It's a little bit annoying, everytime I start Boostnote the window is bigger than last time. The position doesnt change, but width (a little bit) and especially height increase.
I never use Boostnote in full-window-mode, and I would like it, if the application starts in same size I setted.
I found the closed issue"Keep resized window size", but I think the problem remains.
Win10 Pro 1809, 1920 x 1200 Resolution, Boostnote 0.11.12
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ktasper commentedon Jan 18, 2019
Can confirm, app does not open maximized.
chrnoe commentedon May 23, 2019
0.11.16 installed, and it's not fixed yet. Every damn time I started Boostnote I have to resize the window. It sucks.
Win10 Pro 1809, 1920 x 1200 Resolution, Boostnote 0.11.16
IssueHuntBot commentedon Jun 7, 2019
@BoostIO has funded $20.00 to this issue.
sriharshachilakapati commentedon Oct 28, 2019
I can confirm that this one is happening on macOS as well.
TaichiNishioka commentedon Jan 16, 2020
I had a same problem before.
While investigating the cause of the problem, I found that the Boostnote shortcut in the Windows Start menu was set to run the app at maximum window size.
So I changed it to normal window. Then it solved in my case.
chrnoe commentedon Jan 16, 2020
@TaichiNishioka, thanks for the hint, but this option is not the solution for me. My default option there is 'normal', and the application opens not in maximum size, but every start a little bit bigger, more in height then in width. After some restarts the bottom line is outside the screen again, and I have to resize the application window. It sucks a little bit, and I don't know another application with this behaviour. It's not fixed after all that time (Version 0.14.).
sriharshachilakapati commentedon Jan 16, 2020
@TaichiNishioka This issue is also present on macOS and not just Windows.
@chrnoe I doubt that this will be fixed. Seems the focus is on now. I don't want to upgrade to that version because then my notes will be public.
Flexo013 commentedon Jan 19, 2020
@sriharshachilakapati Feel free to leave any problems you have with on that specific issue tracker: