with a Custom Roslyn Workspace Example code for MSBuildWorkspace Down a bit in the gitter discussion someone posted their working example code How to use MSBuildWorkspace on Ubuntu
Coraval Near-zero config .NET Core micro-framework that makes advanced application features like Task Scheduling, Caching, Queuing, Event Broadcasting, and more a breeze!
HashLib library of hash algorithm implementations
Pidgin C#'s fastest parser combinator library, developed at Stack Overflow
Tools for Net Development Good tools for building and net test coverage, GitVersion (SemVer), static code analysis GitVersion Create and auto-update SemVer information for projects XUnit xunit.runner.utility Bundling .NET build tools in NuGet How to bundle/distribute/share a build tool among several .NET Framework or .NET Core projects Basic Editing%20%2D%20Format%20the%20selected%20text) VSC Basics Integrate with External Tools via Tasks Create additional tasks to be run by keyboard shortcuts
Managing the global packages, cache, and temp folders
Hidden features of OmniSharp and C# extension for VS Code NXunit Test Explorer VSC extension for xunit tests
Creating a portable and embedded Chocolatey Package Creating Reusable PowerShell Modules with PsGet and Chocolatey
Singleton httpclient vs creating new httpclient request Good stuff, using a single static instance of HttpClient doesn't respect DNS changes, so the solution is to use HttpClientFactory Use IHttpClientFactory to implement resilient HTTP requests explains socket exhaustion and DNS changes, how to use HTTPClientFactory, and Typed Clients
Everything you wanted to know about ShouldProcess how to implemen/support the -WhatIf Common argument
Workaround for client-side Blazor localization with .resx How to: Build a project that has resources Is there any visual editor for .resource files ResGen.exe - Download also https://www.pconlife.com/viewfileinfo/resgen-exe/ can download a standalone resex..exe, but buyer beware Resgen.exe (Resource File Generator) Globalization and localization in ASP.NET Core https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/localization?view=aspnetcore-2.2 Adding Localisation to an ASP.NET Core application https://andrewlock.net/adding-localisation-to-an-asp-net-core-application/ [ASP.NET Core Localization Deep Dive] (https://joonasw.net/view/aspnet-core-localization-deep-dive) https://joonasw.net/view/aspnet-core-localization-deep-dive ServiceStack localized message text https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17708978/servicestack-localized-message-text How can I properly localize Razor Views in ServiceStack https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19683025/how-can-i-properly-localize-razor-views-in-servicestack Fluent Validation MVC inject localization service https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35119724/fluent-validation-mvc-inject-localization-service [Commercial suite of tools for Localization] (https://www.soluling.com/) comprehensive but expensive
Measuring DevOps Success with Four Key Metrics
Getting Started with GitHub Pages GitHubs own getting started guide How to Create a Blog Using Jekyll and GitHub Pages on Windows Good instructions Walktrough: How I am using Github for my blog comments Uses Docker containers My blogging stack and publishing process Very well explained toolchain and stack, many suggestions used in Bill's Blog Setting Up Comments.js with Jekyll and GitHub Pages in 5 Minutes Flat Uses Zetabase cloud free service Comments.js:easy-setup comments for static sites Uses Zetabase cloud free service The database for a new generation
3 Simple steps to setup Jekyll Categories and Tags also how to create a category and tags page Getting started with schema.org using Microdata - syntax/structure vocabulary for search engine o add information to your Web content. World Leaders in Research-Based User Experience research this site for ideas in user-experience How I reduced my Jekyll build time by 61% - tips to speed up site build time Cache-busting in Jekyll, GitHub pages - add a datetime to an assets URL, so new releases force users to refetch asset Jekyll Resize Simple image resizing filter for Jekyll 3 and 4 CloudCannon The Cloud CMS for Jekyll CloudCannon Snippets Monorepo Generic snippets used internally at CloudCannon and instructions for making a Jekyll snippet in VSC includes media query Create your own snippets Image caption implementation in Jekyll site using Liquid syntax good post on how to insert a image url along with a caption into a post
Favicon Generator also has site checker use for tests, too
Use DocFx to Generate a Documentation Web Site and Publish it to GitHub Pages Data structure for manifest file generated by docfx build - use groups DocFX Companion Tools - TOC generator, link checker, Language Translator DocFX TOC Generator - TOC generator
Export Chrome Bookmarks to CSV file using PowerShell
Using Voice Dictation for In-Game Chatting with VoiceAttack & Google
Lerk's Voice Attack HTTP Plugin Rabbit MQ integration
MiniProfilerhttps://miniprofiler.com/ A simple mini code profiler
Error handling in Server-Side Blazor https://gist.github.com/SteveSandersonMS/9451f3b5497ce2b5ad16b0d07ad73539
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element Good for knowing what eh (often unexpected) defaults are for HTML element attributes
https://tailwindcss.com/ A CSS utility framework for building CSS
https://www.toptal.com/dot-net/bootstrap-and-create-dot-net-projects good article on structureing a solution, and adding validation checks, also github badges
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49343380/hosting-net-core-app-on-ubuntu Good article on setting up a service on ubuntu
Templated components https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/components?view=aspnetcore-3.0#templated-components
Introducing WebAssembly Interfaces https://medium.com/wasmer/introducing-webassembly-interfaces-bb3c05bc671
Authentication https://github.com/dotnet-presentations/blazor-workshop/blob/master/docs/06-authentication-and-authorization.md
Introduction to Authentication with server-side Blazor https://chrissainty.com/securing-your-blazor-apps-introduction-to-authentication-with-blazor/
Authentication and Authorization https://gist.github.com/SteveSandersonMS/175a08dcdccb384a52ba760122cd2eda
EXPLORING AUTHENTICATION IN BLAZOR https://www.oqtane.org/Resources/Blog/PostId/527/exploring-authentication-in-blazor
Validate Your Blazor Form Using EditForm https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/validate-your-blazor-form-using-the-editform/
TypeConverter Class https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.componentmodel.typeconverter?view=netstandard-2.0
FileIO helpers in standard and core https://www.filehelpers.net/examples/
[For DLR, a Fast library for member aceess (may be old now)] (https://blog.marcgravell.com/2012/01/playing-with-your-member.html) https://blog.marcgravell.com/2012/01/playing-with-your-member.html
For value types, you need to perform the boxing explicitly (i.e. convert to Object) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9860620/creating-dynamic-expressionfunct-y
Cool lambda and expression Func trick
Create a Trimmed Self-Contained Single Executable in .NET Core 3.0
Creating A Step-By-Step End-To-End Database Server-Side Blazor Application
How to resize animated GIF with HTML/CSS?
Scaling Responsive Animations Good CSS Tricks, nice looking site
How to override get accessor of a dynamic object's property https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29923280/how-to-override-get-accessor-of-a-dynamic-objects-property
dynamic nested example? https://gist.github.com/pbdesk/1771028
UI Design Blog Posts by Peter Vodel
Boxy SVG: A Fast, Simple, Insanely Useful, FREE SVG Editor
Constraints on type parameters (C# Programming Guide)
General DynamicObject Proxy and Fast Reflection Proxy
ConfD User guide -Tail-f's ConfD is a device configuration toolkit meant to be integrated as a management sub-system in network devices
How can Fody be used to weave compiled dll's without using msbuild? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29576019/how-can-fody-be-used-to-weave-compiled-dlls-without-using-msbuild
AAATrafic/Fody.StandAlone https://github.com/AAATrafic/Fody.StandAlone
Creating Fody Extensions https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?cid=0077f3f8ce7788de&page=view&resid=77F3F8CE7788DE!412634&parId=77F3F8CE7788DE!412632&authkey=!APbXr_cN4N4KSs4&app=Word additional reference links
Fody Addins List https://github.com/Fody/Home/blob/master/pages/addins.md
Fody Addin Discovery https://github.com/Fody/Home/blob/master/pages/addin-discovery.md
https://nugetmusthaves.com/Package/MethodBoundaryAspect.Fody Tracing and logging rewriter using Fody https://github.com/csnemes/tracer
Windows Performance Analyzer step-by-step guide https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/wpt/wpa-step-by-step-guide - good intro
dnSpy is a debugger and .NET assembly editor https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy
EventManifest Schema https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/WES/eventmanifestschema-schema
File nesting in Solution Explorer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/file-nesting-solution-explorer?view=vs-2019
Publish ASP.NET Core directory structure https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/directory-structure?view=aspnetcore-3.0
ASP.NET Core Module https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/host-and-deploy/aspnet-core-module?view=aspnetcore-3.0#enhanced-diagnostic-logs
Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web https://github.com/aspnet/websdk
HTTP.sys web server implementation in ASP.NET Core https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/servers/httpsys?view=aspnetcore-3.0
Find and Replace Strings in Multiple Files https://powershell.org/forums/topic/find-and-replace-strings-in-multiple-files/
NuGet packages location in .Net Core C:\Users[User].nuget\packages
Useful ServiceStack Path utilities, and MapHost methods https://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack.Text/blob/master/src/ServiceStack.Text/PathUtils.cs
Dual Mode Blazor https://github.com/Suchiman/BlazorDualMode/blob/master/BlazorDualMode.Server/Startup.cs from Robin Sue @Suchiman
Service Stack Virtual File System https://docs.servicestack.net/virtual-file-system
ServiceStack plugins https://docs.servicestack.net/plugins
ServiceStack Web Apps http://templates.servicestack.net/docs/web-apps SS's approach to new web application development
ServiceStack's dotnet-app master blob https://github.com/ServiceStack/dotnet-app/tree/master/src/apps lots of examples of the latest SS stuff
Lambdas in powerShell Scriptblocks are Powershell's lambdas
Please, everyone, put your entire development environment in Github
Solution examples for crossplatform building a stylecop rules Good Information for building solutions and stylecop analyzers Enumerable.Empty() vs new ‘IEnumerable’() nitty gritty on creating an empty IEnumerable Example Build.ps for using Cake Build tool Example powershell build.ps for bootstrapping Cake build Property Graphs Explained-The Universal Data Model Paradigm Graph data structures Consuming the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern how to call async tasks Using Generic Extension Methods how to use AS in generic extensions Abstract class with constructor, force inherited class to call it interesting about parameterless constructors in an abstract class invoking an async task on fluentassertion example of how to run an async task in fluentassertions Introducing diagnostics improvements in .NET Core 3.0 Study for improved tracing and dumping in Core 3
Splat library A library for crossplatform image display among other things Compare Packages Between Distributions Linux tool to compare packages between two *nix distros Nerdbank.GitVersioning A better versiooning tool than mine? .NET Foundation Projects some massive OSS projects for .Net, need to inspect and review these [ReactiveUI] (https://github.com/reactiveui) >Net version of UI builder based on Reactive, along with many other libraries Wyam A HIGHLY MODULAR AND EXTREMELY CONFIGURABLE STATIC CONTENT GENERATOR AND TOOLKIT. The Task-based Asynchronous Pattern Blog about TAP with info on reporting progress. Good big writeup
Hi, I am Nima excellent writer andposts about performance increasing, threads, locking, etc., also good looking blog design. Counting lines the smart way Cool WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) tips and tricks you (or I) didn't know were possible Overview of WSL on Windows Stuff on multiple assembly loading Adaptive Library Logging with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging good stuff on logging [good stuff on loggin] Notion.soseems like a good online "project notebook" for teams to keep organized SQL Backup Master possible solution to keeping databases available in dropbox or any cloud storage location ASP.NET Core 3.0 Configuration Factsheet Dino Exposito on IConfiguration. Good explanation / example on run-time reloading configuration from changed json files Gui.cs - Terminal UI toolkit for .NET GUI over curses for terminals windows and linux [Cool article on JWT Tokens, and general cryptogrtaphic functions to encryupt, and validate] https://blog.thea.codes/building-a-stateless-api-proxy/ more on Lazy and using it in a GHHS
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