Most PCF files provides breakdown details for the manufacturing part. They are, however, not always fully consistent on the partitioning. Here is the list I ended up on ecodiag's side:
- packaging (PAIA)
- chassis (PAIA desktop+laptops, a very very few HP monitors -> their mistake ?)
- mainboard (PAIA+HPE)
- daughterboard (HPE)
- power supply unit (PAIA)
- optical drive (PAIA)
- display (PAIA laptops & AiO, but also a very few HP monitors -> their mistake ?)
- battery (PAIA)
- housing (PAIA monitors)
- electronics (PAIA monitors + wise-thin-client)
- panel (PAIA monitors)
- assembly (Dell wise-thin-client, a very few HP laptops, many Lenovo laptops, HPE)
- materials (Dell wise-thin-client, a very few HP laptops)
- LCD assembly (1 dell + 2 HP laptops)
- PWBs (2 HP laptops)
- Integrated circuits (1 dell + 3 HP laptops)
- chassis+PSU (HPE)
- others (various HP)
This long list is conservative, but that's a lot ! So maybe some components could be merged together ?
For instance, when the PSU is combined with the chassis, maybe we could just put it to "others" since this does not provide much information.
Some other propositions:
- Merge housing and chassis (their use is exclusive)
- Merge display and panel (their use is exclusive)
- Merge mainboard, daughterboard, IC and PWB within electronics ?
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